Chapter Seven: The First Pass

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“Tell me again why I agree why I agreed to this,” Cristiano murmured leaning against the wall watching the car park, he wasn’t pleased the activity of the day; he wasn’t thrilled at the idea of spending the day anywhere near Tiffany.

After finally meeting his mate the day before, Cristiano had realised that if he was ever going to bond with Jenna then he needed to do it away from Tiffany; the blonde was going to be trouble for him and he didn’t need any more.

“You need to get close to Jenna… and sadly this is the only way,” Iker replied calmly, he knew that Tiffany was annoying Cristiano and her obsession with him was nothing short of problematic since he was bonded to her best friend.

Cristiano grumbled under his breath, he didn’t know what he would do if Tiffany ruined his bonding with Jenna; he was going to strangle the blonde who was clearly a crazy fan who needed a restraining order.

The werewolf was suddenly silent as his mate came into view, he smiled glad to see that she was out of hospital; he had done everything in his power to keep an eye on her during the night.

Iker chuckled amused, his brown eyes watching his friend for a moment before he cleared his throat and moved to greet the two women; he noted how tired Jenna looked and he was sure it was to do with the bond that she shared now with Cristiano.

“Buenos días señoritas,” Iker greeted with a calm smile, he was there to ruin interference so that Cristiano could get to know his own mate without having to worry about Tiffany.

Tiffany all but skipped towards the two men, she had spent the morning getting ready for the tour around the Santiago Bernabéu; she had even forgotten to pick Jenna up from the hospital that morning meaning the brunette had been forced to take a taxi.


Jenna stifled a yawn while Tiffany talked the ear off Iker, she was exhausted after spending the night in hospital; the nurses had woken her up every hour and what sleep she did get was plagued by dreams of Cristiano.

Jenna had wanted to stay back at the hotel and sleep but Tiffany had refused to let that happen, instead she dragged her to the stadium for the tour.

“How are you feeling?” Cristiano asked walking close to Jenna, he was glad to be close to her and he had no idea what he would have done without her close right now.

Jenna looked at the tall footballer, she was a little surprised that he was walking around with her when Tiffany was just ahead; she didn’t want to fight with her friend right now so she hoped that Tiffany wouldn’t get upset with this.

“I feel better… a little tired but I’m okay,” Jenna replied politely, she peeked at Cristiano curious about why he was speaking to her; she was used to being ignored in favour of Tiffany and she knew that her friend adored the footballer so much.

Cristiano nodded his head, he couldn’t believe how shy his mate was and he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy; he wished that there was some way to make her more comfortable around him.

The two walked in silence behind Iker and Tiffany, Jenna didn’t want to say anything that could reveal that she had become a little obsessive about the footballer; she was sure that he would slap a restraining order on her.

“How long have you known Tiffany?” Cristiano queried, he was curious and he wasn’t sure what to think of the friendship that Jenna shared with the blonde.

“Since we were children,” Jenna replied simply, she didn’t wish to say too much and she was sure that Cristiano wasn’t going to remember her any way; she wasn’t anyone special or important.

Cristiano nodded his head slowly, he wouldn’t have guessed that answer and he guessed that Tiffany had spent a long time being the important one of the two of them; something that now had changed.

Jenna looked away from Cristiano, she wasn’t sure what to say to him and she wished that he would walk ahead and speak with Tiffany for a little bit.

Tiffany had been so upset about the flowers that he had dropped off for Jenna the day before and Jenna wasn’t in the mood to deal with Tiffany again when she whined about Cristiano spending time with her.

“How many goals have you scored this season Cristiano?” Tiffany asked bored of talking to Iker, she had noticed that Cristiano had hung back to speak with Jenna and she didn’t like it.

Jenna quickly stepped away from Cristiano, she knew that look on Tiffany’s face and she had a feeling that when they got back to the hotel that the blonde was going to give her an ear full.

A frown formed on Cristiano’s face as he stared at Jenna for a moment, he was growing annoyed with Tiffany and he had to find a way to have Jenna to himself; he was sure they would be able to bond just fine without her interfering.


Cristiano gritted his teeth listening to Tiffany continue to talk about herself, it was clearly her favourite subject and he had no idea how Jenna put up with someone that was so self-obsessed.

“I have fun today,” Tiffany purred looking at Cristiano, she knew that he was oddly attracted to her best friend and she couldn’t have that; she was the one that was destined to marry a footballer.

Jenna was out of the way right now and Tiffany finally could do something about Cristiano’s attraction; she was going to make sure that she was the only woman on his mind.

“That’s nice,” Cristiano replied distractedly, he didn’t want to be alone with the blonde and he cursed Iker for leaving him with her while Jenna went to the ladies room.

Tiffany smiled stepping into Cristiano’s personal space, she twirled a lock of hair around her finger and looked up at the footballer; she had to time this just right to make sure Jenna knew where she stood in the greater scheme of things.

Cristiano eyed Tiffany warily, he had no idea what was going through her head but he knew that there was something going on; he didn’t like it and he hoped Jenna would be back soon.

“Tiff are you ready to go?” Jenna called walking back towards the room, she was glad that the tour was over and she couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel and rest.

Tiffany grabbed a hold of Cristiano and crashed her lips into his, she wrapped her arms around his neck just as Jenna walked into the room; she knew this would be enough to make sure Cristiano would only think of her.

Jenna stared shocked at the sight of her best friend snogging Cristiano, she felt a sharp pain in her chest as she watched Cristiano roughly push Tiffany away.

Cristiano quickly looked at Jenna, the look on her face said it all and he hated that he hadn’t acted sooner against Tiffany.

“I’m ready when you are,” Tiffany replied pleased with herself, she didn’t notice the look on Jenna’s face as she blew a kiss to Cristiano; she was thrilled that she had gotten the chance to kiss him and couldn’t wait to tell everyone back home.

Jenna schooled her features, she didn’t know why she was upset that she had seen Tiffany kiss Cristiano; it wasn’t as if Cristiano was her boyfriend or anything, she quickly walked away knowing that she needed to get over this.

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