Chapter 8 -- Eat

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Midge hesitated, then opened the door slowly.  He raced towards the kitchen when he saw Scott on his hands and knees, cleaning up the rice.  "No, please Sir!  Please let me, I am so sorry."

"It's okay Midge, I'm almost done."  He wasn't expecting Midge's hands to grab the dustpan from him, and certainly was even more surprised at the tears sliding down his cheeks and mingling with his hint of beard.

"I was so stupid Master, I did not mean to break the rules. I am so sorry."  He swept furiously, head down.  Scott hadn't moved though, he'd simply rocked back.  He didn't check, but knew he was probably staring at him and trying to decide what to do to him.

"It's okay, really."  Now that his mind wasn't as occupied with the rice, pictures were assaulting him.  The Midge leaning in front of him was clothed but it didn't help wipe the image from his mind.  He was thin, so very thin.  If not for the smattering of hair along his chest, he'd probably be able to see even more ribs than he had caught glimpses of earlier.  He was perfect in a small, delectable package.  He wasn't overly hairy but definitely hairier than Scott was.  His chest matched his lower legs, forearms, and tail, a light dusting of hair becoming thicker at the ends.   He looked human, just lean and long and more graceful than anyone he'd ever seen.  Just walking he was a beauty to behold.

From the back, he was a figment of one's imagination.  His ears were somehow more prominent from behind, without those big green eyes to distract from them.  His hair licked at his neck and a lean, smooth back, roped with muscles led to a gorgeous, pert ass where somehow his tail, almost a meter long, looked right at home.  He remembered how it tucked down as he scurried into the bathroom, ashamed.  "Stop, that's enough.  Let's eat while it's still warm."

"I do not deserve to eat Sir, I am so sorry.  I did not mean to ruin your food, please eat mine.  I know it is not enough... but...."

"Midge, I'm the one who dropped the stupid rice, it's okay."  He reached out slowly and cupped Midge's cheek in his hand, surprised but thrilled when he didn't pull away.  He brushed a few tears away, then let his hand drop.  "Up you go, have a seat."  He stood then and sat on the barstool to finish doling out the food.

He finally stood, pulling himself from the daze Scott's touch had put him in, then moved slowly towards the stool and slipped up onto it.  He wasn't sure what was going on but he did as he was told.

"Eat" Scott said, smiling over at him.  He fidgeted a bit on the stool, trying to rearrange himself.  He HAD to stop thinking about the way the light from the window was bouncing off of Midge's naked back.

"Would you like me to pleasure you, Sir?" he asked, noticing Scott's predicament.  "I would like to."

Scott stopped with the fork a mere inch from his mouth.  "Midge, no, you don't need to do that.  You don't need to offer, either.  Was that your job, is that why they bought you?"

"Yes.  Mostly.  I am well trained and happy to be of service."  He watched Scott's eyes slant, his jaw tighten.  "I am sorry if I have offended.  I am so sorry.  I was trying to make it better."

"I know.  I'm starting to put pieces of the puzzle together and maybe understand you just a little bit.  You don't owe me sex, Midge.  I am happy to give you food, and to help you.  You don't owe me anything and I am not your master either.  I'm not like them.  Now, please eat your shrimp.  You're too skinny and I'm worried about you."

"If I eat, and you will not use me, how are you going to punish me?"

Scott threw his head back in frustration.  "I'm not GOING TO!"  He regretted raising his voice immediately, wanted to take back every ounce of anger he'd let out when he saw Midge's lower lip tremble and his eyes dart away.  "I'm sorry" he said, quieter.  "I'm not going to hurt you.  Not tonight, not ever.  Do you understand?"

Midge forced a bite of shrimp into his mouth, methodically chewing.  He relaxed a bit when Scott picked his fork back up and started eating his dinner as well.

When he finished, Scott decided that maybe they shouldn't spend the next few hours in the apartment.  "Want to go shopping and get you a few things?"

"I do not have any money and I do not need anything."

"I do, and you need shoes, and some clothes, and whatever else it is that Nevo's need.  We can get some milk and a few groceries too."

"Neko, Scott" he answered, giggling.  "But you should not spend your money on me.  I do not want to be any trouble."

"You are the very best kind of trouble, Midgey, and the most fun I've had in.... well.... ever.  Have you ever been to the mall, or Target?"

"I do not think so, oh wait, I have seen commercials.  They have beautiful red commercials.  But someone might see me."

"That's the place.  You're right though, we should go to Walmart instead.  No one will think twice if they see you in Walmart.   This is going to be FUN.  Grab your shoes.  Afterwards, maybe we'll see a movie."

Midge's eyes popped open and he leapt up onto the barstool.  "Oh, sorry" he said, climbing down.  "So sorry, I got excited."

Scott just laughed and opened the door, heading down to the car.

Midge the Neko - Boyxboy -complete-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن