Chapter 9

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Asher's POV

     I have never been more excited or nervous to go to school in my entire life. I felt happier today than I have in a while, and it was all because of her. Kaia. I knew I'd see her today at school and I wanted to look my best. I yelled down the hallway for Hayden who was waiting on me for school. "Hey, do you think this looks okay?" I pointed towards my dark wash jeans and fitted white t-shirt.

     "It's a t-shirt and jeans. Why wouldn't it look okay? Chill man, you're not proposing to the girl." Hayden chuckled and looked at me with an amused expression. "I never thought that I would see the day that Asher Lodge would look nervous." He shook his head and said, "Come on Ash, you're gonna make us late for school."

     I practically flew us to school with how fast I was driving. It would have just been easier to go in our wolf forms, but you know....bookbags....clothes. Yeah, it would have just caused more trouble than not. Plus, I do not want to have a repeat of last year where I showed up to math class in a size too small shorts and a t-shirt. Yeah, let's just say I was suffocating....everywhere.

     I glanced around the hallway on the way to chemistry to see if I could spot her anywhere. I would have asked around about her but I didn't want to seem like a total stalker. I made my way into my personal hell. Mr. Smith's class. I wasn't the dumbest kid in the class, but I was in no way the smartest either. I walked down the aisle of the classroom and headed for my seat at the back table. I let out a big breath to calm myself down. I was just so anxious to see her again.

     I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed anyone walk up to the table until I saw someone sit down in my peripheral vision. I looked over and saw the most breathtaking girl...Kaia. I took a quiet, but deep breath and turned to her. "Hey, I'm Asher." Oh, god. Did my voice shake? Am I sweating? Can she tell that I'm about to piss myself? I shook my insecurities off a gave her a warm smile.

     She looked so calm that it was almost scary. And I'm the one who turns into a giant wolf, so that's saying something. How can she be so calm all the time? Well, you know, when she's not pummeling her fist into someone's face. Just when I thought she would ignore, I heard the most angelic voice say, "I'm Kaia... And you're the guy who shoulder checked me at the rich kid's party." She gave me a small smile that made me light-headed. Was I blushing? Dear God, please tell me that I'm not smiling like an idiot right now.

     I laughed at her comment, immediately feeling embarrassed. "Yeah, sorry about that. It's not every day that I get to see someone kick Hailey Collins' ass." Her smile slowly faded away and she turned back towards Mr. Smith and never looked at me again during the whole class time. Shit, did I say something wrong? Right as the bell rang, she got up so fast that I didn't even get a chance to say bye. I sighed. I knew that this wouldn't be easy. I mean, she's human. She doesn't even know what a mate is, let alone that I'm hers. I can't just keep bumping into her and hoping that she'll realize those little sparks actually mean something.

     The last two classes dragged by slowly as I was patiently waiting for lunchtime. I headed towards the cafeteria to look for one of the guys. I looked around and finally spotted Easton who was sitting in the middle of a group of girls laughing. I rolled my eyes. Why did all the girls always fall for the pretty, but dumb ones? I approached the table and waited until Easton noticed me.

     In 3...2....1. "Shit, hey Ash. I didn't see you there." Easton smiled up at me, with a....hickey on his neck? Really dude? That wasn't even there in second period.

     "Yeah, I wonder why." I looked over at the two girls trying to feel Easton up. It's actually pretty hilarious. Two girls trying to feel up the gay dude. Yup, that's right. Although, Easton's not your stereotypical gay guy. In fact, no one really even knows at school since he's such a sports guy. And yet, somehow we can never guess which guy at this school he's hooking up with. My bet is that it's either Mathew Daughtry or Coach Keller, the football coach. "Hey, can we talk?"

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