(ENG) 5.

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A split second after touching the mattress, he fell asleep.  I could only look at him and shake my head.  So, what is usually done to cleanse the body of a drunk person?

I finally decided to prepare a glass of water and two painkiller pills, then cleanse my own body first.  Afterwards, I prepared half a bucket of warm water and a small towel, intending to clean Kongpob's body too.

How surprised I was when I opened the door and what I met was ...

"P'Arthit? Why did you still stay there? Come with me!"

Kongpob, without a single strand covering his upper body.  From the movement of his hand under the blanket, I was very sure he was playing with his penis.  His eyes glazed, his cheeks flushed, so drunk.  He bit his lower lip, as if inviting mine to fight.  A slight moan was released as he threw his head back.  Looks like he is playing with the uterine hole.

"Kong .. what are you doing?"  I tried to be as calm as possible.  No, I don't want to dirty him like this!  Damn, this is frustrating!  His eyes that continued without focus pointing at mine, as if hypnotizing me, came closer to him.  He called my name with a sigh, as if he were imagining I was touching his forbidden area.

"Ah .. phi ~ ahh .. p'Arth—"

"Kongpob, no."

"—It ~ nggghh"

"Kongpob, stop."

I ventured to approach him.  Lifting his guerrilla arm exclaimed in the blanket.  "That's enough, Kongpob."  He grinned, and that scared me a little.  Where did my innocent, sweet and obedient Kongpob go?

While I was staring at him with intimidation, he was up to something else.  After I once again told him to stop and let go of his hand, he threw me.  Reverse our position, so now he is above me.  Without a single thread.  He sat right on my stomach, which fortunately still with a thick cloth complete.  Advancing his body backward sensually, still with glazed eyes and bites on his lower lip.  Jumping back a little, he is now directly above my vital part.  Repeating the same thing as he did earlier.  Now with additional moans that God knows where he learned!

I've never seen him like this.  Honestly, this scares me a little.  I often imagine scenes that I might be able to do with him later on.  But I never imagined he would be like this at all.  We drank alcohol several times together until we got drunk, but never once did he do things like this.

"I want p'Arthit."  I don't know since when his face was very close to my ear.  His hand had slipped into my upper body.  His lower body is still moving uncertain direction above me.  I racked my brain quickly.  No!  I don't want to do it without his consent.  Of the whole series of scenes that have crossed my head, I always wanted him with full awareness.  I want him to see me clearly.  Really feel my touch.  Looking at me with trust and love.  Not blinded by lust like this!

I looked away, met with a thick blanket.  I attached it to the upper part of his body, and try to lift his body.  He gripped my shoulders, signalling me his refusal.  He looked at me with that terrible look, again.  I swallowed my saliva.  Once again, he said the sentence.  This time with deeper pressure, and smoother voice.  I tried, really tried, really tried to reject it.  Really, this is not what I expected from my first penetration with him.  I do not want this.

"... please."

He stopped doing everything while saying the word.  I do not understand.  Is he really serious?  Or just a drunk effect?  I don't believe this.  I really don't want this.

"Okay, if you ask."


(Kong's POV)

I woke up with the saddest reality in life.  Sleep on one side of the mattress - which means there should be P'Arthit, but it is empty;  the pain ran all over my body, and the brain that couldn't work properly to remember what happened yesterday until I experienced something like this the next morning.

Luckily I woke up in my own bed.  With 2 items of painkiller and a glass of water and a small note, 'drink up, you must be in great pain' which from none other than my best boyfriend in the world, p'Arthit.  Other things to be thankful for are my room which is still neat, and my clothes have changed into pajama, complete and clean.

Unfortunately, there are no signs of Phi here.  I tried to reach for my cellphone, intending to ask for his whereabouts.  Maybe just buying breakfast, or something else.  But another bad situation happened.  Extreme pain approached my midsection.  Especially on the back.  It feels like, I've felt this before, but it's been a long time since this happened.

What really happened last night?

Finally with the help of a pain killer pills, and a little effort and willingness I managed to reach a flat rectangular object at the other end of the table.  Try turning it on and look for p'Arthit's number.  Ah, no need to search!  I have memorised it.

This does not usually happen.  Phi always answers my call before the third ring.  Even though he was sleeping, with at least two calls I could hear his voice.  But now until the fifth call, he still ignores his cellphone.

I want to look for him, but it's impossible with my situation like this.  To just sit and take a cellphone, it feels like my body is split in two, let alone to walk minimum to the next dorm ?!  Not to mention if he is not in the room.  I have to look elsewhere.  That would be very draining!

I thought of another way.  Looks like I keep all the contacts of his close friends. May I try to contact one of them?  Let's get started.

"Sawadee khrap, p'Knott."


"Is phi with p'Arthit this morning?"


"Yes, I was with him last night. But this morning he wasn't in my room. He ignored his cellphone."


"All right, then, thank you P'Knott. Sawadee khrap."

Strange.  Even p'Knott that I knew was p'Arthit's childhood friend, which also meant that he was closest to p'Arthit didn't know where he had gone.

I tried again.  This time p'Bright became my goal.  But I immediately cut off the call, it seemed like he was in another business that was more important.

Next is P'Prem.  He was still asleep before I called, and will continue his sleep.  He really has no idea.

Last hope.  Even though I'm not too sure about p'Toota - because usually after an event like this he will answer p'Arthit's phone with a variety of moans, I tried it anyway.

"Sawa..dee khrap, p'Toota .." I  was a little hesitant because he answered my call.

"Sawadee nong. What's up?"  He sounded conscious.  Beyond the influence of alcohol, or sex.

"Did p'Toota see p'Arthit today? Last night he was with me, but this morning when I woke up, he was not here. My calls were not picked up, my messages were ignored. I tried p'Knott, p'Prem, and p' Bright, but no one knows where he is. My body hurts, I can't afford to look for him now."  He paused to hear my long x wide babble.

"P-phi no ... phi didn't see it, er ... nong. Wait a minute ..." then it sounded like the sound of the door opening and closing.  I assume he moved to another room.

"Sorry Nong Kong, I'm with him now. Please don't call him first, he's messed up, and say your name all the time. Don't come to him, he might run away. Yes, I'm afraid he's suspicious."

and the call was ended just like that.

Do not contact him.

He messed up.

Mention your name continuously.

What is this?

✔️ (ENG) INNOCENT [KONGPOB x ARTHIT]Where stories live. Discover now