quarantine pt. 1 *request*

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requested by @lucytimotay ! so sorry for the wait! hope u enjoy! <3

(Your POV)

Sitting on the couch in my apartment, I flip through the channels on the TV mindlessly, desperate for something new to watch. If I have to watch one more episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians I might lose it.

I finally stumble upon the news and decide to watch. It's always good to know what's going on, especially in a big city like New York. The news anchor is sitting at the desk, her pearly white teeth flashing at the camera.

"This just in, the mayor of New York City has ordered an immediate lockdown of all nonessential workers and businesses as COVID-19 continues to spread rapidly throughout the area. If you do not need to leave your home for work or essential errands, you must stay at home."

"Great," I mutter to myself. "Now I'm going to be stuck in this apartment alone for God knows how long."

Suddenly my phone vibrates and the screen lights up. When I look at the name on the screen, a smile immediately appears.

Timmy: hey, are you watching the news?

Me: yup. lockdown??

Timmy: yup. hey, i was thinking...

Me: yes?

Timmy: wanna quarantine together? i mean, you can obviously say no. but i figured since neither of us can do anything anyways, it might be fun to spend some quality best friend time together. you can come to my place since it's bigger if you want.

Me: YES! i would love to. i don't think i can manage being by myself.

Timmy: oh thank god. come over at 8?

Me: sounds good :)

At first, my smile gets bigger when I think about spending the foreseeable future with Timothée. Quarantining with my best friend? That sounds amazing.

But then I realize the dyer mistake I made. How am I going to hold myself together around Timothée? He may be my best friend, but I've also had a huge crush on him for months. Usually I'm able to keep it on the down-low because we go our separate ways at the end of the day. But now I'm going to be with him 24/7, and I don't trust myself enough to keep my feelings in check.

Sighing, I get up from the couch and pack my bag with everything I'll need. It may be tough to hold back my emotions, but at the end of the day, I'd rather be fighting my urges with him than stranded alone in my dismal apartment.

After I gather everything I need, I let Timothée know that I'm on my way and head out of the apartment. I opt to walk the long distance to his apartment; I'm not taking any risks on the subway. The virus is probably rampant down there.

After a long walk, I finally arrive at Timothée's apartment. I press the buzzer for him to let me in, and as I wait, I give myself a little pep talk.

"You can do it, Y/N. He's your best friend. You can't jeopardize the great relationship you already have for silly feelings. And besides, if you can't do it, you can just leave. It's not like you're far from home. Just stay calm, don't let him know how you really feel."

Just then, the door clicks open for me. I scurry into the elevator and ride up to his huge penthouse apartment, which has a beautiful view of the city.

When I arrive, I take a deep breath and knock on his door. Timothée opens it for me almost immediately, a huge smile on his face!

"Y/N!" he exclaims, holding his arms out for me to huge him.

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