Chapter One: Meet and Greet

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"This is going to be amazing," Tiffany Lopez gushed bouncing up and down, she was about to meet the man that she was sure would one day be her husband.

The blonde fluffed her hair and smoothed out her red bandeau pencil dress, she wanted to look perfect for her meeting with her future husband.

Jenna Ramírez rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, she hadn't wanted to come to this meet and greet; she had wanted to enjoy her holiday before they went back to Valencia.

Jenna was a little on edge about being in a room full of footballers, she knew what Tiffany wanted to happen and she doubted that it would.

Tiffany had a massive crush on Cristiano Ronaldo and it was common knowledge that he was single; every woman hoped to catch his eye when they stepped into the room.

"I think it'll be me... I'd be the perfect mate for him," Tiffany said peeking at the people in front of them, they were so close to the front now that she was trying to calm so that she didn't look a frantic mess.

Jenna just nodded her head, she was used to listening to Tiffany's ramblings about her 'destiny'; it was something that she had gotten used to over the last few years as Cristiano became more popular and famous.

"Just think... you'll get to tell this story when you are my maid-of-honour at our wedding," Tiffany said smirking, she peeked back at Jenna knowing that her friend had nothing on her and she was always going to be the ugly friend out of the two of them.

Jenna just sighed, she was tired of Tiffany's ramblings and she couldn't wait until this was over so that they could go and get lunch; they had skipped breakfast because Tiffany wished to get to the hotel early for the meet and greet.


Cristiano Ronaldo grumbled under his breath, he forced a smile as another woman left; he knew why he had been signed up for this meet and greet, it had been done by the local council so that he could speed up the process of finding his mate.

"You're doing well," Iker Casillas murmured softly, he smiled a little at Cristiano not missing the things that was happening; he was glad that he had found Sara and nothing was going to take that away from him.

Cristiano nodded his head, he brushed his fingers through his hair before he picked up on an unfamiliar scent; he sniffed the air curiously as the security guards waved in more fans.

Iker raised an eyebrow at Cristiano, he had a feeling that something was going to happen very soon; he was going to have to watch his friend closely before anything happened.

"Hola I'm Tiffany," the blonde said strutting over to the footballers, her friend hung back making Iker turn his full attention to Tiffany; she was clearly going to be one of those clingy fans.

Cristiano smiled nervously, he looked at Tiffany wondering if the smell was coming from her; he was sort of relieved when he realised that it wasn't her, the last thing he wanted was a crazy fan for a mate.

"Hola," Cristiano murmured before signing some things for Tiffany, he wanted to know what that smell was and it had gotten stronger.

Tiffany frowned when she realised that nothing had happened, she was so sure that she was the woman for Cristiano; she tugged her dress down a little to reveal a little more of her breasts.

"So I was wondering if I could get a picture," Tiffany said leaning on the table that Cristiano was sat behind, she was showing him a little more than she should but she wasn't sure why he hadn't realised that she was his soul-mate.

Cristiano nodded his head, he was bored of woman like this and he didn't understand why it was so hard for him to find his mate; he peeked at the other members of his pack while Tiffany smiled and turned around to signal to her friend.

Jenna pulled out her old worn camera from her black cross body bag, she was glad that it was nearly over so that she could go and get some lunch; her stomach was growling and she hoped that Tiffany wasn't going to sulk all day.

Cristiano forced a smile to his lips and stared ahead at the wall, he wasn't even surprised when Tiffany sneakily kissed his cheek as her friend took the picture; he grimaced as she grinned and moved away to look at the picture that had been taken.

Iker chuckled watching Cristiano, he felt bad for his third-in-command but he knew that it wouldn't be long before he found his own mate; it wasn't easy but it would happen soon.

"I look perfect," Tiffany exclaimed as Jenna showed her the picture, she smiled before peeking back at Cristiano who had already moved on to signing other people's things; she sighed wondering why it hadn't worked out like she hoped.

Jenna put her camera back into her bag, she knew how much this had all meant to Tiffany and she did feel bad that it hadn't worked out.

"It'll be okay... I'm sure he'll regret the day that he never realised how perfect you would be for him," Jenna said smiling at Tiffany, they had been best friends since they were children and the brunette had always been able to rely on Tiffany no matter what.

Tiffany nodded her head with a smile, Jenna was always cheering her up and that was why they were best friends; the two started to head for the door when Jenna felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

Jenna only peeked back to the table where the footballers were sitting, she paused realising that someone was staring at her only to have Tiffany shove her out of the door so that they could leave.

Jenna shook her head, she slowly followed Tiffany out of the hotel foyer; she was glad that she had opted to wear her light grey brushed jumper and black coated skinny jeans paired with burgundy double buckle quilted ankle boots since it was cold outside.

"What do you fancy for lunch?" Jenna asked hearing a commotion behind them, she didn't look back sure that it was just some fans getting a little too excited about being close to their ideals.

Tiffany pouted, she still couldn't believe that Cristiano hadn't realised that she was his soul-mate; she was perfect for him and she had hoped that he would see it as soon as he looked at her.

Jenna shivered a little, she felt an odd feeling forming in her stomach the further that she got from the hotel; she ignored it putting it down to not having eaten since yesterday.

"I don't mind," Tiffany wondered, she wished that she had some way of making Cristiano see that they were just meant to be; she was sure he needed a girlfriend like her in his life.

Jenna grumbled to herself walking towards their rented car, she started to think about what they could have for lunch; she knew what restaurants that Tiffany didn't like and she was sure they could find a nice cosy café somewhere.

Jenna unlocked the car and moved to climb into the driver's side, she had no idea how long Tiffany was going to sulk; she just hoped that it didn't ruin the rest of their holiday.

Jenna didn't get a lot of holiday time since it often took her forever to save up, she wanted this one to stand out and she was sure Tiffany would cheer up in a couple of days when they watched Real Madrid play against Rayo Vallecano in the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.

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