Chapter Four: First Meetings

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“I can’t believe it,” Tiffany whispered in awe stepping into the new hotel room that they had been given, she squealed excitedly moving to jump on the bed closest to the window; she couldn’t believe that this was happening to her.

Jenna grumbled annoyed under her breath pulling Tiffany’s suitcase into the room, she wasn’t sure why her friend needed so many clothes; they weren’t going to be living in Madrid just expanding their stay a little longer than planned.

“It’s a shame that you can’t stay the full two weeks,” Tiffany said looking at Jenna, she was a little upset that her friend would only be staying a few more days before returning to Valencia.

Jenna nodded her head, she brushed some hair from her face moving to get her own suitcase; she couldn’t get any more time off and she was sure her boss David Garcia would have a heart attack if she stayed longer.

Tiffany smiled to herself, the two week stay in Madrid would be perfect for her and she was sure that by the end of it she would have her man; she knew everyone back home would be so jealous of her.

Jenna carefully set her suitcase down and sat on her new bed, the hotel was very nice and she had a feeling that Tiffany wasn’t going to miss her when she left for Valencia at the end of the week.

“I suppose I better start getting ready… the team are meant to be coming here for a meet and greet in two hours,” Tiffany mused with a sly smile on her lips, she was determined to prove that she would be the best girlfriend to Cristiano.

Jenna only nodded her head, she lay back on the bed for a moment knowing that she didn’t want to be around when the footballers arrived; she hadn’t been able to forget the odd connection that she shared with Cristiano and she didn’t think she would be able to watch Tiffany fawn all over him.

“Will you be okay if I take off? I’m not really into the whole meet and greet thing and I’ll probably just pick up some gifts for my family,” Jenna asked looking at Tiffany, her friend was already searching for the perfect outfit to meet her future husband in.

Jenna felt her stomach turn knowing that whatever sudden feelings that she had developed for Cristiano had to go; she doubted that Tiffany would be pleased if she knew that her best friend now had feeling for her dream man.

“That’s fine by me… more footballer time for me,” Tiffany replied with a smile, she wasn’t surprised that Jenna wasn’t going to stick around and she had a feeling that the brunette wouldn’t be missed.

Jenna nodded her head, she watched Tiffany head for their en-suite bathroom while she stayed in the bedroom; she needed to get herself together if she was going to survive a week with Tiffany and the footballers.

Getting to her feet, Jenna walked over to her suitcase and moved to put it out of the way so no one would trip over it; she wanted to get out of the hotel as soon as possible.

The last thing that Jenna wanted was for her to bump into Cristiano when he arrived, she didn’t want to be one of those fangirls that ended up having a restraining order.


Cristiano took a deep breath looking up at the hotel that his mate was now staying in, he was thrilled that things were finally looking up for him and he couldn’t believe that he got to finally meet her.

Iker stood beside Cristiano, it had taken a lot to organise all of this and the entire pack were thrilled that their third-in-command had finally found his mate after so long.

Male werewolves started searching for their mates when they turned eighteen and Cristiano had spent nearly twelve years searching for his mate; he had waited long enough.

“Are you ready to finally meet her?” Iker said smiling at his friend, he didn’t know how he would have coped if it had happened to him; he knew that the cut off age for finding a mate was thirty-five and no wolf wanted to reach that deadline.

Cristiano nodded his head, everything was starting to look up and he couldn’t wait to meet the woman that had plagued his mind; he had learnt her name was Jenna Ramírez Valiente and he couldn’t wait to learn more about her.

The team moved further in to the hotel and Cristiano frowned when he didn’t feel the tension that filled his chest lessen; something was wrong and he didn’t like it.

“Something is wrong,” Cristiano murmured looking around, his brown eyes searching for something, anything that could tell him what was going on.

Iker raised an eyebrow at Cristiano, he didn’t question the weak bond that had already formed between Cristiano and Jenna; if something was wrong then only the Portuguese wolf would be able to sense.

The team didn’t have to wait long before Tiffany appeared alone, they all knew that she wasn’t Cristiano’s mate and they were curious about where her brunette friend was.

“Hola,” Tiffany greeted with a seductive smile, she walked over to the team thrilled that she finally had a chance to meet the team like this; she truly didn’t believe her luck in winning the prize of a life time.

Cristiano blinked looking at Tiffany for a moment before peeking at the door wondering where his mate was; he had waited long enough for this moment.

“Weren’t there two of you?” Marcelo spoke up knowing that Cristiano wasn’t going to react well if he discovered that his mate had disappeared; they had been sure she was still in Madrid.

Tiffany blinked surprised, no one usually paid attention to Jenna when she was around and she hoped it stayed that way; no would remember her friend when they had her.

“There is… she isn’t into this sort of thing, so she went out for the day,” Tiffany replied smiling, it meant that she would have more time to fuss over Cristiano and she doubted that this could have been more perfect.

Cristiano’s heart pounded in his chest, he felt sick at the idea of his mate being out alone in the city; he knew that it wasn’t safe for her to do so and he had no idea where she could be.

Iker rested a hand on comfort on Cristiano’s shoulder, this wasn’t how it was meant to happen and he hated that his friend would have to wait until another time to meet his mate.

“It’ll be okay,” Iker murmured before moving to speak with Tiffany, they couldn’t have the human guessing that there was something going on; it was against the rules to have an unmated human away of the clan.

Cristiano took a deep breath knowing that he still had two weeks to win his mate around, he had to find a way to meet her; he didn’t want to lose his mate before he had an actually chance with her.

Tiffany peeked at Cristiano knowing that this was her chance, she had two weeks to make him see that she was right for him; she was just glad that Jenna wasn’t going to be sticking around.

Tiffany didn’t want Cristiano to get distracted and she was sure that if she could show him that she was the right woman than nothing else would matter; she was going to have the man that she wanted.

Cristiano had no idea how long she had waited for this moment and she wasn’t going to let it slip through her fingers; Tiffany would use everything that she had to get what she wanted.

Cristiano was the man that she had dreamt of and no one was going to get in her way.

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