Chapter 3: The Dragon in you #1

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Recap: I think they noticed and said "Are you Hiccup... "she points at Hiccup "and are you Astrid" she points at me. We hesitated but replied "yes..." the natter suddenly jumps and roars once she gets down she just said "I'm Stormfly and this is Toothless, its such an honor to finally meet you, your majesties!"

Astrid's point of view

Did I hear her right?? She just called us 'your majesties' I wanna know what she ment by that. Because I know I'm no princess and hiccup is no prince.

"What do you mean 'your majesties' Stormfly, uhh right ?" I ask still not sure. "Your majesties, I will tell you everything about both of you!" She says enthusiastically "what do you mean 'everything about us' ?" Hiccup asks "Well not everything about just your dragon side" Toothless says as he finally gets out of the...vines?

"Wait wait wait what?!" Me and Hiccup say. "Uhh your majesties you clean your ears right?" Stormfly says as she flies to us and look into our ears. "Yes we do... DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT STORMFLY!" I yell and I suddenly see some sort of... "FIRE!!! FIRE ON MY HAND!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!" I yell as I try to put it out. I stop.

"Why can't I feel it?" "It's one perk your majesty! You can condur fire but not feel it." She say. "Can we do anything else?" Hiccup says. "Of course your majesty you just need to trust yourself to be capable of this" Toothless speaks. "Well umm... could you teach us?" I ask "if that want you wish it would be our pleasure" they both say at the same time.

"Then we can meet here everyday when we hang out, right Astrid?" Hiccup suggests. I think 'it would be nice to be able to learn about this dragon side of us.' "Yeah thats a great ide-" <dragon raid alarm>

"Ugh we have to get back now our parents would want us to stay at home, well be back tomorrow " we leave with a smile.

Stormfly's point of view

"Stormfly, Toothless, you will fine the Dragon prince and princess. You will be their guide dragons. Lead them to unite our world and the human world...." the great bewilder king says. I just cannot believe that we would be the guides of the legendary dragon prince and princess!!!!! I'm so excited!

"You will find them at the island the humans call 'Berk'." Suddenly a Skrillchiller says, I thought they were in hibernation now. "There are barley any dragons there." Suddenly chaos start every dragon start to question everything. "Settle down everyone. When did I ever say they were dragons?"

Silence finally erupts the 'room'. "Your telling us that the dragons that will unite our world with humans are actual HUMANS?!" Again the skrillchiller says, man this guys has a temper, I wonder who has a worst temper than this guy.

"You two will leave at dawn and find them. They will be cautious about you so be calm and understanding so they will listen." Our king says not minding the sleep deprived dragon. 'I told you they were supposed to be in hibernation'.

Toothless's point of view

Okay soo... me and Stormfly will be the dragon guides of human hybrids and they are the same age as us and we have to help them with their journey. The boy's name is Hiccup, no I didn't hiccup its his name, and the girl's name is Astrid lovely name hopefully will suite her.

"-llo ???? Midgard to Toothless?" I hear Stormfly say. "Yeah what?" "Well mister grumpy pants its time for us to leave." She suddenly replies, guess she's got sass on her side. "Let's get going sassy natter..." I say as I leave her at the ice. "HEY!" She growls. <snicker> "good luck catching up now!" I yell.

"Toothless?" "What?" "What do you think the dragon prince and princess would be like ?" Huh now that I think of it I hope that they won't try to kill us.  I just hope that they are not murders, "Someone special enough that they'd be able to do what they need to do." I reply.

"No not how they would do their destiny. How would they be like in outside that. Like are they friends? are they enemies? What's their social status in the human world?" Stormfly say. "I don't understand why do we need to know them outside being our alphas' ?" I ask well its true why do we? "Toothless we wouldn't be able to teach them if we only think of them as our leaders. We should also know them personally so we can help them with their decisions in their life. Right? We are their guide?"

I guess Stormfly is right, we do have to know them to be able to lead them to their path... "ok I understand, who would you want to be around?" "Huh? Around ... wait what where did this conversation go?" She says all confused. "I mean do you want to teach the dragon prince or the princess?" I say more specifically. "Oh, I guess the princess since I'm sure in the future I can help her with girl trouble" she laughs and smiles. I can't believe that I have to be around childish stromfly.

"We're here!" She screams. "Why are we screaming?!" I shout back. "Oh because of all the dragons and vikings fighting over their." "Uhh where should we land ?!" Hopefully they won't see us. "TOOTHLESS WATCH OUT!!" Too late.

Ok ok I have uh uh rope on me and Im falling drastically, and... "Stromfly?! What are you doing ?" "Talking you to the forest to get out of these."

"Stormfly we cannot keep try to get out of these ropes were not strong enough. we should sleep we've been traveling for hours" i say "oky ok fine let's go to sleep, goodnight toothless."

"-othless! Toothless! Totthyyyyy wake uppp!" Ugh is this how she wake everyone up? "What is it stormf-oof" right I'm still stuck. "You forgot that your stuck am I right?" "Yep, help me out!" "Come on toothless! You can get out we still need to fine them!" What the heck did this girl just say? I asked for help and she just encouraged us man she is strange.

"Umm... hello? We're here to help you?" We hear a small boy's voice say. "dragons..." the girl says. The boy whispers something to the girl I couldn't understand. Then the girl point a claw at us "where are they ?" She asked sternly but frightened. Stormfly and I look at each other, we look at them then stormfly said "we're the only ones here?"

Then look at each other shocked then by the bewilder beast stormfly just asked "are you Hiccup?" Points to the boy, he nods. "And are you Astrid?" Points to the girl she also nods. Well that's one way to find them. They just appear.

"Yeah that's a great ide-" ack the bell from last night! "Sorry we have to go now our parents wants us safe... at home. Well see you two tomorrow." They somehow leave smiling even if they don't want o go back yet.

"They're really nice right Toothless?!" Stromfly says so excited. "Yeah hopefully we can teach them well."

Stormfly's point of view

Hmm I wonder why are these dragons attacking Berk usually its the other way around?... I'll go check it out. "Stormfly... where are you going?" Ah forgot Toothless is here. "Well I want to check out the dragons and ask them why their attack the Berk..." he just looks at me, still can't believe he's my age he acts so much older. "Alright then I'll come with yo- oof" "Toothless!" He just fell from just taking off?! "Are you ok what happened?" He looks at his tail fin. "I lost my other tailfin... that means -" "you can't fly..." I cut him off.

"Stop pacing, Toothless we can ask the prince or princess to help make you a new tailfin." He looks at me he looks scared. "stormfly, how do you expect me that to still be the guide of the prince when I can't do the one thing a dragon with wings could do?" He's got a point but they would understand. "Hiccup would understand. He was open mind enough to believe us. " I say in a 'matter of fact' tone. "Believe us for something that they just know today... a part of their life they understand so of course he would understand and help you toothless!" "We can't be sure Storm... we'll see in the morning." Of course he wants to sleep through it. Ah well I can't wait to see them again!

Peace Between Two Worlds Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora