Chapter 6

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Harry- I walk into my first lesson of DADA when I notice something was off, I felt a numbing pain in my scar and I know what the connection was straight when I looked up into the stuttering Professors eyes seeing them glow red for a second before going back to normal, I know that Dumbledore would know he is here which means that Dumbledore has a plan towards it and it's definitely to do with the third floor. I waited for everyone to leave before staying behind waiting for it just to be only the two of us.

Quirrell- I looked up noticing the classroom was empty and Potter was there "d...did need Mr Potter"

Harry- I smirk "what's so interesting on the first floor?"

Quirrell- "I...I don't know w...what your on a...about Mr Potter"

Harry- "oh I know that you know exactly what I am on about, you know if you tell me I could get it for you"

Quirrell- "why would you do that for me?" I asked stopping the stuttering

Harry- "because I know that Dumbledore is testing me including knows you in the castle after all the wards of the castle itself can tell the Headmaster who truly is walking among this schools grounds"

Quirrell-  I sneer "fucking old fool"

Harry- "that he isn't but what he doesn't know is that I am not innocent at all, that there is definitely more than on criminal with in this castle"

Quirrell- "and what are those Mr Potter"

Harry- I smirk "that's for me to know and you to find out, now about that third floor and me getting it thing"

Quirrell- I sigh "fine but don't you dare trick me and not give it to me, or I will make you pay"

Harry- "why what more do you want you killed my parents and tired killing me but look how that worked out, yeah there dead but I am still alive"

Quirrell- "one the third floor that are tasks them tasks lead to what I want the Philosopher's stone, which can get me out of this body and allow me to have an original on aka have my own body back"

Harry- "fine I will get it for you as long as you don't kill me, deal?" I put my hand out

Quirrell- I roll my eyes in annoyance "fine, deal" I shal his hand feeling our magic connect not because of the deal but also something else but I don't know what and I don't like not knowng but will have to put up with it for now until I get my body back than I shall find out truly.


Harry- when times came and Dumbledore was out of the castle I go down to the third floor at night and go through the now unlocked door seeing a three headed dog, great. It went forward to attack but I shout "down!" and it drops to the floor luckily asleep by the looks of it still breathing. I open the trap door sign when I land in Devil's Snare and stayed still until it dropped me down onto the floor. I then go to the next task which I could be arsed  to do so I use my magic to unlock the door when I walk through seeing a chess piece which I get over quickly by using my magic to make then move and me not getting on them even one tried to kill me but I look at it compelled it before walking through to the third task, great potions. I pick up the right one I believe it is by reading and walk through the flames getting to the last task a mirror. I look into it seeing me and I guess my parents I saw my self touch my pocket and I do and didn't there is now something in it. I pull it out seeing a red shiny like crystal guess it is the stone. I walk out with the stone in hand and go to his office. I knock on his door and it opens straight away I walk in seeing him sitting at his desk. I go over putting down in front of him "there you go"

Quirrell- I nod and touch the stone and feeling pain go through me like my body is being ripped apart when I find my self now in my own body and Quirrell's on the floor turning into dust "thank you potter" I walk to the door

Harry- I follow him to the main door of Hogwarts "your leaving?"

Voldemort- I nod "I am, I can't stay here or I will be captured, I will see you soon but not for a while until I have my side back to how it was before"

Harry- I nod before watching go off into the night before disappearing into the forest not in my sight no more. I sigh turning going back to the common room without being caught and going into my room which has wards around it so only I come in and only those I allow to come in but only allowed in every time with me acceptance



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