Chapter Twelve: Take a Risk

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Jenna sighed staring up at the ceiling of the living room, she had been kicked out of the bedroom by Tiffany who was fed up with Jenna tossing and turning in her sleep and it was disturbing her beauty sleep.

It was her last day in Madrid and Jenna was a little disappointed how quickly her time had come to an end; the last couple of days had been amazing and she had grown closer to Cristiano than she had thought possible.

Jenna pushed back the sheets and sat up looking towards the bedroom, it was still early and it would be a while before Tiffany was awake.

The buzzing of her mobile made Jenna pause, she wasn't expecting anyone to message her since it was early and she had plans to stick around the hotel packing for her trip home.

Jenna chewed on her bottom lip as she reached over and picked her mobile up, she smiled spotting the message was from Cristiano; she slowly opened it wondering what had made him text her so early in the morning.

"Are you free today?" the message read and Jenna frowned knowing that she couldn't say no to him, she wanted to spend time with him even if she was leaving; it wasn't as if one more day with him could hurt.

Jenna quickly texted telling him that she was free, she wondered why he wanted to spend so much time with her; he seemed to prefer her to Tiffany and it flattered Jenna greatly.

"I'll pick you up in an hour," the next message read coming only moments after Jenna had texted him, she smiled knowing that Tiffany wasn't going to be awake and wouldn't be able to ruin this for her.

Jenna loved spending time alone with Cristiano, he was the first person to actually see her instead of Tiffany and it felt nice.

Jenna quietly got to her feet so that she could get ready, she would have some breakfast before she went and she was sure that Tiffany wouldn't mind spending the day by herself.


Jenna was nearly speechless when Cristiano brought her to his house, he had been on time and she was shocked that he had wanted her to see his home; she doubted he did this with anyone.

Cristiano grinned pleased with himself, this was the one place he knew that he could spend time with Jenna without being worried about people interrupting them.

Leading Jenna towards the back of his property, Cristiano smiled carefully stepping into the room that housed his indoor swimming pool; he had plans and he was sure it would be a perfect way of spending time with Jenna.

"I thought we could have a swim," Cristiano said hopefully, he already knew that Jenna loved to swim and he thought it would be a great way of spending time with her.

Their time was coming to an end and Cristiano still hadn't told Jenna that she was his mate, he could never find the right time and his time was running short.

"I haven't got anything to wear," Jenna spluttered staring at Cristiano, she was surprised that he was suggesting and she had no idea what had made him come up with this.

Cristiano chuckled moving to collect the bag that he had picked up the day before, he smiled handing it to Jenna sure that it would be the right size for her.

"You bought me a bikini..." Jenna noted looking into the bag, she wasn't sure what to say and she had no idea how he could have gotten the right size for her.

Cristiano nodded his head, he knew that it would fit and he had even asked Andreia to pick it out for him since he wanted Jenna to be comfortable; he doubted she would have brought one herself especially since it was winter and there was nowhere to swim at her first hotel.


Cristiano grinned admiring Jenna in the blue bandeau bikini top and fold-over bikini brief that he had gotten her; she looked gorgeous and he couldn't take his eyes off of her, he was thrilled to have her as his mate.

Jenna nibbled on her lip carefully climbing into the pool where Cristiano was waiting for her, he was already in his swimming trucks and she was a little disappointed having not seen him out of the pool.

Cristiano slowly swam over to Jenna and wrapped his arms around her, he tugged her close before moving them into the middle of the pool.

Jenna squeaked looking at Cristiano surprised, she had no idea what to think of him being like this with her; she wrapped her arms around his neck to steady herself.

Cristiano rested his head on Jenna's shoulder, he swallowed thickly wanting nothing more than to mark her; it had been two weeks since he had first seen her and his instincts were screaming at him to make her his.

Jenna swallowed feeling Cristiano breath on her neck as he slowly started to kiss her tanned skin, she wasn't sure what to do but she hadn't felt like this before.

Kissing softly at Jenna's neck, Cristiano couldn't resist leaving a love bite even if he couldn't fully mark her as his own; it would do for now but he would one day have to leave his mark on her permanently.

"Cris..." Jenna whimpered holding onto Cristiano, she felt warm even in the water and she wasn't sure what was going on; her heart thumbed in her chest as Cristiano continued to bite and suck on her neck.

Cristiano smiled pleased with himself when he pulled back from Jenna to reveal the love bite, he had left the mark where he wanted Jenna to one day where his mark; it sat just above her collar bone on the left side of her neck.  

"Stay with me," Cristiano breathed looking at Jenna, his pupils were blown and he knew that his wolf was desperate to mark her; he didn't want to lose his mate and he couldn't take this anymore.

Jenna stared at Cristiano, she tried to calm her breathing knowing that she was pretty much panting right now; she shook her head trying to clear her head after what had just happened.

"You know I can't," Jenna replied shaking her head, her boss wasn't going to let her take more time off and she knew he needed her back at the office; he was a bit of a scatter brain and she was sure the place was a mess without her there.

"Can't or won't..." Cristiano challenged letting go of Jenna, he moved away from her knowing that losing his temper around her wasn't going to be a good idea; he didn't want to hurt her in any way.

Jenna stared at Cristiano, she didn't want things to be tense between them and she wished that they weren't talking about this on their last day together.

"Take a chance Jenna... stay with me here in Madrid," Cristiano pleaded moving towards Jenna again, he gently took her hands and pulled her close to him; he stared into Jenna's eyes wishing that he could convince her to stay.

Jenna opened and closed her mouth, she couldn't find a reason to turn him down and she knew her resolve was failing; she wanted nothing more to stay but she had a life that she needed to return to.

"Take this risk," Cristiano whispered moving to kiss Jenna, his lips brushed against Jenna's knowing he had to convince her to stay with him; he wasn't going to let her slip through his fingers.

Jenna exhaled before she closed the gap between them, she couldn't find it in her to say no to Cristiano.

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