Chapter 58 -- Three?

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Midge was leaning against Scott's chest but he still didn't feel quite.... calm.   He loved the attention, although it was a totally new sensation for him.  "I.. I do not know if it is possible.  I am very grateful for your offer, but I..."  He turned his head and looked up at Scott for back-up.

"Let us talk about it, and he'll let you know, okay guys?" Scott said, trying to put an end to the conversation for the day.  He couldn't blame the guys, Avi and Kevin both completely understood what they had here, and how amazing Midge was.  Not only was his voice perfection, but he complemented the four of them effortlessly.  It had only been 2 hours but it felt as if they'd been singing together for years.  He'd worried for about the first 26 seconds that it was just him, because of the amazing connection they had, but one look at Kevin's face had answered that question.

"Mitch, I mean Midge.  Sorry, I still think it's a weird name.  Please?  Why not do the weekend shows with us as a trial run?  If you hate it, or us, fine.... but I think you'll love it" Kevin asked.

"I am sorry Kevin, it is not so simple.  There are... things." Midge answered.

Scott cleared his throat and tried to wipe the grin from his face.  "Yep.  Things.  Three of them."

"Three?" Kelly  asked.  "Are you being a pervert again?"

"NO!  I mean, I'm counting the top two separately."  Scott answered. "You always think the worst of me!"

Avi opened his mouth and then shut it again, then blinked slowly.  "Okay, I give.  Three what?"

Midge shifted from one foot to the other, silently begging Scott and Kelly to not say anything.

"Up to Midge."  Scott tilted his head down and said into his ear "What do you think?  Maybe you should tell them."

"It is up to you" he replied nervously.

"I think you should, but it's up to you.  It's your secret."

"I do not know how, it always goes badly.  Will you tell them?" Midge asked, his voice shaky.

"Okay guys, sit down.  Kat, sit with the cat?" he joked.  He stood in the middle of the room, in front of the couch Avi and Kevin were waiting impatiently on.  "Okay, Midge isn't human.  He's Neko, and it's sort of a cat/human mix.  He's mostly human, obviously but he has cat ears and a tail."

"Three things" Kevin said, eyes wide.

"Scott, WHAT are you ON?" Avi asked, standing up.

"Sit down Avi, don't freak him out.  I'm not kidding" Scott answered, blocking his path.

"I'm not going to, what?  I'm just going to go, alright?  Kev, call me when they're gone.  You guys don't pay me enough for this shit.  Seriously."  He was frustrated, but not angry.  Sometimes those two go WAY too far.  The diva duo will be the death of me. 

"Avi?" Midge called.

He turned and looked back.  He saw one ear twitch, and watched as Kelly unhooked the other.  "Kev?"

"I don't know man, I don't know." he answered, staring.

"Can you take your tail out?" Scott asked.

"Mmhmm, one moment."  He lifted his shirt a bit and his tail shot out and up over his shoulder.  He flicked the tip to wave at Avi.  "I am Midge and I am Neko.  I do not mind if you call me Mitch, it is a nice name.  I hope I am not a problem for you.  Please do not tell anyone else, either of you.  It is very important."

"Dead serious about it guys.  Some guy tried to steal him from the restaurant we had dinner in a few nights ago.  It's not safe for people to know about him, alright?  I trust you guys to tell no one." Scott said, his voice authoritative.

Kevin mimed zipping his lips, then laughed.  "This is amazing!"

"So now you understand why I may not accept your offer.  I would love to but it is impossible." Midge said.  "I hope you are not mad, I did not mean to deceive you."

"But we had no idea" Avi said, still staring at Midge.  "How would anyone else know?  Not that I believe you.  At least I don't think so."

"You make a good point bro" Kevin replied.  "A very good point."

"So dragons are real but he's not?  Come on Avi, he's right in front of you." Scott answered, rolling his eyes.

"Don't start with me Scott, you just told me your new friend is a half-cat.  Or quarter-cat, whatever.  Give me a few minutes." Avi quipped.

"Take your time.  We've got an apartment to look at in 20 minutes though, so we've gotta run.  Talk amongst yourselves." Scott grabbed his jacket and Midge's hand and led them towards the door.

"Offer still stands as far as I'm concerned" Kevin said, then laughed when he looked over at Avi's face.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but me too." Avi answered, his head in his hands.  "Let us know Mit-- Midge."

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