Chapter 7

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Harry- unfortunately I have now a crying Parkinson on my shoulder all because of her pet being dead even though it was been a month or so now but then again I guess she is scared because of the note I left, so she probably scared for her own life. I look down at her "what are you doing this Parkinson?" I asked while wondering what she is up to

Pansy- "because someone is out to get me"

Harry- "I am not surprised after what you did to my kitten Hela, you commited a crime and now karma is making you pay for what you did"

Pansy- I get of his shoulder looking up at him "what do you mea....?"

Harry- "oh you exactly know what I mean, I check my kitten memories, to see who did it to here, what do you think wasn't going to happen to you Parkinson after what you and the others did to my little kitten after all you shall be paid for what you have done even if it's mean your own life"

Pansy- I start moving backwards until my back his the wall as he now is standing up and I am not as he slowly walks over to me and crouchs down grabbing my chin between his thumb and middle fingers. I sniff "what are you going to do?" I asked in fear

Harry- "make you suffer the way she did, it could be year from now but you uand the others shall be hung just like her"

Draco- I walk into the empty common room noticing Potter and Panst is within there "what are you doing?"

Harry- I stand up looking at him "oh just comforting her that's all she was just crying her and I wondered why so, turns out she was just a little scared that all" I then walk out of the room

Pansy- I still there in shock at the words he just said to me, like he wasn't just warning me it was a promise and I know what even if I tell someone or not it's going to happen anyway, even if I tell and warn the others which I do straight away, to let them know.


Harry- I am doing some reading the Libaray when I notice that three other sit down with me. I look up seeing Finnigan, Weasley and Thomas. I grab my things and move somewhere else for them to only follow me "oh can you please fuck off!"

Seamus- "well we want to be friends with you"

Harry- "well I don't want to be fucking friends with the likes of you three, I rather eat shit than be friends with you, now please leave me alone I have homework to do"

Ron- "homework and books are boring, we can do something better, like Quidditch I didn't see you when we where doing lessons"

Harry- "that's because I am not taking flying lessons and I think it's boring and I actually like books thank you very much and find them more interesting them you and everything else"

Ron- "why aren't you taking the lessons everyone else is and your on the list of students meaning you are ditching them"

Harry- "I aren't ditching them plus that's none of your business"

Seamus- "oh come you can tell us anything"

Harry- "are you my friends, no you are not, so fuck off and mind your own business"

Ron- "so did you hear about the third floor?"

Harry- I shrug "what about it? All I know is that no one us allowed down there"

Ron- "well there is a rumour going about that you went down there"

Harry- I shake my head still reading my book "no I didn't, I would never break the rules and do something so foolish and hazardous"

Seamus- I look to the others in confusion "so it wasn't you?"

Harry- "no why would it be?"

Ron- "well Dumbledore said it was you"

Harry- "don't believe everything come out of his mouth of his, plus he was even in the castle the night of the supposed theft anyway, everyone knows that plus rumours are rumours not everything is true"

Ron- "how dare you! Dumbledore always say the truth!"

Harry- "sure he does" I close my books and pack everything away grabbing the books I was ready (thirteen of them) before walking over to Pince signing them out to read on my own time before leaving the library with them following me behind when in the dungeons I hide in an alcove when they weren't looking

Ron- "where the fuck did that bastard go!?"

Seamus- "I don't know he must of turned a corner and we just lost him"

Dean- "yeah it did seem that way after all he doesn't seem to like us"

Ron- "I can't believe Dumbledore is making us be friends with that slimy spoilt snake"

Seamus- "agreed"

Dean- "come on you two we better get out of here before someone notice we are doing down here when were not meant to be because we don't have potions or anything down here today and they would just report us saying that we were trying to find the Slytherins common rooms"

Ron- I huff "fine"

Harry- I wait for them to walk off before checking the coast was clear and moving out of my hiding please going to the common room and then to my dorm to do some more homework and research



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