Chapter 24

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Kaia's POV


     I looked at the coked-out version of the mother that I used to adore standing in front of me in the living room. "Where the fuck is he?" I bit out, stepping forward.

     "I told you, he was a bad man Katarina. I was just trying to protect you and your brother." She tilted her chin up at me in disgust.

     I let out a humorless laugh. "Protect me and my brother? You must be even more fucked up than a girl on her 21st birthday if you think I'd believe that load of bullshit." I walked closer to her. "I won't hesitate to hurt you, mother." I spit the words at her, taking another step forward.

     Now you'd think that she'd be relatively harmless in the condition that she was in, not to mention she's practically skin and bones. But holy shit, she was definitely not the same woman I left behind. As I took that last step forward, she pulled a knife out of gods nowhere and stabbed me in the chest with it.

     I looked down at the barely noticeable pain in my chest and saw that the knife is quite literally stabbing through my chest. I frowned at the big piece of metal protruding through my ripped dress. "Seriously mother? I've been gone for four years and this is how you say welcome home?" I looked at her dryly while she was blinking profusely at me and the calm state that I was in. I groaned, "Fuck, I just bought this damn dress. I could have taken the tags off if I knew I wouldn't be able to return it."

     I pulled the knife out of my chest while blood dripped out of the slowly healing wound. "You better say you're sorry before I really regret not killing you first." I looked at her, pissed off at her lack of hospitality. I mean, I wasn't expecting her to serve me fucking tea or anything but at least not a knife to the chest.

     I heard the front door bust open which caused me to whip my head over to the right as I heard footsteps approach. "Asher?" I looked at him confused and shocked. He wasn't looking at me though as he turned his gaze to my mother as I watched his eyes go wide. I heard a gunshot go off right as I felt a stinging pain enter my chest, or more specifically, my heart.


Asher's POV

     I bust through the front door upon smelling blood. "Asher?" Kaia looked at me confused with blood on her chest. I looked over at the woman standing in front of Kaia whose face was filled with awe and terror. I saw a glimpse of metal as she reached behind her back and slowly pulled out a gun. I didn't think twice before I threw myself at her and tackled her to the ground. As I pushed her down, I heard the horrifying sound of a gunshot.

     "MOTHERFUCKER!" I heard Kaia scream and grunt uncomfortably. I whipped my head over in Kaia's direction as I saw her fall to the ground holding her chest with her hands. Blood pooling out of her and falling onto the floor.

     "Hold this bitch down," I yelled to Sebastian and Easton. "Hayden, Mia, go secure the exits. Make sure no one comes snooping."

     I ran over to Kaia as she looked at me in a pissed off and confused expression. "Why are you guys here?"

     "Seriously Kaia? You just got shot and you're wondering why we're here? How about a thank you for coming to rescue your crazy ass." I looked at her with my own pissed off facial expression.

     "Umm, well I didn't get shot until your dumb as got here. So, no fucking thank you." She met my angry gaze with one of her own. I watch as she reaches down towards her gunshot wound and pulls out the bullet.

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