Chapter Five - Moo Shu to Go

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Izzy and I were trying to find Clary to make sure she was okay. We had just heard about what happened and thought she may need a friend. We turned the corner and saw her sitting one of the benches in the hallway.

"There you are." I said

"Are you okay?" Izzy added as we sat down on either side her.

She sighed looking at us "I saw my mom. Then your brother-"

"We heard." I interrupted her.

"And believe me, there have been many times where I wanted to kill Alec." Izzy said trying to make her feel better.

"Look, I know our brother could be a real pain in the ass... but he means well. That necklace is very dangerous." I said trying to get her to understand somewhat.

Clary shook her head "I'll take the risk on my own."

"The problem is, you're not on your own, Clary. You're part of us now." Izzy told her softly.

Clary sighs looking at the floor "I just – I wish I knew what to do. All of this, it's so new to me. I just... I'll do anything to save her." She said looking at us.

"I get it. You love her." Izzy said smiling.

"More than anything." Clary nodded.

I smiled "What's your mom like?"I asked trying to lighten the mood a little.

Clary smiled at the memory of her "She's kind. Fun. The... kinda person you always wanna around. My friends used to always wanna hang out at our house, just to hang out with her."

"She sounds more like a friend than a mom." I chuckled.

Clary nodded "She was both. She's basically sacrificed her life for me, and I'm willing to do the same for her."

"Just because you can't have that necklace, doesn't mean you won't see her again. Walk with us." Izzy said standing up

"Tell us everything about her." Tell us everything I added smiling.

We walk through the halls while Clary tells us about her mum. As we get to Ops Control room Izzy says "So, Alec blew right by you and did what he wanted. I'd be angry, too." I nodded in confirmation.

"He took the only way I had to see my mother. Plus, he kept asking what Valentine's room looked like." Clary said confused as we got to the elevator. I chuckled.

"He was interested in Valentine's style?" I said

"Fascinating..." Izzy starred off in thought.

"No, he thought I might have seen something that could help us find him." Clary told us.

"And did you?" Izzy asks.

Clary shakes her head "I didn't see anything there, but... I think I might know another way."

The front doors open and Maryse walks in.

Walking towards us with a stern expression "Isabelle. Dressed to impress, I see. And you've been playing with the family heirlooms." She sighed making Izzy look down.

She stopped in front of us "Isabella." She said with a tight smile hugging me "How are you dear?"

I hugged her back. After I moved back here without my parents I haven't really seen them nor talked to them, the practically abandoned me. Maryse quickly became my mother figure, even as a child being a few months younger than Alec, Maryse was more of a mother to me than my own. "I've been okay. Yourself?" I said smiling at her.

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