(ENG) 11.

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Joss raised his black backpack, which was slightly bulging. A bright smile was imprinted on his stern face, his eyes glancing at his best friend. Em patted the mound in his bag, gesturing for him to blink immediately. Joss averted his gaze, "I'll leave our little brother, Em. Let me know if anything happens." His hand reached out and ruffled Kongpob's hair, which immediately poked his lips, pushing Joss' body in annoyance. "And you, little brother! Go to class, do your work, take a shower and eat well." Again, Kongpob pouted his lips, held his hand together, but still nodded at the advice of his 'oldest brother'.

"Then I'll go first, Em, Kong. See you soon!" Both of them waved at Joss' motorbike, sending them away from the Kongpob dormitory building. While Kong was still staring at Joss' departure, Em looked at Kongpob then invited him inside.

Again, after Joss and Em left, Kongpob was all alone again in his room. He lays down on the bed. It feels good, and he feels better after Joss visits yesterday. He hugged his pillow, accidentally turning his body to face the balcony of the room opposite, the property of his ex-lover.

He used to really like this spot. Where he can easily and freely observe the movements of the senior he likes. Every day Kongpob is never absent to say good morning and good night to him from a distance. After they officially become couple was not much different, he loved that when he picked up Arthit's phone, sat in the same spot, as if talking directly to his boyfriend.

Silently his tears fell, flooding the pillow he was hugging. Repeatedly inhaling the scent, it still smells p'Arthit's hair. The flow is getting heavier when his gaze is like being replied. A shadow appeared behind the thin curtain of the other room, standing with his arm on his waist, his hands then went down, and he walked limply away. The clothes on the balcony are waving, the hallmark of Arthit who always forgets to take his dry clothes. Usually at a time like this Kongpob would call him and tell him to take the clothes, and Arthit would take it with a cellphone still attached to his ear. The shadow made Kongpob smile, yes, a wry smile. Because now he must get used to not doing it.


Joss has just returned to his obligations after spending the weekend in Kongpob's room again. "Missing you," he said. Em waved at Kongpob who had just gotten off Joss' motorbike and ran toward him, immediately taking a seat next to Em.

"Have you studied?" Em asked while taking out a bottle of mineral water from his bag. Kongpob shook his head slightly hard, his hands were busy looking for a notebook in a bag, whether he carried it or not.

"Last night Joss and I played a new game that we bought at the place where we usually buy PlayStation tapes, Em! Do you want to play later?" Instantly Em became aware of the dark circles that looked faint under his best friend's eyes. It turned out that during the weekend he and Joss really spent time together. "Yesterday you came home, though! We really have so much fun, you know!" After Kongpob found the red book, he stared at the book sadly for a moment, but immediately shook his head to remove his shadow.

"What else can I do? I also want to play with you two! But know for yourself that when my dad has asked, no one can argue, right?" Em was lethargic to hear a fun new game but he hadn't had time to play it. "Later, let's play, Kong! But I have to meet Prof. Khan before going to your room, how about that?"

Kongpob turned, "of course! Then I'll go home first, you follow, okay?" Em nodded enthusiastically. Kongpob focus now is on the book in front of him. Em opened the cellphone, and the other friends were not far off the same activities as the two. Some are busy studying, some are busy with their social media. Some are busy with games, Oak for example.


Rumors again sounded low on either side of Kongpob. This afternoon after the last class, according to his promise to Em, he will return to his dorm first, then the two will play console games together after Em has finished dealing with Prof. Khan.

The humming mockery, curses, and condescending words of the kind that were brought up turned out right into his ears. There is no point in whispering, Kongpob's hearing is sharp. He stood in the middle of the corridor, preparing mentally and soundly, "IF YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH ME, NO NEED TO WHISPER, BECAUTES!" All of a sudden there was silence, staring fearfully at the figure that had been judged nerd and there was no 'look of his engineering kid'. During this time everyone thought he was very lucky because shortly after the hazing, Kongpob immediately established a relationship with Arthit, the head hazer. Now, in the absence of that figure, all those who used to be afraid of approaching Kongpob now turned around to bully him.

"Who did you just call coward, huh?" A group of Kongpob seniors who are believed to be Arthit's fans suddenly appeared in front of him. Although at first Kongpob was a little discouraged by seeing the 'leader' of the gang, he remained unwavering in his stance.

"If you guys talk about me in the back too, it means you are one of the cowards I'm talking about. If not, then move aside, you are blocking my way." To be honest, he's not afraid, but Kongpob doesn't really like dealing with people like them. Not important.

"If so, why? You want to fight, huh? You geeky, don't know how lucky bitch you are! As I thought, Arthit will definitely not be satisfied with a geek like you! Tch, disgusting." The woman beside the leader followed, patronizing Kongpob as well. Acting she is the most perfect compared to the whole campus. Too narcissistic.

Kongpob gave a side smile, intended to mock. At least the person who is said to be geeky and disgusting is able to tame a wild lion for a year, unlike the others, who run aground and haven't even been the age of corn!

"You're challenging me, huh?!" Another man ignited, even though Kongpob did not intend to taunt him. His collar is pulled up, a sign that there will be a dispute soon. Or massacre?

"ENOUGH!" A surprising sound throughout the corridor, except for Kongpob. He actually thought, what else is he here for? "YOU ALL, DISCHARGE!" Someone glared at the whole student in the watching corridor. "And you!" He pointed at the man who had touched Kongpob, "our business is not over yet! Disband!" He shouted again which was immediately obeyed by all students without exception.

Kongpob turned around, wanted to run away like the others. His steps stopped when a hand blocked him. He was forced to turn around his body for the sake of politeness.

"You alright, Kong?" Arthit's heart meant to ask about the incident just now, where a group of his fans came to Kongpob. But Kongpob's answer ...

"After all that happened, can I still be okay?"

Kongpob threw his hand, which Arthit was again detained. That's not what Arthit meant.

"Kong, that's not-"

"Besides, why did you come again?"

"Kong .. phi already told you, that phi will keep watching over you even though we are not together anymore."

Kongpob smiled again beside him, "huh ... no need, I can take care of myself. If indeed phi want to let me go, let me go completely!" Again he flung his hands from Arthit.

When he returned to the room, his knees felt weak. He dropped down right in front of the bed, bowed deeply, hiding his face behind his knees. Sad, angry, disappointment, all mixed together into one. The silence that surrounded him did not help him improve, he just collapsed and realized there was no one beside him at this time.

Luckily, Em entered at the right time. Kongpob not too long in that pathetic position, he immediately cleaned himself up when he accidentally remembered his promise with Em. Before Kong could hang a towel, Em had knocked on the door. Kongpob steps that have arrived in front of the balcony must stop and turn around toward the room door. Luckily Em came, because on the other side, someone was staring wistfully at Kongpob's room from his balcony.


Good Morning, Happy Sunday, everyone! (:

✔️ (ENG) INNOCENT [KONGPOB x ARTHIT]Where stories live. Discover now