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The room swirled around me, colours fading in and out. A voice murmured beside me, coaxing me to awaken. A sudden ache filled my body like I had just flung myself of a mountain.

"Marissa," the voice said again. A pair of hands smoothed down my hair, it cool against the rising temperature of my body. My eyes fluttered open.

"Marissa," the voice soothed again. Will's head bent into view, his soft brown hair falling into his eyes, which were filled with worry. I smiled painfully and attempted to sit straight.

"Stay down, Marissa," he said.

"I'm fine," I muttered supporting my weight on my elbows.

"Did you see something," Will asked. I grimaced in pain and nodded.

"Yes, but nothing in particular," I said, not wanting to mention Will's mother. He's eyes creased and he held my face, so that he was looking directly into my eyes.

"What exactly was, nothing in particular," he asked. For all the things I was good at, lying didn't exist.

"Adalynn showed me how she found you," I said averting my eyes. the suspicion in Will's eyes depend.

"Wat do you mean, how she found me?"

"I meant what I meant, Will, don't worry about it," I said shrugging, "It is not of importance."

"How exactly did she find me," he asked. I sighed, then told him. He sighed and then like predicted, his mood turned sour.

"You mean to tell me that I owe something to that woman," he cursed. His hands were in his pocket and he was staring decisively at the marble.

"No," I muttered with uncertainty.

"Do not lie."

"Curse you," I responded, "Stop being so glum, the women did birth you."

"She did."

"And we have other things of more importance, to talk of and consider, if you dislike her so much, do not think of her. do not waste your mind on her."

He nodded and walked to the window. I sat up and rolled my shoulders to remove the ache.

"Tell me what happened again," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"Will," I said, "It is not important, I told you not to waste you time on it."

"No, tell me," he said. I could see his mind working too fast for me to ask questions. So, I shrugged and repeated the story.

"You say she was looking through pictures," he asked.

"Yes," I said, "how could that be of any importance."

"Maybe, that is where you are to look." I stared at him in confusion, but his delighted expression remained.

"Care to explain, my lord," I asked, feeling a bit temperamental myself.

"She showed you pictures which is how she came to find me, maybe that is the way she hopes for you to find him," Will said, looking happy with himself.

"You might be right," I said slowly, the energy slowly drained into me and I felt awake. I stood up and grabbed Will's arm.

"Th painting, I must see the painting," I said, "is that not what you mean."

Will nodded, "I assume that's what she meant."

"Come, we must go and see the rest of the paintings," I said. Will's smile vanished.

"We are too late for that; it is already twilight and the family needs to retire."

"Already," My hands flew to my mouth, "Dear me, how long was I out."

"Quite a while, dear."

"I suppose, we must say our goodbyes."

"Then how are you supposed to acquire an invitation to the manor again." I flashed him a wicked smile.

"Are you questioning my motives, my lord."

"Always," he said. It sounded suspiciously like a promise. He took my hand and we walked out of the room back into the ballroom. The room was quiet. A few men and women laughed in the corner with the duke and duchess, but the rest had left. We walked up to them and the duchess noticed us.

"Oh, are you well now," she asked her voice jolly.

"Thank you, my lady, I feel much better," I said.

"Excellent, a real shame you couldn't view the rest of the paintings."

"It is, is it not, I was rather enjoying myself."

"Oh yes, the paintings here are quite superb," a lady from beside me commented. I smiled at her.

"We must leave now," Will said, "I beg your leave, my wife here must rest."

"Of course, My lord, take care of her."

"I will." He bowed and we walked away, when Will suddenly stalled. I looked at him.

"Are you okay, Will," I asked.

"Could you go back to the coach, I have something to see to," Will said, offering me a cautious smile. His eyes had lit up and I nodded. He ran in the opposite direction back to the gathering while I walked to the carriage. I waited just a few minutes for Will to arrive.

"What's with the extensive grin," I asked him. He slipped something into my hand. I looked at him again, before fumbling at the opening. A paper slid out. An invitation.

I quickly scanned it, happiness overwhelming at every word before I threw myself at will.

"You managed to get an invitation that fast," I yelled.

"Well, I didn't want my spectacular wife to use her extended abilities to achieve something, when I knew I could do it for her. Especially knowing how important her best friend was to her." I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

"Why thank you, darling," I said and kissed him.


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