Chapter Eighteen: Becoming Prey

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“Cristiano,” said a voice that sound very familiar to Cristiano, he couldn’t bring himself to move his eyes from the space where Jenna had disappeared to; he had phased unable to turn back after his mate had fled.

Cristiano’s heart ached at the thought that Jenna believed he had been used her, he blamed her past for her not trusting him; she had told him how she had been picked on in school because of her accident.

“Get up,” the voice ordered but still Cristiano didn’t look, he couldn’t bring himself to move even as the light rain started to soak through his fur coat.

There was whispering around him and it took him to realise that the pack was around him, he whimpered softly as he felt a snout press into his side trying to get him to move.

Come on Cristiano,” Fábio thought trying to get his best friend to get up, he hated that this had happened and he knew that everyone reacted differently to the news.

Cristiano closed his eyes, he wanted to be alone and he didn’t want to move; he wanted to stay where he was no matter what happened next.

Iker sighed looking at his third in command, he didn’t know what had happened but he wished he’d kept a closer eye on things; everyone remembered what had transpired when Lena had run off after Sami had told her.

Lena had disappeared all the way back to Germany for an entire month before she had calmed down enough and the pull of the bond brought her back to Madrid.

“You need to get up Cris… there’s a vampire on the loose and your mate is missing,” Sergio murmured moving to crouch before his friend, he looked at Cristiano sure that this would motivate him to get up and go and find Jenna before it was too late.

Cristiano stared at Sergio, he felt his heart pound in his chest while he shakily moved onto his paws; Fábio by his side loyally knowing that they needed to act quickly if they wished to find Jenna.


Jenna tripped and fell to the floor, tears streaming down her face as she tried to catch her breath; her hands shook as the freezing night air nipped at her skin while she lay on the forest floor.

The brunette had no idea how long she had been running but her legs ached and her hands felt numb from the cold, raining poured down on her as Jenna slowly curled up into a ball.

Jenna shivered as the cold started to take over, she couldn’t bring herself to move and she wished that she would have gone home when she was meant to; she had ruined everything for herself by believing Cristiano could have actually cared about her.

Jenna laid silently for a moment before she moved to get to her feet, she needed to get out of the forest and somewhere warm before she caught hypothermia and got really sick.

Jenna sniffled using her sleeve to wipe away her tears before she shakily got to her feet, she looked around wondering how to get back to where she was; she swallowed nervously hoping that she hadn’t got herself lost.

“Well look who I have here,” purred a voice that made Jenna’s blood run cold, she slowly turned around and stared at Alexander who was stood behind her.

Alexander smirked, he couldn’t believe his luck at coming into contact with Jenna again; he had been thinking of the brunette a lot since their last run in, he could still smell her wolf and he wondered why he had let her wander off into the forest.

Jenna slowly backed away from Alexander, the bad feeling that she had gotten the last time that she had seen him returning; her hands shook as she cursed herself for getting lost in the forest and not running back to the house when she had fled.

Alexander chortled amused, he loved the idea of leaving a perfect gift for her wolf, he could almost imagine how the wolf would react upon finding his mate drained of her life; it would lead to so much devastation.

“You’ve been on my mind since our last meeting,” Alexander purred his brown eyes locking with Jenna’s, he smirked watching her entire body freeze while he slowly walked towards her.

Jenna felt tears trail down her face, her body unable to move and she wondered what was going on; she wanted nothing more than to ruin from the weirdo who had scared her at the laundrette.

Alexander gently brushed his fingers down her face, he smirked knowing that he hadn’t had a werewolf mate like this in a long time; most knew to run when they ran into him.

“I wonder how your wolf will feel when he finds you dead,” Alexander mused smiling at Jenna, he knew that she wouldn’t be able to leave and he had a feeling that no one would find her for a long time.

Jenna’s mind flashed back to not too long ago when Cristiano had told her that he was a werewolf; her breathing quickened as she slowly realised that he had been telling the truth.

“I would turn you but I don’t like leaving mutt’s any hope,” Alexander hissed before his hand moved to grip Jenna’s neck, she gasped as he slowly started to choke her and her body refused to fight back.

Alexander smirked wondering how devastated her wolf would be when he found her; she still wasn’t marked and it seemed only fair what he was going to do.

A snarl rumbled just off to the side made Alexander still, he hadn’t been expected anyone to find them and he hated that he had been interrupted before he could watch the life slowly drain from Jenna’s eyes.

Jenna felt her world blare as she choked to death, the snarls that seemed to surround them barely reaching her ears as she struggled to breathe.

“Until next time bella,” Alexander purred before he dropped Jenna to the floor, his mind releasing hers allowing her to gasp for breath and clutching at her bruised neck; he would be back to finish what he had started.

Alexander hissed furiously as a black wolf raced at him followed by a silver wolf, he hated the Madrid packs and they were so much more territorial than the others.

Sharing one last look back at the brunette that he had nearly killed, Alexander smirked as he watched one werewolf stop chasing him and head for Jenna.

Cristiano shifted back into his human form, he dropped down to knee at Jenna’s side and pulled her arms; he whispered comforting words pleading with her to be okay.

“Please, please amor… be okay,” Cristiano murmured holding Jenna in his arms, she was nearly as cold as ice and he hated that her clothes were soaked through; he didn’t want to lose her.

Cristiano moved Jenna on his lap, he wanted to make sure that she was okay before he carried her back to the house; he kill the vampire responsible for this if it was the last thing he did.

“I’m… sorry… I… should… have… believed… you…” Jenna struggled to say, her throat was killing her and she wasn’t going to be surprised if her throat was damaged.

Cristiano smiled, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and shook his; he didn’t blame her for freaking out and taking off like that when he hadn’t shown her what he was.

“Don’t talk… it’s okay, I should have explained better,” Cristiano murmured getting to his feet, the sooner that he got her back to Iker’s house so that she could warm up.

Jenna buried her head into Cristiano’s neck, her mind was exhausted and she wanted nothing more than to sleep.

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