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MARCH 1512




The painting was huge, composed of the finest of colours and greatest of artistry techniques. I could not help but let out a gasp as my eyes feasted up on it. I scanned the painting, looking at every man and women present hoping to see one of benefit, When they landed on a man in the corner.

Many things happened at that moment. My mind connected with Adalynn's, I felt a bout of dizziness and had to clutch the wall in hopes to steady myself. Also, Adalynn's voice shouted in my head. I had not time to be happy in finding him as pain released in my head, however Adalynn was undoubtedly happy at the sight of him.

"Are you okay," The duchess asked holding my hand.

"Yeah," I said, "Just a little dizzy, I suppose another fainting episode isn't that far away."

"We should get you to a bed," the duchess said clearly looking worried. I laughed.

"Don't bother, I'm quite curious about this painting. It is spectacular."

"Isn't is really," she said looking quite proud.

"Who's the man," I asked, pointing at the person Adalynn was overly excited about. His hat had covered, a major portion of his forehead and he was standing right at the back. Amongst a bunch of people.

"Like I said, we do not really know, who is who, or what role they play in our heritage."

"You do not even have the slightest of idea of who the man could be," I pressed. She gave an uncanny look.

"No," she said, "I do not."

"I see," I said my voice dimming slightly, "I was very much interested in your history, it is indeed a shame to know so little." She watched me, a sort of knowing crossing her face. She was hiding something from me, that as much was known. And I was baiting her, by asking so inoffensively.

"Well," she said finally, "I do not know anything for certain, but I have always had a hunch that he is the brother of my ancestor."

"You mean the man," I asked, I honestly needn't fake my excitement because I was filled with it.

"Well, like I said," she smiled at my enthusiasm, "It is not known for certain, but studying a bit, I have always felt he looks remarkably like his brother." I beamed. Adalynn had caught up on my excitement and was also sending excessive amounts of energy to me. I felt dizzy again.

"Are you certain, you don't need to lie down," the duchess asked looking worried.

"I am certain, I shall leave know, I have an appointment with Lord Irwin for dinner."

"You wouldn't want to see the other paintings," she asked.

"I would certainly, my lady, ad I shall come to visit you again soon enough."

"Oh, alright, I shall instruct the stable boy to ready your horse." She turned to the servant next to her and instructed her.

"Thank you, My Lady for the fascinating tour on your paintings. It is indeed a wonder to have known of such beauty."

"It is my pleasure; I shall walk you to the door." We walked slowly, to the door, muttering of useless things.

"Lady Marci," I said and curtsied, "A pleasure."

"It is all mine, Lady Thompson."

I waked out and was helped onto my horse by a servant. The moment I had sat upon it, I heaved the bridle. We galloped across the countryside. All the extra energy I held, was relieved. I had found a clue. I was getting near and right now that was all that mattered.

As soon as I reached the Irwin manor, I jumped off my horse without waiting for someone to help me and ran into the house. The footman stared at me, just managing to mutter 'My lady,' before I had run off to find the Duke.

I had made my decision on the way here; I knew what I was supposed to do. If the man was indeed who I think it is, that I had to find where he had left to, to find out who his children were. The Manor was bumbling with men. The fighting season had finished and knights from the Irwin estate had come back to seek refuge.

"Where's the Lord of the house," I asked a nearby man. He looked me up and down, confused by my ruffled attire.

"Within his office, My Lady," he said. I thanked him and ran off. I knocked twice on the Duke's door and without waiting for a reply opened it. The duke was very accustomed to my lack of manners and my behaviour having seen me grow up. He was like a father to me.

"Marissa," The duke asked looking up at me, shook.

"My Lord," I smiled, "You will not believe what I have found." A look of incredulousness covered his face and he took a joyful step forward.

"You found the man, already."

"No," I said, "But I have an idea of who he might be."

"Okay," the duke said slowly, "Sit and explain." I sat and explained the whole idea to him, not mentioning the phrase or that I wasn't supposed to tell him.

"So, you are to tell me, that you have no idea where Adalynn's beloved is, except that he is not in England. Also, you are to chase the location of an ancestor to find the location of her beloved."

"Yes," I laughed, knowing what I had said was beyond crazy, "Isn't it splendid."

"It is most certainly not," the duke sighed, but he knew that I was not to be budged in my thinking, "what help can I offer."

"I cannot believe I am to say this," I said, "But I need access to books talking of the past."

"Books of history," The lord asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, that absurd thing, I need pages and pages of written notes." The duke shook her head. He was well familiarised with mine and Adalynn's hatred for history.

"That I can help with."

"You can?" I asked confused, "Where are you supposed to find a library with history books."

"My dear, there are libraries all across England filled with them."

"There are," I asked confused.

"You would know, if you listened to your governor," he chided. I smiled guiltily and then walked to the side.

"My Lord, would you forgive me for the inconvenience I caused by not listening to my governor, I also apologise on behalf of Adalynn."

The duke sighed, though I could see he was trying to restrain the smile.

"You shall have access, to the finest libraries in England," he said a few moments later, taking a letter paper out of a drawer. Seeing his expression, I had no doubt, I would.


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