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The impact came instantly. Like the world had come crashing down on me. The pressure unbelievably hard, made me numb. I felt it consume me.

I had no clue what 'it' was, yet it was like I had spent my whole life with 'it.'

And then from the depths of my mind, like a memory I hadn't opened for a long time, a feeling arose. I couldn't breathe, like a fist clenched my throat, as a sudden flash of my beloved vibrated in front of my closed eyes.

He had stunning eyes, hues of gold with flecks of deep brown. Framed with thick lashes, they held the world's deepest secrets. His eyes flashed in my dream, repeatedly in the deliriousness, begging me to remember them, begging me to feel the swell of desire. His eyes flashed for the last time before being replaced by something that sent jolts of fear within me.

The world around him blanked. What was supposed to look like the sky- soft on the edges and blue in colour – had become something of a nightmare. Dark swellings of orange and red thundered across the vast enclosed area. The clouds had become musty and anger radiated off of them.

I cried.

My heart cried.

And then his eyes flashed once more. Now darker. Filled with hatred, the brown had a sort of clear clarity. The pupils were constricted, like the feelings in my throat.

Tell me what is to come.

Because I had understood, no matter what – everyone had a side that was malicious. And my beloved was no exception.

But he might have been the definition.


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