Chapter Three: The Football Match

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"Aren't you cold?" Jenna asked looking at Tiffany, she didn't know how her friend had dressed like that when it was freezing out; she moved to sit down in her seat wondering how her best friend could just be wearing a dress.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, she knew how cold it was she wasn't stupid but she had to look her best if she wished to catch the eye of a certain footballer.

"I have to look perfect," Tiffany replied eyeing the beige cable knitted dress and black leggings paired with grey buckle strap block heel boots that Jenna was wearing for the match; she couldn't believe that her best friend had even brought her black long quilted coat to the match.

Jenna just nodded her head, it was better not to argue with Tiffany when it came to fashion; her friend always knew how to look good even if she did look stupid in the cold October weather.

Tiffany suddenly let out a sharp squeal making Jenna jump in surprise, she stared at her friend as Tiffany clapped her hands excitedly.

"There's Cristiano," Tiffany exclaimed ignoring the looks of annoyance from those around her, she couldn't believe that she was so close to him again; she smoothed out her dress sure that he would notice her.

Jenna sighed moving her attention to the match brochure that she had bought, she was sure that the warming up of both teams wasn't going to be interesting; she doubted that the players would pay any attention to the people in the stands.

"Do I look okay?" Tiffany said turning to look at Jenna, she didn't want a hair out of place and she hoped that she looked perfect; she doubted that Cristiano would not notice her.

Jenna looked at her friend, slowly nodding her head wondering why Tiffany thought that anyone from the pitch would even notice her while a match was going on.


Cristiano grinned while he celebrated his goal, he was glad that he had been able to score for his team even if 4:1 before he had scored; he hugged his team-mates in celebration knowing that it was a win and it didn't matter.

The match was slowly coming to a close and Cristiano had tried to keep his thoughts from his unknown mate; he wondered if she was watching the match from wherever she was.

Cristiano patted Gareth Bale on the back before he started to jog away; he clapped his hands in the air trying to ignore the pull on his heart.

Cristiano shook his head, he needed to keep his head in the game and he was sure that it was nothing serious; he had a feeling that his mate was somewhere close.

The minutes on the clock slowly counted down and Cristiano was almost relieved when the referee blew the final whistle, he hadn't been able to focus at all in the final moments as the tugging got stronger.

Sergio walked past Cristiano and looked at his pack mate concerned watching as the Portuguese wolf rubbed the centre of his chest where his heart was.

"You okay?" Sergio asked moving to walk alongside Cristiano, he bumped shoulders with his friend before peeking over at Iker who was watching them worried.

Cristiano nodded his head, he wasn't sure what was wrong but he felt like he had heartburn; he closed his eyes taking deep breath trying to ease the ache in his chest.

"Cris..." Sergio murmured worried, his friend looked ill and he hated to think of something happening to Cristiano's mate just after her had found her; it was a very scary thought to consider.

Cristiano took a deep breath in, he moved to look at Sergio however his eyes caught on something past his team-mate in the stands; he felt all the air leave him as he stared right at the woman that had escaped him once.

"She's here..." Cristiano breathed watching his mate from a distance, he couldn't believe that she had been sat there for the entire match and he hadn't noticed.

Sergio stared at his friend shocked before he turned to look where Cristiano was staring, he was a little glad no one had seen how stunned his friend looked; it would have only brought more issues.

Cristiano swallowed watching his mate, he had never seen her this close before and he wished that he could get closer without questions being raised.

Cristiano watched in terror as his brunette got too her feet and slowly started to prepare to leave with her annoying friend; Cristiano remembered the friend all too well and he was sure that if he hadn't been distracted by the blonde then he would have noticed his mate sooner.

"She's leaving... I need to do something," Cristiano whimpered moving to take a step closer to his mate, he knew that there was a small window open for him to claim his mate and that window was running out before another wolf would pick up on her scent.

Sergio clapped a hand onto Cristiano's shoulder, he didn't want the other wolf scaring away the brunette before he even had a chance to bond with her.

"Leave it to me," Sergio whispered before he quickly hurried away as a plan formed in his mind, he had something that he could do to make sure that Cristiano's mate stayed a little longer; he had to do this otherwise he hated to think what Cristiano might do.


Jenna stuffed her hands into her pockets, she nodded her head along to what Tiffany was saying about how the footballers hadn't noticed her because she was one in a crowd of 76,842.

Jenna ignored the burning in her chest, she had no idea what it could be and she wished it would stop; she was sure it was just ingestion or heart burn, she didn't know what else it could be.

"What do you fancy for dinner?" Jenna murmured not looking at Tiffany, she knew she'd interrupted her friend's rant but she didn't care; she felt a headache coming on and she wished it would go away.

Tiffany glared at Jenna for interrupting her about how much Cristiano would love a girlfriend like her; she didn't know what was wrong with the brunette lately.

Jenna hadn't been listening to her like she usually did and Tiffany didn't want her friend thinking that it was okay to talk to her like that.

"Señoritas," called a voice making Jenna look back when she realised that the person was shouting to them; she frowned wondering if something was wrong while Tiffany huffed annoyed.

The man hurried towards the two women ignoring the looks from the people around him, he knew that this was going to be interesting; he had been surprised when Sergio Ramos had approached him with a job.

"Congratulations... señoritas, you have won a prize for attending the match," the man said stopping before Jenna and Tiffany, he smiled at them sure that they would be taken in by what he was saying.

Tiffany clapped her hands excitedly and showed the man her ticket to prove that she was the one that he was looking for.

Jenna stared at him, she didn't know what it was but something didn't feel right; she eyed him wanting to turn and walk away but she didn't want to leave Tiffany behind.

"So what did we win?" Tiffany asked excitedly, she didn't think there was anything odd about what was happening only caring that she had won something Real Madrid related. 

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