Chapter 24: Crash Landing

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Ruffnut's POV

Everyone was now up by dawn, a dragon sighting was seen by the night patrol. The man's words specifically said, it was being ridden. Not knowing if they were friend or foe, we all now prepared to protect our homes.

"They're approaching!"

"Cheif shall we shoot them down?!"

"what do they want!"

"hey sis do you think they could teach us how to ride a dragon?" My brother butted in. I just gave him a shrug, we both knew our pranks were now limited as training occupied majority of our time.

"is it just me or do those dragons look familiar?" Fishlegs entered the conversation, so did Snoutlout.

"I believe so my fishy friend, but don't you think they're flying faster than they should." All of us now looked up to see they definitely were flying faster than they should.

"the black dragon's on fire!" one yelled. As if hearing us the dragon eloped the man as the other tried to stop the fall, failing as it fell.

"Chief what should we do?!"

"It's going to crash into the square!"

"everyone out of the way!"

everyone evacuated from the square just in time for the dragon to crash, the other dragon followed in suit.

The rider of the now distinguishable Deadly Natter hoped off running to see the fallen dragon and man. This didn't surprise us, the fact that she growled with the dragon and to the dragon was something.

The dragon that fell, was a Nightfury! as if telling the second rider he was okay and so was the rider he opened his wings.

Apparently there were two who rode the Nightfury as a small child emerged. "Who are they?" Fishlegs spoke on the quiet crowd. All the berkians held their guard.

But release when the small child started crying hugging the fallen rider. "We're sorry for the disturbance, we will leave as fast as we can. May we stay in your forest for the night?" The second rider spoke, she was female and held authority through her voice.

"I am Stoic Haddock the Chief of Berk, who are you? Could we trust you won't destroy our village with your beasts?" The Chief spoke against the lady. She was just about to speak when a child's yawn came from the Natter.

"we couldn't possibly destroy your village, we just need a place to stay for the night. Our children are no older than 5 and as per my husband's fall my daughter is quite terrified. How could you expect us to do such?" She spoke as she held a second child in her arms, she was quite right though.

"Shes right chief, they all could've just flown over the island and left but the Nightfury's tail caught on fire and dropped! I think they just need time to fix the tail to fly again." Snoutlout countered.

"we wish no harm on your village Chief Stoic, we'd just need time for us to leave." a deep voice spoke, the fallen rider now holding the small girl spoke.

Not one of us could see their faces as a mask covered them, but the amount of voice that passed through them is surprising.

"we cannot trust you for you ride with the enemies, no less the offspring of Lightning and death itself!" Chief's voice barked to the square.

The man stepped forward, the rest of the vikings held their ground protecting the village. "I get it your only protecting your village, my family leads one as well. But as you can see your 'offspring of lightning and death' is acting like a cat craving for attention!" His voice scared the life out of Fish since he now is shaking.

"If we wanted this village burnt to the ground it would have been by now!" he continued, he showed aggravation and frustration in his stance and voice.

"oh great dragon mastar- you are giving them more reasons to fear us!" The woman mocked. Now standing beside him. "You lead a village? what kind of viking would want a dragon friend as a leader?" Spitelout now spoke.

My brother and I were there watching the conversation happen but we were lost in thought. The people look so familiar so does the dragons, and we don't think that for everything.

"owch! Gothi! Watch where ye swinging tha theng!" Gobber rubbed his sore head.

"oh- okay slow down with yer writing!" Everyone now placed their attention to Gothi, "hey Tuff, let's say we talk to the dragon family ey?" I whispered to my brother only to see him already approached the couple.

"Hey there, I'm Tuffnut-" I cut my brother up with his name. "Tuffnut Thorston! Why didn't you wait for your sister?!" Though we couldn't see the new people's faces I could tell they're weirded out.

"Hi! I'm Ruffnut and you already met my idiot brother, Tuffnut." I held my hand out to shake their hands but realized they don't have free hands. "Oh sorry, uhm what's your names?" retreating my hand.

Looking to each other not knowing how to reply, yelling seem to catch everyone's attention.

"Chief! Chief!"

"what's the matter Ivange?"

"Sir the dragon! They're not calming down! They're burning down the arena!" Everyone now ran towards the arena.

The Chief looked towards the couple, "We will finished this later" before running as well. The rest of the teens stood along side me and my brother, looking curiously at the couple staring at the smoke.

"uh look you can go stay at the forest if you want just don't destroy the village we already lost quite a lot for years on end" Snoutlout pleaded but was disregarded when the two begin growling.

"what the-"

"what are they doing?"

About a minute passed and the man set's his daughter down as the lady gives the younger child to her. "we'll be back sweetheart, I'm sure these people won't harm you" The girl nodded her head and the two now ran towards the arena.

"uhh... should we follow them?" fish spoke. "I don't know dear fish, but they seem to unintentionally leave their children to our care." My brother spoke, leaving all of us to look at him. "what? chicken stuck in my teeth?"

"hey kid what are your parents doing?" I asked. She looked at us, making eye contact with her, her eyes were familiar.

"they're going to calm down the dragons."

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