Chapter 47

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"Don't you feel better now that you finally left that room of yours?"

That was Grace's way of telling me that she was happy I had finally decided to stop feeling so horrible about myself, and left my room for the first time in three days. She had one of her legs beside where I sat, on the long metal bench in the football field, as she stretched herself, while I just sat still, staring into blank space. 

Grace had pulled me out of my bed that morning, to join her on her regular 9am run at the football field. I was feeling really tired and lazy to even do anything, and so I sat there, on the bench, staring at my pair of purple sneakers, as my feet sat prettily in them.

I was barely listening to anything she said, to the extent that I had not noticed the group of girls that walked to where we were. I did, but I wasn't just keeping tabs on anything that was happening around me. Their gym bags were right beside my bench. They had just finished running, and so they reached for their bags to get out their water bottles. There were about four of them. I let out an exhale, and then stretched my arm as far as I could.

"Oh my gosh." One of them started. "Did you guys hear? Jeremiah is in school today."

I paused for a while, and then turned to her. She was the only one with her phone in her hands. Did I hear correctly? Did she just say Jeremiah was in school?

"Really?" They all pushed themselves closer to her.

"Yes. It's all over the group chats."

I watched how they all took out their phones at the same time to check. I waited patiently. I wanted to know more, to listen to them. I wasn't on any of NAUN's group chats, so I had no idea what went on most of the times. Plus, there was a subscription fee for this particular group chat, that always had exclusive updates on every member of old money. Jeremiah, being the most talked about. I mean ever since I got here, it was all everyone ever talked about. Jeremiah Ozor. He was an everyday trend. You should see how a lot of students paid so much to be in the group. I'm not just talking about NAUN students, I'm talking about students all over the country, and even some over her boarders.

Fifty thousand every month. That was how much you had to pay, if you wanted to be a member of the group.


Why would I ever pay fifty thousand, just to update myself on the lives of people that probably don't know I exist? People I could care less care about? Nope. I'd pass the offer over and over again.

But I'd give it to whoever it was that managed the chat. No one ever knew who it was, but what we knew was that whoever they were, had to be a member of old money, or someone close to a member of old money, because the kind of gists they brought to the group sometimes, were just so real and accurate. They were things not a normal student in NAUN would know.

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