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MARCH 1512




"Good morning," I said coolly. The Sanguine moved to face me, "It is with honour that I place this year's gathering at my abode."

"You have a beautiful place, Susurro," Amika said. I nodded, tilting my head as a sign of gratitude.

"Are you not a little late, as our host," Jarrah said. I turned to him, so that my whole body was facing him.

"I had matters of my estate to take care of," I said my gaze levelled, "I believe my servants have provided care for your needs and that you are most capable of entertaining one another."

He smiled at me, forced. That was the intended effect.

"Yes, thank you," he said. I nodded again and moved my wine glass forward.

"Then, I toast to a loving afternoon, let us hope that death graces us with his presence this year," I said, "To death." The words were sour on my tongue. Mummers ran around me and everyone took a sip of their wine. I left mine untouched.

"You didn't drink to me," a voice said from behind. I stiffened and slowly turned around. He stood there in front of me, a lavish smirk on his face. His cape moulded around him, it glinted in the darkness surrounding him. I bowed extravagantly.

"Death," I said my voice like silk.

"You did not toast to me," death repeated.

"I have had much to drink today and I would rather have much my sense still left in me to supervise the event."

"I see," he said a horrible smile on his face. I sighed mentally, of course he would chose to come, when I was hosting the event.

"If it does not bother you, I would like to speak," he said. I nodded and moved away, graciously.

"Get him a glass of wine," I commanded. Three servants appeared to do so, and death chose his pick.

"My sanguine," death said, sounding like a possessed doll, "The few of you have been ordered this year, have pleased me well."

I bit my cheeks, in an effort not to react. Most of the people around me wished to be favoured by him, to carry out his wishes. But I did not even want him to look in my direction.

"this year, the methods of death in the very least have been a beauty to watch."

I felt pity for those poor souls who had died this year, no doubt to death's evil methods. Unlike common thought, death wasn't a brooding man filled with hatred and boredom. No, he was very the opposite, heh found pleasure in killing people, he liked playing around, it interested him to find the most horrible of methods to kill people. Unlike common thought, death enjoyed his position and he would never give it up.

And us sanguine, the most of us who were obsessed with pleasing death, carried out all his wishes like little followers. And the minority, like me and a few others, did so because we were forced to do so.

Anyone I had loved had died. As of now I had no one with I was emotionally attached with, but death was creative. Creative enough to make me obey him.

I was not a fool; he was to be feared.

"Susurro," I turned to him, "Is that not what they call you now."


"Well then, do you have anyone women here, it seems my appetite needs to be fulfilled." I grit my teeth.

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