Chapter Twenty-Six: Meeting Cristiano's Family

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“Mãe it’s good to see you,” Cristiano greeted opening the front door to his mother, he had tried to delay her but Dolores Aveiro wasn’t having any of it; she wanted to meet her son’s mate and no one was going to stop her.

Cristiano swallowed realising that it wasn’t just his mother that had flown in from Portugal but his two older sisters and their children as well.

“Mãe,” Cristiano murmured, he didn’t want to frighten Jenna off and he couldn’t believe that they had all shown up without any warning; he was almost glad that Jenna wasn’t home since he could delay their meeting.

Elma and Katia grinned at the look on their brother’s face, they hadn’t been able to resist when their mother had announced that she was flying to Madrid; they wished to meet their new sister-in-law since they had seen a lot of pictures of her recently in magazines.

“Come on Cris… we want to meet her,” Elma teased softly, she couldn’t believe that her little brother had finally found his mate; it had been a long time coming and the last two months had made their family curious.

Cristiano grumbled closing the door, he loved his family but he wished they had stuck to the agreed meeting time; they were meant to come for Christmas was at least another week away.

“Do you really think we would wait until Christmas… we know you Cristiano, you would have disappeared off on holiday with her,” Katia laughed seeing the look on Cristiano’s face, they wanted to meet the newest member of their family and he wasn’t going to stop them.

Cristiano sighed moving to follow after his mother and sisters, he hoped that Jenna wouldn’t be to upset when she arrived home from her trip with Andreia.


Stepping into her home, Jenna smiled having enjoyed her shopping trip with Andreia and she felt a little more relaxed around the other female members of the pack; she had made some real friends and it felt nice.

Shrugging off her black longline hybrid biker jacket, Jenna peeked around surprised how quiet the house was; she had been expecting Cristiano to be home since training had well finished.

Jenna squeaked in surprise as a little boy shot out of the living room and wrapped his tiny arms around her legs; she stared down at him not recognising him at all.

“Dinis,” called a voice making the little boy look up at Jenna with a toothy smile, the name rang a bell with the brunette but she just couldn’t figure out why.

Jenna opened her mouth to say something when Katia stepped into the foyer, the two women stared at one another for a moment; neither knowing quite what to say to the other.

Katia grinned realising who Jenna was, she couldn’t believe her luck that Dinis had shot out of the living room at the right time; she knew that Cristiano wouldn’t have any chance to warn her this way.

“You must be Jenna… it’s wonderful to meet you,” Katia said moving to hug her new sister, she couldn’t help but think that Cristiano had chosen right; the poor brunette looked like a deer in headlights and was certainly no gold-digger.

Jenna opened and closed her mouth trying to find something, anything to say to the woman that was now hugged her while Dinis still clung onto her legs.

“Katia don’t hog her… I want to meet our new sister,” Elma called rushing to meet Jenna, she doubted it would be long before Cristiano tried to hide her away from them.

Katia grinned as Jenna squeaked finally realising who the women were, she couldn’t believe that she was meeting Cristiano’s sisters; she wondered if the cream V-neck striped jumper and straight leg jeans paired with brown faux fur trim ankle boots were okay for this meeting.

“She’s beautiful… why have you been hiding her Cris?” Elma demanded stepping into the foyer, she smiled looking at Jenna knowing this was the type of woman that she had wanted for her brother.

Jenna was very clearly shy and would someone who could ground Cristiano when he started to get too big for his shoes; his wolf had chosen the perfect mate for him.

“Elma…” Cristiano grumbled walking out of the kitchen where he had been with their mother, he hadn’t wanted them to jump on his mate as soon as she stepped into the house.

Cristiano grinned at the sight of his nephew holding onto Jenna’s legs, he couldn’t wait until they had a couple of their own; he cleared his throat when he noticed his two sisters smirking at him.

Cristiano found himself being pushed out of the way by his mother, Dolores didn’t even look at her son as she moved to meet her new daughter-in-law.

Katia moved out of the way, she smiled watching her mother pull Jenna into a hug; she had a feeling that the next two weeks were going to be interesting.

Hugo would be arriving with his family and they were all going to celebrate Christmas together, it would be wonderful now that their family was finally complete; they were all sure that Jenna and Cristiano would have pups of their own soon and it would be perfect.

“Welcome to the family,” Dolores whispered knowing that everything was going to be okay, she had waited so long for this and she knew that there was nothing that could ruin it.


“I’m sorry about that, I had no idea they were coming,” Cristiano apologised stepping into their bedroom, he smiled watching Jenna sort through her things; he was glad that she got along well with his mother and sisters.

Jenna looked at Cristiano, she wasn’t mad since she knew that he would have warned her if he could about his family coming to stay; she smiled moving to sit down glad that she had started her Christmas shopping.

“It’s okay,” Jenna replied shaking her head, she sat down on the bed watching him; she had actually enjoyed spending time with Cristiano’s family once she had gotten over her surprise at them being in the house.

Cristiano smiled moving to sit next to Jenna, he hadn’t liked sharing her attention but he knew that his family were only staying for two weeks and it would be fine.

“Olá,” Cristiano murmured moving forward to kiss Jenna, he was happy with how things had gone for them today; his mother very clearly adored her new daughter and hadn’t been able to leave Jenna alone.

Cristiano brushed some hair from Jenna’s face, he moved closer before he ducked down to kiss his mate; he gently drew her closer to deepen the kiss.

“Cris…” Jenna whispered softly, this had been the first time all evening that he’d had her alone to himself; there was no way that anyone could interrupt them now.

Cristiano gently moved back onto the bed, with Jenna beneath him; his hands eagerly finding her hips to slip under her jumper to touch the soft skin of her stomach.

Jenna giggled softly as Cristiano’s fingers brushed gently against her stomach, she wrapped her arms around Cristiano’s neck and pulled him closer to her.

“Jenna would you like a hot chocolate?” Katia asked walking into the bedroom, she grinned watching her brother pull back from Jenna; she was going to enjoy winding him up while she was staying with them.

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