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In the beginning of time, the world was nothing like it was now and furthermore it was nothing like what we have read in history books. No one judged and no one was judged, everyone had the freedom to do as they wished. Their actions, if it did not hurt another soul, were never second guessed.

The change from that world to the world as we know it as now, was done by a single action. By the action of erasing the magic of soulmates.

In the modern world, not many centuries ago from the present time, a power form above, enraged, had shut down the system of love. With the closure of this love system, AURORA, the world tilted on its axis and mortals now struggle to find what they call love.

These poor mortals go from man to man or woman to woman in hopes of finding love that is true and pure. In hopes of finding a love that may last as long as they do.

Back then, when AURORA existed, you never questioned the love you shared with your partner because it was never wrong.

And then like a woman did not already possess many problems, such as menstrual cycles and pregnancy, her body was also in charge of deciding who she would find love with. At birth, the new-born girl would have a number engraved on her arm. The engraved number would slowly fade and as she becomes a few weeks of age, it would completely disappear.

This number was the age, the spirit of her soulmate would bewitch her. The spirit would possess her, in such agony that she would be left in a state of deliriousness. The only method for one to be released from the spirit was if the owner of the spirit arrived and it was personally extracted. For this to occur, family and friends of the bewitched travelled throughout the world in search of the man, operating with the mere description the effect had apprised them of.

Though it was such a complex system to those who heard it for the first time, it was effective, and its results were too mind-blowing that the process was welcomed by many.

When her beloved appeared to release his maiden of his spirit, it was impossible for both of them not to fall for each other. They would fall hard and from that point onwards, there was no going back.


The heart was a complex organ, but it was not the heart that fell in love, it was not the heart that felt. It was the soul. The soul twisted the mind, it took people's sanity. It stole common sense.

Love was powerful.

Loveis powerful.


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