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I took a large gulp of water. I was so tired, but I would never trade this job for anything.

"Jane," I yelled as I heard something fall down the stairs, if any problem happenned in this place, I could bet anything that Jane was the one who caused it.

"Yes, mam," Jane responded, her innocent eyes coming to view. I laughed.

"What was thrown down the stairs," I asked her.

"The ball," she said, her smile spread across her face and I eyed it suspiciously.

"A ball," I repeated.

"I was holding it," Mike said also walking into the room, nursing his back. I laughed.

"Why did you push him," I said.

"I didn't, the stupid idiot fell by himself," she said.

"No bad words," I scolded.

"But, it isnt a bad word," Jane complained. I gave her a stern look and she sighed.

"I'm sorry, mam."

"Where are the rest of the kids," I asked her.

"There all sleeping, an evening nap," Mike said his face twisting, "I don't know why anyone does something like that."

"I know, right, the amount of time you waste."

I watched their bickering and laughing, Jane was a seven year old, while mike was 10. They were the oldest of kids in the orphanage and they kept each other's company quite well.

I was of Russian descendant and had taken this job at the orphanage, it was my life and it would continue to be so. These kids were good children, still trying to wrap their heads around the world while still understanding the hardships of being orphaned. I respected and loved each and every one of them.

"Why did I go to sleep," the little 4 year old asked as she wondered into the room.

"Because, Michelle, you and all of you lot listen to whatever Jason says," Marcus muttered under his breath. I shot him a look and he remained quiet. It was true, the little kids all adored Jason, who was 6. A little hard in the head, but he was good with the children.

The doorbell of the building sounded and due to shock, I was unable to move.

It was such a rare occurrence for the doorbell to ring. Both Marcus and Jane ran to the door with Michelle following, her tiny little legs, trying hard to catch up. I rinsed the cup and began to follow them.

"Who are you," I heard Jane's voice ask.

"Um, is there an adult here," the voice asked Jane. I reached to the door and looked at the person.

A man and women stood there, both of them looked wealthy, especially the women. She was dressed fantastically with clothes, none of the kid here would be able to even set their eyes on.

"Hello," I said politely.

"Hello, my name is Azeala," the women said. I nodded, confused why they were here.

"We wanted to come in and maybe, play with the children, have some fun with them, maybe cook them something," she said a look of uncertainty on her face. I smiled at her.

"I'm not sure if that's allowed, but I wanted to try."

She looked innocent enough, a cautious smile on her face. The man stood behind her, wary but a smile on his face too. I thought it over for a moment.

"I'm not too sure if that's allowed," I said.

"Please, mam," Jane asked me, her eyes pleading. I looked at her and shook my head.

"We rarely get visitors, ever, please," she asked again. I couldn't bear the look on her face or the look on Marcus' face, so I nodded.

"I guess, it'll be fine."

A brilliant smile lit up on the women's face and she looked relieved.

"Thank you, we will not disappoint the children," she said.

"The children are mostly sleeping right now," I responded, "but they'll wake up soon.

The women looked back at the man, he gave her something of an assuring smile.

"That's fine." She stepped into the building and I led her into the kitchen. We talked of simple things before I left her alone with the man.

I wasn't too sure of this, but I could hear the joyful squeals from Jane and Michelle and see the quiet smile on Marcus' face.

I would never trade them for anything else.


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