Chapter 28

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Harry- I was standing there looking over the tower thinking over everything then I feel hand push my. I turn as I feel the air through me looking at my murder seeing Ron Weasley above me seeing him smirking to only smile closing my eyes as I put my arms out feeling the air suck into my lungs and feeling the freedom of everything surrounding me waiting to hit the floor. I hit the ground hitting first but landing fully on my back after bouncing off the floor with how hard I hit it. I open my eyes looking up at the tower, then looking down at my self in shock when I sit up quickly. I look up seeing his smirk has gone and turned into shock like mine but I guess that what's happened when you kill someone but that person fucking survives some how then images of the mirror that day coming into my head remembering the crown on my head knowing know that it isn't my time to die or maybe I can't die, maybe after all the thing I have done can only happen but I still can't fucking die maybe that what happened the time my own uncle slit my throat I bleed everywhere but I woke up in the morning, that day I stood in the fire but no burns there when I walk out through the flames. I start remember tries where I was supposed to die but I never did. I turn and walk up the tower noticing him still looking at the group "boo!" I shout making him jump and trippin on the little few inches tall wall where I step up on before he pushed me. I watched as he feel from the tower "karma a fucking bitch!" I shout after him seeing the fear on his face as I fucking smirk watching him hit the floor and hit blood goes everywhere.

I turn leaving and going to bed the image always in the head through the night reliving it with joy after he did try to kill me but I did just what he did, I left the memory of his pushing me and me surviving before changing the him dying part to him tripping accidental with my not there watching it all or shouting everything, so it was like I was never there except for him pushing me part because I guess he shouldn't of fucking done it in the first place.

In the morning I get shaking awake seeing Snape "yes sir?" I asked with sleep in my voice because seriously what's with it with people shaking my awake when something interesting has happen to someone who is either died or something funny happened.

Severus- "you have to come with me to the Headmaster office don't worry I will be there but there is also Aurors there also"

Harry- I nod getting up and following him out of my room, common room and to his office. I go you the stairs walking into his office "you wanted to talk to me sir?" I ask with  confusion in my voice

Dumbledore- "yes my boy...."

Harry- I cut him off "how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that, it's Mr Potter to you"

Dumbledore- "please sit down Mr Potter"

Harry- I ndo and walking over sitting down in front of his desk before looking to the Auror and the whole Weasley family other than Ron and Ginny because they are so not here anymore. I turn my head to look at him "ermm sir what's going on?"

Dumbledore- "well Mr Potter did last night Mr Weasley push you off the tower?"

Harry- I nod "yes sir, luckily I had my wand with my of I would be dead"

Dumbledore- "where did you go after that?"

Harry- "well I was in shock and fear, so I ran back into the tower and hid in my room and cried my self to sleep"

Dumbledore- "so you didn't make revenge for what he did to you?"

Harry- I shake my head "no of course not my mind was focused on what just happened and needing to hid, so he doesn't come after me and attack me again, he isn't going to sir is he because I can't do with anyone trying to kill me" I say with tears now rolling down my cheeks

Dumbledore- "alright the Aurors here are going to check you memories, can you put you memories into here and are going to also check your wand"

Harry- I nod taking the vial using my wand to put the now change memories in and handing over it and my wand

one of the Aurors (man)- we all look through them together before we check the wand "there is no harmful spell just spell on classes which are being taught right now and his memories prove what he has just said"

Dumbledore- I nod "thank you, now I would like to speak to Mr Potter, Professor Snape and the Weasley's in private please"

Aurors- we nod and leave to wait somewhere so they can talk

Dumbledore- "Mr Potter I would like you to stay with the Weasley's this summer and Hoildays coming up"

Harry- "no, there son bullied me and there daughter tried jump me and touching me when I kept telling her to stop, I am not staying with people who dare teach there kids to be that way"

Dumbledore- "now Mr Potter no more lies"

Harry- "I Harry James Potter, was a victim of the Ron Weasley trying to kill me which nearly didn't happen if I just barely survived, there daughter harshed me but touching me when not interest or with no concent, so mote it be!" I then look to him "so there you have it Vows can only be said when it's the truth and it worked, so no I am not staying with these stranger, I rather let there son kill me again"

Dumbledore- "there son is now dead Mr Potter"

Harry- "wait what!?" I look to the Weasleys "even if so this still doesn't change my answer, it's a no and it's never fucking changing!"

Molly- "Harry how dare you speak to Dumbledore in that way"

Harry- "why don't you go and suck his dick seeing as how much you enjoy him fucking you" I turn "I am leaving and I will speak to him in the way he treats me" I then leave walking past the Aurors and they could tell I am pissed not to come towards me but one did "don't even fucking dare think of it, take these memories" I then pull out a vial putting my whole life memories including everything Dumbledore has done to me "see how your true light leader truly is because he put Dumbledore put me there and has done all those things to me" I hand it over before going to my dorm room wanting to get some more rest with only have an hour or so of sleep



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