Chapter 13

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~two months later~

Hiccup's point of view

I've finally finished the houses! Even if Astrid tried to kill me the first 2 weeks for working too hard. "Don't you want to help your girlfriend with the moving? She is pregnant after all?" I heard a familiar grumble. "I'm coming in a minute I just want to check for loose things to make sure everything's secure enough for the moving. Oh and secure enough for our little kid." I tell him.

"You might want to do that later, she's 5 months in and you know that she'll have more emotions now a days... so she might break everything that messes with her..." he grumbles softly. <sigh> "alright alright! I'm coming!" I say giving up.

I walk to the cave we've been calling home for the two months here. "Hey Astrid" "Hiccup! Your back!?" "Yep.." "so the house is done? I mean you don't come here early unless your done for the day..." I approach her, give her a small kiss in the forehead and embrace her. "Yeah, the house is done, all we need to do is move in." I give her a smile.

~2 hour later~

"Well that's the last of it, The dragons are starting to settle in for the night. You want to hit the hay?" I turn to Astrid direction only to find her asleep in the chair. <giggle> 'ah of course the baby is making her feel sleepy.' I thought. I carry Astrid up to our bedroom to make sure she experiences a good nights sleep.

She deserves it she's going through this pregnancy very well even at her young. "This is all my fault Astra... we could've left Berk with  a fresh start but I guess we're going to have a family earlier than planned. I will never understand why you choose me, I am just a cripple.... I'm sorry." I say softly, as I get into bed with her feeling something embrace me as I pass out.

Astrid's point of view

I went inside the hut and sat down at the chair closets to the fire. Hiccup and I have been moving and fixing things up for both the dragons and our home,  it's pretty exhausting. I guess I passed out in the chair since the next thing I knew I was in the bedroom. I didn't move since the little one in me gave me a small kick.

"This is all my fault Astra... " A small whisper said. I recognize the voice to belong to Hiccup? What's he apologizing for??? "we could've left Berk with  a fresh start but I guess we're going to have a family earlier than planned. I will still never understand why you choose me, if I am just a cripple... I'm sorry." Oh Hiccup none of this is your fault, if it's anyone's fault it's Snoutlout's. Don't beat your self up for this.

As soon as he's all comfy in the bed I give him a hug to know that I'm always with you.

~next morning~

I woke up to a sound of a pencil. Oh wait it's just Hiccup drawing. I opened my eye to find myself sleeping on his lap, I slowly got up and sat beside him. "Morning M'lady, did you get a good nights sleep?" "Yes I did, now what are you drawing so early in the morning?" I ask in annoyance, though I don't know why. "Well if you must know, it .." <mumbles>

i couldn't hear the last part, why of course he did mumble it. "Why did you say I couldn't hear the last pa-" "you... that what I said. I've been drawing you sleeping." He said as he scratches the back if his neck. 'He's nervous about drawing me?' "Hey.." I place my hand on his. "It's okay.  I don't mind, I'm no where near the others." "Sorry it just got stuck in my head... well now that your awake I'll go make us some breakfast!" He said as if nothing happened.

"Hiccup?!" "Yeah?" I hesitated to continue but I want to. "None of this is your fault. If you want to blame anyone, blame Snoutlout. He made your life miserable, If I ever get to choose between you two for my life. I will always choose you." I smile. All he does is smile, nod and leave.

<sigh> "well this is going to be a long talk... but if Hiccup finally understands that we're in this together then it's worth I-" <kick> "oof! So you're with me to convince your daddy??" I say as I pat my 5 month bump. <kick> "great! Now let's get us some breakfast!" <kick kick> <giggle>

"Guys let me down!" That was the first thing I heard as I arrive downstairs. "Hiccup we're starving to! Come on please???" "For the love of thor! The purpose of the well is to feed you! Now go there and eat, unless you want Astra to eat you both!" <giggles> they turn their heads to my direction and I stop. "You two should listen to Hiccup, this little guy is as hungry as I am. And I would be willing to eat you both." They drop Hiccup with a loud thud and run out

<sigh> "you ok?" I ask as I walk over to help him. "Yeah just sure that I need to replace my peg leg..." "wait why?" He lifts his peg leg and see that the 'foot' seems to have been twisted. "Oh... maybe you should replace the leg I made you and make it more durable? I mean the one I made was just beginners luck anyway..."

"it's lovely work Astrid it's just you used the wrong screw to hold all of this up... <cough>" I raised an eyebrow on Hiccup's way on confronting me. I stand on his side and try to help him up. "I know I'm no mechanic so stop and let's get you to the forge!"

"I'll leave you to it, I'm going to do my rounds and see what the dragons are doing!" "Alright! Be careful!" I walk the path towards the dragons' part of the island. "Seems like everyone is alright. Well I'm sure it is we just arrived here two months there should no problem!" I tell myself.

"Your majesty! What brings you to the dragons' side of the island? I believe your partner knows and allowed about this?" A rumblehorn or more known as Skullcrusher, aka mister father, asked. "Of course I told him. I'm just doing my rounds." "If you say so. But you should go back home. Thunder just informed me that a gushing storm will come, he not knows when it shall hit but it should come by anytime." He tells me in a voice he used on the hatchlings last week to scare them. The rest of the passing dragons stop to groan at his attempt to scare me.

"Fine I assume none of you want you princess to do her job, I'll leave." I say walking away, but upon leaving I hear "EVERYONE TO THEIR HOMES! THE STORM ITS HERE!!" Thunder yelling. I look up to the once bright now dark sky, lightning struck to my side scaring the rest of the dragons to flee but knocking me unconscious.

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