Chapter Twenty-Seven: Future Plans

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“Someone looks annoyed,” Sergio teased looking at Cristiano, he grinned having heard that the other man’s family had stopped by and he knew that they would be driving him up the wall.

Cristiano rolled his eyes, he knew that he shouldn’t have been surprised that his family was sticking around but it was cutting into his time with Jenna; he didn’t want to share his mate constantly with people.

Hugo had arrived only a couple of days ago and Cristiano had found himself sharing Jenna with his mother, his three older siblings, their spouses and his two nieces and three nephews.

“Leave him alone… you remember what it’s like when the family meets your mate,” Iker said shaking his head, he knew how Sergio had reacted when his family had come to Madrid when he had first found Pilar; the Sevillian has sulked at having to share his mate.

Cristiano ran his fingers through his hair, he had no idea how long his family was going to stay for; they had already been staying with him for a week.

“How is having your family at home with you?” Pepe asked knowing that it wasn’t easy, everyone had to go through it and it was hard for those who had mates that didn’t come from werewolf families.

Cristiano sat down at his locker, he was tired after the training session but he doubted he would get any rest at home; he could only imagine what his nieces and nephews would be like when he got back to the house.

“As expected… my mãe keeps trying to plan a wedding for the two of us,” Cristiano grumbled, he loved the idea of making things official with Jenna and having her not only as his mate but as his wife so the whole world knew that she was his.

However they had only been mated for two and a half months and Cristiano knew it was far too soon, if he wanted her family to be okay with this; he didn’t want them thinking that he was rushing things with Jenna.


“So when are you two going to give me some grandchildren?” Dolores asked setting down some lunch in front of Cristiano and Jenna, she smiled at the couple knowing that she wanted some more grandchildren sooner rather than later.

Jenna choked on her drink making Cristiano pat her on her back, he glared at his mother for a moment before he focused on Jenna helping her clear her throat.

“I’m okay,” Jenna croaked rubbing her throat, it had gone down the wrong hole after having heard Dolores ask for grandchildren; she certainly had expected it since she had only been with Cristiano for two months now.

Cristiano eyed her cautiously, he was glad that Jenna was okay and he was in no hurry to force her to have his pups; he wanted to have pups when she was ready and he had no intentions of rushing Jenna.

“What I want grandchildren from you before I turn sixty,” Dolores stated innocently, she was fifty-five and she wasn’t going to get younger; she wanted as many grandchildren as possible from her children and she didn’t see any reason to wait.

Jenna opened and closed her mouth staring at Dolores, she knew that things were different in Cristiano’s world but she wasn’t going to get pregnant right away; her parents would freak and she wanted them to warm to the idea of her being with Cristiano for the rest of her life.

“Mae… we won’t be having any anytime soon,” Cristiano explained resting his arm on the back of Jenna’s chair, he watched his mother doubting that she would be pleased with this answer.

Jenna was the first non-wolf related female to marry into his family in generations and Cristiano knew that they couldn’t rush this; the last thing he wanted was to alienate her from her family by rushing things.


Jenna ran her fingers through her wet hair as she stepped out of the bathroom, she had enjoyed her shower and was glad she had gotten some peace; she loved Cristiano’s family but she enjoyed time by herself.

Jenna paused spotting Cristiano sat on their bed, she could see something was bothering him and she knew it had something to do with what his mother had said earlier.

“Cris?” Jenna murmured walking towards him, she had no idea what to say to him right now but she was glad that he wasn’t rushing her into having his pups; she wasn’t ready for that yet.

Cristiano looked up and stared at Jenna, he needed to talk to her about this and he knew that it was important; he wasn’t going to rush her into anything but he wanted to know when things would be okay between them.

“When do you want to get married?” Cristiano asked softly, his brown eyes watching Jenna as he gently pulled her close to him; she stood between his legs as he wrapped his arms around her.

Jenna stared at Cristiano, she blinked slowly taking in what he had asked her; she truly hadn’t thought that he would ask her anything like that and she didn’t know what to say.

“I’m sorry what?” Jenna spluttered staring at her boyfriend, she had no idea what had brought any of this on when he had been okay with it all earlier; she didn’t know what to say and she wasn’t sure how to respond.

Cristiano smiled softly, he didn’t want to force this issue but he needed to know and he was sure that they needed to talk about this before his mother or siblings started to push the subject too much.

“It’s just I want to know when is the right time to ask you,” Cristiano murmured brushing his fingers against her back, he watched her face and he knew that this wasn’t something that they had discussed before.

“I don’t know…” Jenna whispered trying to think of something that she could say, she had no idea what to expect and she didn’t know what to say in response; she stared at Cristiano trying to work out what he wanted her to say.

Cristiano smiled, he could see how she was and he wanted nothing more than to make her happy but he needed to know when it was okay for them to take another step.

“What if we say in two years… we will get married,” Cristiano suggested making Jenna blink, he moved to brush some hair from her face; he was sure that two years was reasonable and he could plan a wonderful proposal in that time.

Jenna stared at Cristiano, she slowly nodded her head agreeing with what he had said; two years was about the right time and it wasn’t a little rushed for them, it would give her parents time to warm to get used to Cristiano.

“Two years,” Jenna agreed making Cristiano smile, he kissed Jenna softly glad that he had some timeline for their future; he wanted to plan ahead for his future and he knew that this was going to be strange.

“After that we’ll start trying for a baby,” Cristiano murmured gently tugged Jenna onto his lap, he wasn’t going to rush having pups and waiting a year or two after they had married to have some.

Jenna nodded her head, she ran her fingers through Cristiano’s hair as they continued to kiss; she couldn’t believe that he was actually thinking of their future.

Cristiano slowly started to lay back on the bed, he rested his hands on Jenna’s hips and wondered how his life had worked out so well; he had no idea how he had gotten so lucky.

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