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(tw: none!)

find a way to escape

kara blinked slowly and looked around. the computer displayed that she was twenty-six percent reset and counting. she didn't like how fast the numbers went up.

she looked up by her right arm spotting the two colored cables, a green and yellow one.

kara outstretched her hand as far as she could and gripped the yellow one, tugging at it. she tried pulling it down, but her hand could only go so far and she lost her grip on it.

this time she stretched her hand out towards the green cable and latched her hand onto it. she tugged the green cable down and it - like the yellow cable - slipped out of her grip sending some bottle of liquid down.

it slipped all over the carpet in front of kara and she turned to her left hand which was beside a blue cable. she once more reached out her hand and tried to tug the cable down - but it once more didn't come loose from the machinery.

the computer now displayed ninety-six percent reset. ninety-seven, ninety-eight.

kara had given up, loosing all hope. she couldn't save her memory. the computer displayed one-hundred percent and the process was over.

reinitialization completed
memory deleted

the machine slowly brought kara back to the ground. her memory was wiped and she looked straight forward, no sign of emotion on her face.

meet luther in the living room

kara walked out of the room and into the hallway. she walked up to a set of bars, peering inside.

"come on alice," kara put her hand on a small girl's shoulder, directing her away from the cage.

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kara ignored the memory that had resurfaced and continued walked only to stop at another set of bars. she gazed inside, it seemed to be the same set that 'alice' was looking inside.

a hand reached out to kara causing her to jump away from the cage. "help us . . ." she thought it over before stepping forward and opening the latch, pushing the door open.

"he erased her memory," a feminine voice spoke out. kara jumped away from it and looked around the dark cage. she walked inside and pulled back when arms reached out and touched her.

"no . . . this can't be happening."

the same voice spoke, "you have to remember, for her sake."

kara had walked further back into the cage until she had ended up beside an android with glowing red eyes. "he likes to play with us. creating monsters . . . for his amusement." he spoke in disgust.

"but who's the real monster? look what he did to us!" multiple androids had parts ripped out, their wires showing. "you must remember who you are. otherwise the little one will die."

kara watched as the android walked away sadly. she begun moving out of the cage and back into the hallway. she continued walking down the hallway and up the stairs.

as soon as she had gotten up the stairs, kara gazed into a mirror. another memory flashed before her eyes.

kara took a pair of scissors beside the sink and started to bring them closer and closer to her once-blonde ponytail.

she stepped back from the mirror in zlatko's mansion in surprise. kara was starting to regain her memory.

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