Chapter 29 - Surprise

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3rd point of view

just a few meters away from the island of Berk over thousands of dragons of known and unknown dragons hover by their waters.

Not only that, these dragons had riders!

The viking child, teen, adult, and elderly, are either ready to run to safety or fight and protect the island.

That was until two familiar children jump off a nearby dragon onto the grounds of Berk. They signal all other riders to follow them down, but the vikings down bellow restricted the two before they could even move.

"Yer 'll betta leave or the two will be harmed!"

Yet all the riders did was laugh in mockery, which confused all the people. It only came through their thick skulls when the two vikings restraining the children drop to the ground paralyzed.

"oh my~ well here's the foretold dragon army. We're doomed" a voice filled with sarcasm broke through the visible fear, almost scaring them even more

"Cheiftess, the Cheif has been rubbing off of you!" a woman in silver armor and black hair remarks, ushering the two children to the said 'cheiftess'

"cheiftess... wa't if tha's true th'n , the rumored peaceful land of dragons and vikings exis'?!"

The uncertainty of the viking chiefs' disappeared, the living proof of their 'last resort' wasn't a hoax. Yet with the treatment towards their well respected and beloved leaders; there was no telling if they would form the alliance or burn the island of Berk and all its refugees to the ocean.

That was half of the Cheifs' and Cheiftess thought, but the very own Cheif of Berk had other thoughts. His only pondering was 'why would they side with monsters that only know to take and kill?'

Stoic's point of view

All these beast have the guts to show themselves on my ancestral land. I knew the idea of having to allie with beast lovers was an awful idea!

But, since they are here. They will fight for this land.

"Since all yer people and armeh (army) are hear' I assume you accept our proposal?" Gobber asked a useless question, but not everyone can understand what is happening.

"Huh? why would you even think that! the dragons just want to tag along. We never said we would allie ourselves with people we fight against." The lanky masked 'cheif' spoke.


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