Chapter Twenty-Eight: Date Night

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“You look gorgeous,” Cristiano whispered kissing Jenna softly, they were going out for dinner and he was looking forward to showing off his girlfriend; he couldn’t remember the last time it had been just the two of them.

His family had made it difficult for the couple to have any time alone together and Cristiano knew that people had started to notice that Jenna had been spending a lot of time with his family.

Jenna smiled softly as she pulled away from Cristiano, it was the first time that they would have had a date that didn’t involve either of them cooking and it made her nervous.

Pictures of Jenna had appeared in a lot of magazines in the two and a half weeks that she had been dating Cristiano; everyone wanted to know what she was doing with the footballer and people were trying to work out who she was.

Cristiano knew that he couldn’t hide Jenna away forever, he wanted everyone to see that he was finally settling down and he wanted to show off his beautiful mate.

“We have to get going,” Cristiano murmured admiring his girlfriend, she was wearing a red wrap tie waist jersey dress paired with peep toe sling-back heels for their date; he thought that she looked beautiful.

Jenna nodded her head, she was a little nervous about going out to a restaurant with Cristiano; she didn’t like the paparazzi who wanted nothing more than to stalk them everywhere they went.

“It’ll be fine amor… I won’t let them bother you,” Cristiano reassured sensing Jenna’s nervousness through their bond, he couldn’t believe how well everything seemed to be going and their bond was still getting stronger every day.


Cristiano wrapped an arm around Jenna, he ignored the calls of the paparazzi that somehow knew where he was going to be; he often wondered if they had some sort of supernatural senses that he didn’t know about.

Leading Jenna into the restaurant, Cristiano glanced back knowing that this was something that he would never be able to change; paparazzi just didn’t know sometimes when to back off.

“I’m okay,” Jenna whispered once they were safely inside the restaurant, she peeked up at Cristiano who was watching her concerned; she knew he would worry even if there was nothing happening.

Cristiano nodded his head before he took a deep breath, he could feel his hands shaking and he didn’t need to lose control now; she was safe and he could see that for himself.

“Table for Ronaldo,” Cristiano said nodding to the hostess that was waiting for the couple to notice her, he turned his attention back to Jenna and laced their fingers; he doubted that it would be long before their pictures were everywhere online and he was sure Jorge could handle it.

Jenna squeezed Cristiano’s hand in comfort, she was a big girl and could handle a couple of men with cameras; she had been out of the house enough with his sisters to be able to do that without being too freaked out.

“This way,” the hostess said signalling for the couple to follow her, she was a little surprised to see Cristiano with the woman that everyone thought he was sleeping with; it was clear they were doing a lot more than that.

Cristiano held onto Jenna’s hand following the hostess to their table; he was glad that they wouldn’t be sitting anywhere near a window, he could only imagine the mayhem that would cause.

“Here we are… your waiter will be with you shortly,” the hostess said setting down their menus, she flashed a smile before she hurried away; she was sure everyone would be talking about the couple that she had just seated.

Cristiano pressed a kiss to his girlfriend’s cheek before he moved to pull out her chair for her, he smiled knowing that he wanted her to feel relaxed; Jenna blushed sitting down, she had no idea what to expect from Cristiano while out in public.

“Relax,” Cristiano murmured ducking down to brush his lips against her ear; he smiled pleased that they weren’t going to be harassed while at this restaurant.

Cristiano moved to sit down, he wasn’t sure how the world would react to him setting down but he knew that it wasn’t going to be quiet for a while; they would want to know everything about Jenna and he was prepared for what they might dig up about Jenna’s past.

“What can I get you to drink?” the waiter asked appearing, he peeked at Cristiano for a moment before he turned his full attention to Jenna.

Cristiano frowned watching the waiter eye his mate, he growled softly not liking the attention being given and he wanted the man to leave; he didn’t like any threats to his mate.

Jenna shook her head, she reached for Cristiano’s hand knowing that if he continued then he would reveal his secret; it wouldn’t end well if it came out that he was a werewolf.

“We’re fine with water,” Cristiano grumbled glaring at the waiter, who nodded and walked away; he didn’t stop growling until the man was out of sight making Jenna laugh softly.

Jenna leant forward and kissed Cristiano softly, she was sure that everything was going to be okay; she doubted that there was anything that could ruin their evening out.

Unknown to the couple, Tiffany watched them from across the room, she frowned watching Jenna kiss Cristiano and knew that this wasn’t over yet.


Tiffany stormed into the hideout that she shared with Alexander, she had waited long enough in her mind to have Cristiano and she was tired of watching Jenna live the life that was meant for her.

“I’m tired of hiding away… I want what you promised me,” Tiffany snapped moving towards the vampire that had turned her, she wanted Cristiano to love her and she was fed up of having to hide away from the wolves.

Alexander sighed closing his book, he wasn’t pleased with hiding away either but it was the best way to lull the wolf into a false sense of security.

Cristiano wouldn’t be looking for any vampires if there weren’t any handing around, Alexander knew that his plan would be worth the wait and nothing would stop him from draining Jenna this time.

“Patience Tiffany… you’ll have what you deserve soon,” Alexander soothed putting his book down, he had been perfectly planning everything that would lead to his perfect kill; he wasn’t going to have his unruly fledgling ruining it for him.

Tiffany huffed and stomped her foot before she moved to sit down, she wanted Cristiano to love her and she could only imagine the life that Jenna was living right now; she would make the footballer unstoppable when she turned him into a vampire.

“When?” Tiffany asked childishly, she had no idea that Alexander was setting her up and she believed ever little lie that her creator had told her since she had been changed.

Alexander sighed, he couldn’t wait to be done with the blonde that had done nothing but whine since she had been changed; he didn’t know how she thought that Cristiano could ever love her.

“The night of the Ballon d’Or,” Alexander purred knowing that it would be the perfect moment to steal Jenna away, the one night that Cristiano wouldn’t be expecting it.

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