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"It wasn't supposed to happen like that, murder's not part of the schedule," Nate sighed, his body hunched over the large piece of paper. I flipped the knife between my fingers.

"Speak for yourself," I muttered, "Murders part of my Tuesday." He got up and looked back at me, a confused look on his face.

"What," he said. I shook my head.

"You two should not be paired together," a voice said from the distance. I peered into the darkness, trying to see who spoke, when Azeala walked out, looking abnormally alive. My mouth hung open.

"Azeala," Nate and I said, on guard.

"Yeah," she said a grin on her face as she sat down leisurely on the chair, "What up."

She could have fooled a lot of people with the pretence she was carrying, but I had been in this industry for a long time and I could see the wariness in her eyes.

"Yes," she said again as we both just continued to stare at her.

"You're supposed to be dead, like rock hard dead," I said, confused.

"Well, I am."

"And murders not part of my schedule," I muttered sarcastically. She laughed.

"But, Mads," Nate said, "You just said it was." We both turned to him and I felt the strong urge to dunk my head in water.

"It's sarcasm, Nate," Azeala said rolling her eyes.


"Well, I am dead," Azeala said, then sighed, "It's just a long story."

"I have time," is aid leaning back to the wall, my finger splayed with blade again. I don't know, but something about the cool feel of metal, calmed me down.

She stared at us and the began talking. Our faces morphed from shock to fear and then back to shock.

"Azeala," Nate said slowly, "You've not gone mental, right." She pursed her lips.

"That would mean you're seeing a ghost, which means your mental too," Azeala said.

"Good point," he said slowly. I sighed.

"Shut up, Nate," I said, then turned to Azeala asked, "How are you supposed to win."

"Fall in love," Azeala said. I stared at her, I hadn't any idea what shed gone through in her life, but she had always seemed opposed to falling to for anyone. And I here, had chosen to fall for the idiot sitting in front of me, Nate.

"I need to stay here, today, I'll return to my apartment tommorrow," she said. I nodded.

"Sure, stay here as long as you want," Nate said.

"So, what you lot working on," she asked, moving to the map.

"Why Mads killed that girls' mother," Nate said darkly, pointing at a girl who looked familiar.

"Who is she," she asked, slowly looking at her.

"You don't remember," I asked curious now as I walked to her.

"The girl you killed two days ago," Nate said.

"Memories getting faint," she responded pointing to her head, "What exactly did I do."

"You honestly don't remember," I asked. She shook her head.

"You took an innocent girl from her mother when they were in the park, and killed her on the road, "I said slowly. A look of recognition covered her face and she sighed.

"I didn't kill her for no reason," she said. I shot her look of curiosity.

"There was two reasons, number one, when I found her, she was pumped with poison and her death would have been way more terrible, so I killed her. The second reason was that the people were getting away and I need a distraction that would cause hysteria. She was a good distraction, her parents yelled, the people al around her yelled and I manage to catch the people and gave them to the leaders," she explained.

"Ahh," Nate said, "Now it makes sense, I was wondering why you would go against your strict protocol thing of killing innocents." I rolled my eyes at Nate's innocence's.

"Guys, I feel weird," Azeala said. I looked at her, her eyes were twitching, and awful look had come to her face.

"Describe it," Nate said.

"It's like this weird gurgling feeling in my stomach and it just keeps on getting deeper, I feel weird. There's also this weight on my chest."

Nate and I exchanged a look, it was hilarious to see the great Azeala, feel such horror of the most simplest of emotions.

"I think it's called guilt," I said slowly a smile on my face. She looked horrified.

"Guilt," she repeated dumbly.

"Yes, guilt."

"I'm feeling this, because I feel bad for killing her," Azeala asked sounding incredulous, "I'm feeling bad for doing my duty."


"That's barbarous," she said, her voice raised.

"No, that just makes you human," I muttered. She gave me a long look and got up, to walk away.

"Where you going," Nate asked.

"To the girls," I replied. Both Nate and Azalea looked at me, suspicious.

"What," I said, "it's what guilt does."

so i'll try to upload atleast 5 chapters like every weekend, but since i havent uploaded in a long time.. here we go. 6 chapters today


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