Chapter 2

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     Instead of going back to my group home as any normal, sane girl would do after being expelled for the eighth time in the past three years, I decided to go drink my weight in alcohol. Walking to my friend Luke's house, I wondered what shitty town I would be put into next after my little stunt.

     Walking up the creaky steps to Luke's back door, I entered without even knocking. Luke's used to me showing up unannounced, especially when I'm not in the mood to do anything but smoke, drink, or fuck. That's sort of our arrangement. We don't speak unless it's about tv, food, or sex. The latter doesn't really require much talking.

     "Hey Kaia, you're back early from school," Luke spoke from the other side of the living room. "You got a little bit of something on your shirt right there."

     I looked down and scowled at the small specks of blood coating the top of my tank top. "Well, little Blondie decided she wanted to be a hero and stand up to the big bad wolf. She soon realized after I accidentally clocked her in the face with a lunch tray, that it wasn't such a good idea," I said casually as if I was talking about the weather.

     "Well, I think that calls for a little bit of a drink, don't you?" Luke said as he started walking towards the kitchen to grab some beers. Luke is a really nice guy, he's the same age as me, 18, but he's already graduated. He's also easy on the eyes being blonde and having a toned body. I, however, don't date. Never have, never will. The only thing that has ever and will ever go on between me and Luke is strictly sex.

     I spent a few good hours over at Luke's drinking and watching tv. Then one thing lead to another and Luke's lips were on mine. We didn't usually spend long kissing before all of our clothes ended up coming off. Luke trailed kisses down my jawline and neck before coming back up to my lips. Me being the impatient bitch that I am, flipped us over so that I was on top. I quickly slid a condom over his dick before raising up on my knees and sliding down on top of him. I placed my hands over his chest and proceeded to slam up and down on his length until we were both panting messes. I soon came with a loud moan, then climbed off of Luke and proceeded to put my clothes back on knowing it was getting late, and I needed to be back at the group home before dinner.

     Luke looked at me as if I had just beheaded his puppy in front of him. "Kaia what the hell, I hadn't even finished yet!" Oh, men, they act as if they are the superior gender but when it comes to sex, they are just children in a candy shop waiting to be given something. Don't get me wrong, I like Luke and I don't usually ever leave him hanging. But fuck me if I'm going to stick around when I had a shit day and am going to have to sit through a lecture by the old woman who runs the group home I'm staying in.

     "Sorry Luke, gotta head back before dinner. I gotta explain how I managed to get expelled from school and see which one they'll send me to next."

     "Wait! You didn't tell me you got expelled. You're telling me this is the last time I'm going to see you?" He actually looked a little hurt by me not telling him. However, as much as I like Luke, I can't afford to feel sorry for being the way that I am. I can't afford to show my true feelings to anyone or else the hard exterior that I've built over the years is going to slowly start to crumble.

     I spoke to Luke for a little bit longer before I had to leave for good. I also managed to score a few grams of weed from him before taking off not knowing when the next time I'll be able to find a dealer. I walked back to the group home, readying myself for the lecture I knew was coming.

     Walking up the steps and into the house, all the other kids looked at me as if I was already six feet under. I knew I was in a shit load of trouble just by their stares. I walked into Anne, the old woman who runs this group home's office already wanting to get this conversation over with.

     She looked up at me and sighed, "Katarina, I don't want to have to do this but after your expulsion, your social worker is coming to pick you up tomorrow morning and bringing you to a new group home. You're running out of places to go Katarina and if you're not careful with your actions, you're going to end up in jail or worse. Luckily Rebecca's parents aren't pressing charges on you, but you may not be so lucky next time."

     Huh. Of course, Blondie's name would be Rebecca. As if she couldn't have had a more bitchy name. Instead of voicing my opinions, I looked at her as if I was listening or cared, but inside I could give less of a shit about her big speech. Every group home has a woman like Anne who acts like they care about you and wants the best for you but really they like that big paycheck that comes in the mail for housing, "poor, abandoned, teens". For fuck sake, half the kids that are in foster care could give less of a shit.

     After Anne's dramatic speech of self-love and care, I returned to the small room that I share with some girl named Sue and passed out for the night. Who knows what hell hole they'll send me to next?

I decided to add another short chapter. Chapter 3 will show where she's moving to next,  Chapter 4 will introduce Asher!

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