Chapter Eight: A First Date

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"I'm going out for a bit," Jenna murmured quietly, she peeked at Tiffany knowing that her friend was still on cloud nine about the kiss that she had shared with Cristiano the day before.

Tiffany hadn't wasted a moment calling everyone back home to tell them about her kiss with the footballer; she was sure that now he would focus on her and everything would work out fine.

Jenna hadn't really said anything at all to Tiffany about the kiss, she had no right to be jealous about her friend's kiss; she was doing her best to be supportive of what Tiffany wanted and she was just going to bury her odd feelings for the footballer.

Jenna pulled on her coat and walked out of the hotel room, she had been plagued by dreams again that night and with only four days left of her trip she hoped that things would get back to normal.

Tiffany had another week left and Jenna was sure that when she did return to Valencia that she would have a lot of stories about her time alone with the Real Madrid team.

Stepping into the lobby of the hotel, Jenna paused surprised to see Cristiano waiting there; she swallowed sure that he had come to see Tiffany after their kiss.

"Jenna," Cristiano breathed relieved when he saw his mate, he hated that Tiffany had kissed him in front of her when he had been trying to get closer to his mate before his time ran out.

Cristiano slowly walked over to Jenna, he wasn't going to get anywhere if he kept being around Tiffany; the blonde was trouble for him and he had arranged for his pack-mates to keep her busy while he spent time with Jenna.

"Tiffany's upstairs," Jenna murmured looking away from Cristiano, she wasn't going to allow herself to be hurt again; she had been used before to get to Tiffany and she was turned of it happening.

Cristiano frowned, he didn't like the fact that she assumed that he was here for Tiffany and he guessed that it happened more often than not; he was only here for her and he knew that he had to show her that she meant more to him.

"Actually... I'm here to see you," Cristiano revealed moving closer to Jenna, she was his beautiful mate and he wasn't going to give her up for anything.

Destiny had chosen her for him and he was so lucky to have a mate like her, Cristiano was determined to have won her heart before she went back home.

"Me?" Jenna squeaked surprised, she had no idea why Cristiano would want to spend time with her when he could be with Tiffany; she stared at him wondering if this was some sort of joke.

"Sim, I would like to take you to lunch?" Cristiano replied, his fingers moving tenderly to brush some hair from her face; she was everything that he had ever wanted and he would fight to the death for a mate like her any day of the week.

Jenna opened and closed her mouth, she wasn't sure how she felt about him wanting to take her to lunch; she slowly nodded her head knowing that it couldn't hurt to have lunch with him.


"You look beautiful," Cristiano murmured when Jenna started to complain that she wasn't dressed well enough for the restaurant that he had brought her too; he slowly laced his fingers with hers with a smile.

Jenna looked gorgeous to him in her navy drop back printed tunic and straight leg dark rinse wash jeans paired with black quilted ballet pumps, she wasn't trying too hard and Cristiano liked that about her.

Jenna blushed surprised that he had called her beautiful, she ducked her head down making Cristiano chuckle; he drew her closer knowing that this was his first chance to get to know her.

"Your seat senhorita," Cristiano purred moving to pull Jenna's chair out for her, he was glad that she has agreed to come out with him; he wanted to get to know her without having to worry about Tiffany.

Jenna felt her cheeks darken before she sat down, she had never been treated like this and she knew that this was a first for her; she wasn't sure what to expect from Cristiano.

The footballer moved to sit across from her, he wanted this date to go perfectly and he wasn't going to think of the pain in the ass that waited for Jenna back at the hotel.

"Have you tried Italian before?" Cristiano asked curiously, it was a restaurant that he enjoyed going to and he knew that the chef was a close personal friend of his.

Jenna shook her head, she rarely got to go out to dinner and spent most of her time cooking for herself; she lived alone and her small apartment was waiting for her back in Valencia.

"You'll enjoy it," Cristiano comforted, he was surprised how tense she seemed and he wondered if that was something related to her friendship with Tiffany; he doubted the blonde was a good friend to Jenna.

Cristiano didn't know how anyone could put up with Tiffany, she was a spoilt brat and he was sure that she had never heard the word no in her life.

"If you say so," Jenna replied trying to relax, she figured that if she was ever going to get over her strange obsession with him then she needed to enjoy herself right now.

Cristiano smiled watching Jenna relax, he knew the bond could be felt on her end even if she had no idea why she had feelings for him; it was only a matter of time before he could tell her about him.

Jenna was his soul-mate and Cristiano was determined to have her in his life one way or another; she would be the mother of his pups and his house was prepared for their life together.


"I think this was a perfect first date," Cristiano mused pleased with himself, the date had been perfect and he hoped that he would be able to do this again with her; he knew that his time was short with Jenna.

Iker was already planning the dinner with the pack where Cristiano would carefully break the news that he was a werewolf and Jenna was his mate; it would happen before she left so that she knew that she was bonded to Cristiano for the rest of her life.

Jenna choked on her drink, she stared at Cristiano having not realised how serious he was being about their lunch together; she suddenly felt bad that she had agreed.

"Cris..." Jenna whispered, he had insisted that she could call him that and she felt even worse to tell him that she would be leaving; she hated that this was how he would find out.

Cristiano eyed his mate, he could see that something was bothering Jenna and he hoped that he hadn't upset her in anyway; he had thought the date had gone well, he didn't want anything to ruin it now.

"I'm only here for four more days," Jenna revealed, wanting him to know where he stood and she hoped that he hadn't wasted his time; she had truly enjoyed their date even if she hadn't realised what he was trying to do.

Cristiano stared at Jenna panic filling him, he didn't know what to say to her reveal and he knew that she couldn't leave before he had claimed her; she was a walking target now.

"But the trip is booked for two weeks," Cristiano whispered terrified, he didn't know why she was going back to Valencia but he hoped that there wasn't someone waiting for her. 

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