Chapter Thirty-One: Can't Be Found

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Cristiano dragged his fingers through his hair exhaustedly as he stared at the map that he had of Spain, he knew that Jenna was somewhere in the country but he didn’t know where.

It had been a week since she had been abducted and Cristiano was no closer to finding his mate, it was like she had disappeared off the face of the world and the only way he knew that she was alive was through their bond.

Cristiano worried for Jenna especially since the vampires that were holding her seemed to have a way to block him from tracking her; it was the reason that he hadn’t been able to sense her being taken nor Tiffany’s visit to their home.

“Any news?” Cristiano asked not looking at Iker as the other man walked into the room, he hadn’t stopped since Jenna had been taken and he wasn’t going to stop until she was home safe with him.

Iker shook his head, he had no idea how Cristiano has stayed so sane and he dreaded to think what the werewolf before him was like when he was truly left alone.

Cristiano was doing everything in his power and more to find Jenna, he had somehow managed to convince packs that lay in Portugal and England to help them search for Jenna.

“When was the last time that you slept?” Iker asked watching Cristiano concerned, he could see that his friend wasn’t sleeping and he feared for the wolf’s mental state at being parted from Jenna like this; it would all only end in tears if Jenna wasn’t found soon.

Cristiano shrugged his shoulders, he didn’t like to sleep since it was haunted by dreams of what could be happening to Jenna; he knew a vampire had been drinking from her lately and it made him sick that he wasn’t there to protect her from all of this.

“You need to sleep, Jenna wouldn’t want you to do this to yourself,” Iker murmured wanting Cristiano to see that he was going to make himself ill, he could only imagine what would happen if they never found Jenna.

Cristiano closed his eyes, he knew that everyone was worried about him but he wasn’t going to just sit around and pretend that he was okay; Jenna was missing and he wanted her back.

“I can’t… they’re feeding from her Iker and I can feel it,” Cristiano spat disgusted, he was angry that the vampires thought that they were getting away with this; he would kill all of them when he found out where they were hiding Jenna.

Iker stared at Cristiano, he knew that there was little that he could say to comfort his friend; he wanted nothing more than to make this right for Cristiano but there was nothing that he could do until they found where Jenna was being held.

“Lo siento… I wish there was something that I could do,” Iker replied placing a hand on Cristiano’s shoulder, he hated that anyone had to go through this and he was sure that Tiffany had something to do with what had happened to Jenna.

There was every chance that Jenna was hidden somewhere in Madrid and Iker was sure that it wouldn’t be long before the vampires made their next move; they wouldn’t want to wait long since whoever was running all of this would soon grow bored.

“Why don’t you come to dinner? Sara would love to have you,” Iker murmured wanting to make sure that Cristiano had something to eat, the other werewolf needed to keep up his strength if he wanted any hope of taking on the vampires that had taken Jenna.

Cristiano nodded his head, he flashed a weak smile at Iker hoping that it wasn’t going to be long until he had Jenna home with him again. Iker smiled pleased, he wanted to take Cristiano’s mind off what was going on right now even if it was for a moment.


Jenna closed her brown eyes and tried to stop her head from spinning, she felt sick as she struggled to stay awake; she didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the stinky basement but she knew it had been far too long.

Alexander and Tiffany had tied her to a chair in the centre of the room, her wrists had been rubbed raw from where she had tried to break free and the left side of her neck had dried blood caked into her skin from where the two vampires were feeding from her.

“Buenos días,” Tiffany called walking into the room where Jenna was being held, she smirked at the sight of her former friend and she was so happy that soon she would have want she wanted.

Tiffany was a little disappointed that she had to wait another week until she was able to go and claim Cristiano as her own; Alexander didn’t want her getting ahead of herself while Jenna was still alive.

Jenna opened her eyes and glared at Tiffany, she didn’t know why the blonde bothered to come and talk to her when they were far from friends; it was almost as if Tiffany had nothing better to do than torment Jenna.

“Now don’t be like that… you brought this on yourself,” Tiffany teased walking towards Jenna, she licked her lips knowing that she had enjoyed drinking from her; she was surprised that she felt so calm about everything that had happened in the past few moments.

Jenna gritted her teeth, she wasn’t going to listen to Tiffany’s pity-party and she wondered just how much Tiffany knew about Cristiano since it was clear she still had no idea that the man that she was obsessed with was a werewolf.

“I would give up hope now if I was you… no one’s coming to find you,” Tiffany stated not wanting to give Jenna any reason to think that she was going to make it out alive; she wanted the brunette to plead for her life.

Jenna swallowed knowing what Tiffany was trying to do, she closed her brown eyes and started to try and drowned the vampire’s talking out; she knew that Cristiano was searching for her, their weakening bond told her so.

Jenna had no idea what would happen if their mating bond was allowed to collapse completely, she feared that Cristiano would forget her and that she would never see him again.

Jenna yelped in surprise as Tiffany grabbed a hold of her chin with her sharp red painted nails, she dug them into Jenna’s skin making the brunette stare up at her in fear.

“I’m going to enjoy stealing your life… like you stole it from me,” Tiffany snarled glaring at Jenna, she had no idea what she would give to make Jenna suffer right now but Alexander had told her that she had to wait a little longer.

Tiffany leant closer, she wanted nothing more than to end Jenna’s life but she knew that it could wait; she had no idea what she would do when she finally had the life that she had dreamt of.

“You will regret the day that you stole Cristiano from me,” Tiffany spat with a smirk, she was going to get her happy ending while Jenna rotted in hell; everything was going to be fine and she would even turn Cristiano to keep him in her life.

Jenna stared at the blonde vampire, she wondered if Tiffany had always been this crazy and why she hadn’t noticed; she doubted that Tiffany had any idea what she was going to mess with.

“He’ll never love you,” Jenna replied confidently, she had seen how Cristiano had looked at Tiffany and he couldn’t stand her; he was more likely to end up with some model than to ever end up dating Tiffany.

Tiffany gritted her teeth and slapped Jenna across the face, she knew that the brunette was just trying to upset her; she stared at Jenna as she wondered why she couldn’t have just done as she was told from the beginning.

Howling at the MoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora