Off to the Season

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Disclaimer: I don't own Downton or any of the characters. I just love Downton!


Robert stared out the carriage window. He could not look at his mother and father right now. Ever since the morning of yesterday he felt like his whole world was turning up side down. He and his parents sat him down the sofa and told him he had to marry someone with money and fast. At first Robert didn't quite understand what his parents were saying but then it all became clear moments later. They were telling him to marry a young heiress or lady with lots of money to save Downton.

Robert didn't want to rush his marriage and believed it should be based on love and not money. He was about to say something but stopped him self. Is this really worth fighting about? He thought. No. Because in the end it will be all about what mama and papa want.

Now, Robert was in the carraige with his parents and older sister, Rosamund, going off to a fancy, upscale season with hundreds of rich young girls all pushing them selves at men for a title. Just the thought of it made Robert shudder.

"Patrick, dear." Violet asked her husband. "Do I look good? I certainly have to look better then Lady Dixon."

"You look very nice dear Violet." Patrick responded nicely.

"Thank you." Violet said flatly. "Now Robert," She began making sure the dark purple feathers were straight and perfect in her hair, "I want you to be sensible when choosing your wife."

"What do you mean?" Robert inquired. He had to force him self to look at his mother.

"What I mean," she started, "is choose a woman that would make a good countess. And remember someone with money!" Just as Violet finished her short talk with Robert, the carriage stopped and they were finally there. Robert hopped out of the carriage and then his father went after. The carriage man helped Violet out and Robert and his family were at the season.

"Well, Robert sighed, "Here we are to find my self a proper wife."

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