you're so golden

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(Timothée's POV)

I wake up and rub the sleep from my eyes. I instinctively reach my arm out to pull Y/N closer to me, but my hand falls limply on the soft mattress. The sheets are cold and when I finally open my eyes and adjust to the light, I notice that her side of the bed is empty.

I pick my head up off the pillow, searching the large bedroom to see if Y/N is here, but I can't see her anywhere. I drag myself out of bed, on a mission to find my beautiful wife. I'm in desperate need of a kiss from her.

I walk down the hallway and go down the stairs. As I get closer to the kitchen, I smell pancakes and can hear someone singing softly. When I reach the doorway to the kitchen, I stop in my tracks, leaning a shoulder against the doorframe.

Y/N is at the counter making a huge batch of pancakes. Chocolate chip pancakes, to be precise. She's singing along to the song playing from her phone, "Golden" by Harry Styles. She's dancing to the beat as well.

A huge smile spreads across my face. God, she's stunning. She's wearing one of my t-shirts, but it's too big so the hem falls just below her butt. Her hair is messy from a night of sleep. The rising sun shines through the window and casts her in a golden glow, just making her look even more like an angel than she already is.

She hasn't noticed me standing there yet, but I make no move to get her attention. I want to watch her like this, just for a moment. My eyes follow her every move, the way she delicately flips the pancakes and how she brushes her hair away from her face. I'm entranced by every move she makes.

After a moment, Y/N looks up and sees me standing there. She jumps and helps a little, holding her hand over her heart.

"Jeez, Timothée you scared me. How long have you been there?" She says, staring at me with her big Y/E/C eyes.

"Not that long," I respond simply.

"Well you could've said something."

"I know, but I like watching you work," I say.

I notice Y/N start to blush, but she quickly covers it up. "Creep," she jokes.

I laugh and push myself off of the doorframe, walking over to where Y/N is standing. She turns around, backing into the edge of the counter. I place my hands on the counter on either side of her, trapping Y/N in front of me.

She looks up at me with her beautiful eyes, biting her bottom lip softly. I lean down and place a chaste kiss on her lips, lingering for a moment as I savor the way she feels and tastes against my lips. When I pull away, she has a huge smile on her face.

"You're absolutely stunning, do you know that?" I say.

"Stop, no I'm not," Y/N says, turning her gaze away from me and fidgeting with her fingers.

"Don't do that," I say. One hand gently holds her chin and lifts her head up so she's forced to look at me. My other hand moves to her torso and I pull her so she's flush against me. I notice her breath hitch when I do that. "Don't do that to yourself. You truly are the most beautiful woman in the world. And you're also the smartest, funniest, and more loving person I know. I wish so badly that you could see yourself the way I see you, because you'd absolutely love it."

Y/N doesn't say anything, just presses her lips passionately against my own. Her arms hook around my neck as she deepens the kiss, and my arms wrap around her waist and pull her impossibly closer. Our lips move perfectly against each other, neither one of us coming up for air. Her kiss is intoxicating and I don't ever want to live a day without it.

When we finally break apart, our foreheads rest against each other. I look up at Y/N through my lashes and see a shy smile on her face, her own eyes looking back at me.

"I love you, Timothée. So much," she whispers, as if speaking would ruin the mood.

"I love you more than you'll ever know, baby."


hi! i hope you guys liked this imagine! kinda short compared to my other ones but i think it's soo cute. i definitely needed to write just pure fluff. lmk what you think!

if you wanna make a request, please private message me! i would love to write something for you! (also if you have already requested and you're waiting for yours to be posted, don't worry! i didn't forget about you, i promise!!)

kinda unrelated but things are going so well with that boy i've been talking to. i'm whipped y'all.

anywho, pls like, share, and follow for more imagines!

i hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night!

much love, lyra <3

much love, lyra <3

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