Chapter One

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North Korea's POV:
I was off work for awhile and decided to go to the new cafe that opened just a few days go, down the street. I walked in, ignoring all the looks I got. I sat down and grabbed out my note book and started to write. It was pretty quiet, until a boy ran through the door. He looked so tired.

"Sorry I'm late!" He huffed as he tried to catch his breath. The lady, I assumed she was the manager. She thrown a apron at him and pointed at the coffee machine. The boy, who looked to be around 17-18 years old, walked behind the counter and started up the coffee machine. As he waited of it to heat up, he grabbed a note book and pan and started to take orders. He walked over to these two young women and asked how they were then took their orders. He walked across the room over to me.

"Morning sir, can I take you order?" He asked. He was so polite. Did he know who I was? Why isn't he scared of me like everyone else?

"Yes, Can I have a double espresso?" What the fuck did I just say?! I never ask. The boy wrote it down, nodded and me and left. I crossed my arms as I watched him make coffees. I started to write down anything that came to mind and waited for my coffee. It wasn't long before he came back and handed me my coffee.

"There you go sir, have a gr8 day." He smiled and I turned a bright red. My heart was thumping hard as I felt something I'd never felt before. I was confused as I took a sip of the coffee and found that he made a cute patten with the foamy milk. I smiled and drank up. About an hour later, the boy left the cafe. I looked at my notes and was shocked. I wrote 'Nobody is heartless' with a heart on the side. I blushed, grabbed the book and walked out.

Australia's POV:
I walked alone with my headphones in and put my playlist on shuffle. As I walked, I realized I had left my my bag back at the cafe. I turned around and began to run back. As I raced back, I accidentally bumped into someone and fell backwards. I rubbed my head as I growned in pain. I looked up and saw the man I served at the cafe.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" I picked myself back up and dusted myself off.

"W-watch where your going!" He shouted at me. He looked a bit hesitant at first but then walked straight past me, bumping into my shoulder. I shrugged it off and continued to run.

North Korea's POV:
'Why did I hesitate?!' I asked myself as I walked into one of my secret spots, usually to plan World Domination. I leaned against the wall and slid down onto the floor. My heart was beating fast as I took my book out and read the writing again.
'Why did I write that?!' I stared at the words then dropped the book.

Australia's POV:
I found my bag and sighed heavily. I looked at my watch and took a breather.
I started to think about the man I bumped into this morning...
'What an...unusual fellow.' I thought to myself as I left the cafe.

(Yep! I'm doing this now... Sorry its short. I'm not the only one writing this. HistoryGeekGal is writing this with me and deserves a shoutout! And if you'll like to get a shoutout by me, ask and I'll tell you how.)

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