Chapter Thirty-Four: Reunited at Last

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Jenna blinked confused at the sound of her name, she wasn’t sure if she had imagined it but the voice sounded a lot like Cristiano; her head was fuzzy and she just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.

Warm hands brushed against her face, Jenna whimpered knowing that they didn’t belong to Alexander and hoped that this was all over; she could vaguely hear people talking and she couldn’t understand what was being said.

The robes that tied her hands to the chair were removed and the gag in her mouth was taken away; Jenna closed her eyes wanting to do nothing more than to sleep.

“Don’t go to sleep,” a voice ordered making Jenna grumble confused, she had no idea what was going on but she felt so safe right now; she felt herself being lifted out of the chair that she had been tied to and cuddled into someone’s warm body.

A soft murmuring close to her ear made Jenna relax even more, she knew that voice but her mind just couldn’t place where anymore; she felt someone move her and she wondered if this was how she was going to die.

A warm hand brushed against her head making her turn away, Jenna just wanted to rest now; the last two weeks had been hard and she finally felt that she could relax without anything happening.

The voices were talking so quietly now that Jenna could barely make out what was being said, she could hear pieces of what was going on and she knew that something big had happened.

“We need to get out of here, Iker’s preparing to burn the place down…” said a voice as Jenna started to drift off, she had no idea what was happening but she knew that Alexander could no longer hurt her in anyway.

A kiss was placed on the top of Jenna’s head, as if telling her that everything was going to be alright and that she was never going to be hurt again.


Cristiano looked up as the pack doctor stepped out of the bedroom, he had been forced to stay in the hallway while they dealt with Jenna’s injures; but for the first time in two weeks Jenna was finally home.

“She’s fine Cristiano,” the doctor reassured him, it had been a worrying sight when Cristiano had brought Jenna home and there had been concerns that she wouldn’t survive the blood loss but everything was starting to improve.

Cristiano sighed in relief, he had no idea how bad things could have gotten for Jenna while she had been held by Alexander and Tiffany but he knew that finally the ordeal was over and she was safe.

“It’ll take her some time to recover from what happened, I have put her on bed rest for a couple of weeks,” the doctor continued doubting that Jenna would be going anywhere when she woke up; Cristiano was going to want to keep her close for a while.

Fábio sighed relieved to hear that everything was going to be okay, he could only imagine what would have happened if they hadn’t of reached Jenna in time; she had lost a lot of blood and had needed a transfusion.

“There is one bit of good news,” the doctor said smiling, he hadn’t expected to find this when he had given Jenna her check-over; he had wanted to assess how much damage had been done and it was standard procedure in women that had been abducted.

Cristiano swallowed wondering what the doctor could have found, he just wanted to go and sit beside Jenna and wait for her to wake up; he needed to be there for her after all that had happened.

“Jenna’s about four weeks pregnant,” the doctor revealed with a smile, he had been so surprised when he had seen the pup but he knew that it would be a welcome surprise after everything that had happened.

“Pregnant…” Cristiano breathed softly, his head spinning at the news that Jenna was carrying his pup; he had never thought that this could happen so soon into their mating, he couldn’t imagine how his pup had survived what had happened.

Jenna’s body had been put through so much and there was a large chance that she could still lose the pup after everything that she had been through.

“We’ll keep a close eye on her so she doesn’t lose the baby,” the doctor promised before moving to leave, he had done all he could and he had other people to see; he left Cristiano and Fábio alone sure that they could handle things for a while.

Cristiano opened and closed his mouth, he couldn’t believe that he hadn’t sensed that his mate was pregnant; he was suddenly glad that Iker and Sergio had killed Alexander since he would have gone after the vampire now if he was still alive.

“Felicidades,” Fábio congratulated patting Cristiano on the shoulder, he knew how much his friend had wanted pups of his own; it seemed like a good sign that everything was going to be okay that Jenna was still expecting.

Cristiano nodded his head, he couldn’t get his head around what he had just been told; he was never going to let Jenna out of his sight now that he knew that she was pregnant.


Feeling herself slowly start to wake up, Jenna groaned feeling her body resting in a soft bed and she felt a lot fresher than she had done in two weeks; she slowly started to open her brown eyes wondering what had happened.

Jenna felt tears build in her eyes as she realised that she was back home, she couldn’t recall how she had gotten there but she hoped it wasn’t some cruel trick.

Looking around, Jenna stopped as her eyes lingered on Cristiano who was sleeping soundly in a chair next to the bed; she swallowed the lump that formed in her throat realising that this was real.

Jenna carefully moved to sit up, she was no longer wearing the ruined evening dress from the Ballon d’Or ceremony instead she was now wearing a cream butterfly half placket nightie that she didn’t recognise.

Slowly lifting a hand to her neck, Jenna squeaked surprised as another hand stopped her; her brown eyes moved to look at Cristiano shocked to see that he had woken up and she hadn’t noticed.

“You have stitches,” Cristiano murmured lacing their fingers, he was glad to see her awake especially since she had spent most of the day unconscious; he was just happy to see that she was okay.

Jenna stared at Cristiano as her bottom lip started to shake, she didn’t want this to be some sort of dream; she didn’t want to wake up if it was.

“It’s okay,” Cristiano whispered climbing onto the bed, he wrapped his arms gently around his mate and held her close; he couldn’t imagine what she was going through right now but he would never leave her alone.

“I love you so much,” Cristiano reassured as Jenna cried in his arms, he wouldn’t tell her just yet the news of her pregnant; he didn’t think that she could deal with it right now after what had happened.

Jenna clung to Cristiano, she had no idea how he had managed to find her but she was glad that he had; she never wanted to think about what had happened while she was held hostage by Alexander and Tiffany.

Cristiano pressed a kiss to the top of Jenna’s head, everything was going to be okay and he was sure that they would be able to survive this.

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