Chapter 63

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I slowly raised my head to the glass of water my mother was stretching in front of me, right before I hesitated, raising my head to her face. She had her eyes glued to me.

"I thought you were thirsty?"

I scoffed. and then let out a smile on my face. It felt good to watch her soften up to me.

"If I had known it would take a stab wound to get to spend so much time with you, I'd have made someone stab me every day."

I stretched my hand to take the glass from her.

"If you don't want the water, I can just take it away."

I grabbed it gently from her hand, and then slowly dropped it on the table. There was no way I was going to let her take it back. It had taken me years to get her to give me anything. I took a quick sip from it.

"It's all I have here for now." Was she kidding me? At that point, I was going to take whatever it was she gave me. Even if it was poison. "Drink slowly." She told me. She must have noticed I was trying to force it all down my throat at once. I exhaled, and then dropped the empty glass back on the table in seconds, wiping the drops of water from my mouth, with the back of my hands.

She clicked her tongue, and then shook her head, right before she pulled out one of the seats from the tiny table.

"How are you feeling?"

I smiled, and then turned to my bandaged belly. She stitched me up really well. I could still feel stings around the area, but it was fine.

"Your skills are top notch." I told her, as I still examined the bandage. "You stitched it perfectly well too, I can barely feel a thing." I turned to her, and l gave her a thumbs up. "I couldn't be prouder."

She turned away from me, and then reached for her phone. The smile on my face turned to a frown quickly, because I knew what it was she was trying to do.

"You've overstayed your welcome." She told me as she pressed a few keys into her phone. "Your parents must be really worried about you. I have to call Emmanuel to come get you, before you get into more troubles than you already have."

I waited for a second as I watched her text some things into her phone. She was probably texting Mannie now. I pursued my lips, and then nodded.

"I guess I don't mind going back to the mansion." I told her. "I'm satisfied already. Seeing you like this is more than enough for me. At least I can sleep well tonight." I turned back to the glass, and began to twirl it around, till she dropped her phone back on the table.

The entire table remained quiet for a short while right before-

"The girl you were talking about." She started. I raised my head to look at her slowly. She was looking at me too. "The one you wanted to protect." She turned back to look at her phone, playing with it like she was trying to distract herself from actually looking at me. "Who is she?"

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