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(tw: none!)

"hey connor!" hank called out to connor who was still in the elevator, his eyes shut as if he was asleep. connor opened his eyes as hank continued, "you ran outta batteries or what?"

hank and lyra waited on the android to step out of the elevator as they were already out.

"i'm sorry," he apologized. "i was making a report to cyberlife."

"uh . . ." hank waited for him to get out.

lyra sighed, "geez, c'mon we still have a case to get to, you know?" hank started to walk towards the apartment and connor got out of the elevator and walked after him, lyra following.

"what do we know about this guy?" hank questioned connor and lyra.

"not much. just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor did the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a led under his cap," connor told them.

"god," lyra wrinkled her nose and looked around the hall in disgust. "i can see why no one would live here."

hank sighed, "if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops." hank leaned against the wall and lyra agreed. "hey, were you really makin' a report back there in the elevator? just by closing your eyes?"

lyra and hank both looked to connor.

"correct," connor nodded.

"shit. wish i could do that," hank said lustfully.

connor knocked on the apartment door and when no one answered, knocked harder. "anybody home?" connor called out. he looked to lyra and hank who urged him to continue.

"open up! detroit police!" they heard shuffling from inside the apartment and lyra and hank pulled out their guns, pointing them at the ground yet keeping a steady aim.

"stay behind me," hank told lyra and connor.

"got it," connor responded for the both of them as they moved to be behind hank.

hank kicked open the door and went through each room alongside lyra, looking for the suspect. when they got to the last door, lyra's eyebrows furrowed when she heard a sound similar to birds fluttering their wings.

lyra stood beside hank as he kicked in the door, both of them jumping back in surprise when a bunch of pigeons flew out of the room.

"what the hell?" lyra shouted, putting up an arm to cover her face from the birds. she followed hank into the room and her nose wrinkled at the smell.

more and more pigeons covered the floor and there were feathers everywhere. the apartment as a whole was old and disgusting.

"jesus, this place stinks," hank grumbled. "uh, looks like we came for nothin'. our man's gone."

lyra walked up to the small kitchen area and connor and hank went their separate ways. she examined a box of bird seed and opened the fridge.

she turned to hank and connor, "the suspect doesn't eat, meaning it could be an android and they feed the pigeons." connor had also found a clue as he had peeled back a poster, revealing a diary of some sort.

"find something?" hank asked.

"i don't know." connor flicked through the pages. "it looks like a notebook but it's . . . indecipherable."

lyra had moved to a closet and opened the doors. she recoiled when pigeons flew out and glanced inside. lyra sighed and shut the doors. connor bent down, hovering over a jacket. "r.t.," he read. "probably initials."

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