Chapter 39

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Neville- I walk through only to see who was there, I turn seeing my Grandmother had already come through "Gran we have to go back it's not safe here"

Harry- I walk through "actually it is safe here, here you have family includin your father"

Neville- "but my father is at St Mungo's"

Harry- "yout adopted father is at St Mungo's your real father is here cousin"

Neville- I look to my grandmother "what does he me Gran?"

Augusta- "he tell the truth grandson, you where taken away from you true mother and father because they had the dark mark like me but theirs was on there arms and they are dark people, you were given to my son and your adopted mothers because my son was an Auror there and claimed you wanting to give you a good life plus he was working with Dumbledore, so of course they had plans for you like harry here, if Harry hadn't survive you would of been the next Boy-who- lived, few months later of course your true parents came with you uncle and put the curio in your adopted parents which ended up turning them insane"

Neville- "you mean that Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange are my.....?" I shake my head "no that can't be true" I turn to Harry "this the reason why you want to become my friend, isn't it!?"

Harry- I shake my head "I didn't know back then but I felt we had a connection like we were family" I move over book in hand which is open on the right pay "here you are" I point to where he is in the book on the family tree.

Neville- I gasp seeing the boy in front of me he looked like me and everything like me I then saw the name 'Maximus Lestrange, adopted name Neville Longbottom' knowing full well this is all true "so my parents truly are them, can I speak to them?"

Harry- "you can with Rodolphus and your uncle Rabastan"

Neville- "and about my mum?"

Harry- "she's dead, she tried to kill me baby" I put my hand to my stomach "all becaus ehz wanted to be with Tom and not me, I am sorry to tell you but she didn't want you but Rodolphus did he looked after you straight away until you were taken away from him, were as Bella she wanted money, fame and power" I turn to Sirius nodding my head allowing him to get Rodolphus and Rabastan who where in the next room

Rodolphus- I walk "hello son, I am sorry your mother can't be here but it's good to finally see you instead of having to keep away no longer"

Neville- "ermmm hello dad" I then walk off thinking oh shit I have just ruined my change to know my own father

Harry- I look to Rodolphus "it's going to take a while, but get to know him and everything and he will start to feel comfortable"

Augusta- "yeah I would be careful around him, he has anxiety"

Rodolphus- I nod "I will do, I truly hope my son will get to know me and we can send as much time together"

Harry- "and before he knows it you are your twin brother are just like the Weasley's, with you bloody pranks, oh by the way please don't you two ganging the with the twins and play prank on Remus again it's near his time"

Sirius- I snort "his time of the month"

Remus- I heard it as I walk by I throw a book at him hitting him in the head

Sirius- "hey! That hurt!"

Remus- I smirk and walk off to the library which was were I was originally going



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