(ENG) 15.

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This morning is very chaotic in the dorm room owned by a former hazers leader. Because today will be a special day if he succeeds with his plan. Four men gathered and ruffled everything that could be scrambled in this room. A fat man looted the wardrobe, two white men were busy arguing in front of the dressing table with accessories and perfume, an athletic man standing in front of a shoe rack. Arthit entered his room that morning after buying breakfast for the guests he had not invited, only being able to shake his head at his shapeless room.

"Gosh Arthit! Why are you taking so long?! What time is it already? Let's hurry and take a shower!!!" The half-finished man who had been busy in front of the wardrobe shouting at Arthit while throwing a red towel not far from his reach. Luckily Arthit can catch it without throwing away the food that he brought. After putting down the fifth breakfast, Arthit rushed into the bathroom. The other four were busy again. This time it wasn't scrambling, but tidying up what they had thrown carelessly.

I wonder what demon possessed Arthit's friends that morning, all four came in unison to his room when he was even reluctant to open his eyes. Toota beat him brutally with one of his pillows, told him to get up and go buy breakfast.

During the trip Arthit thought hard what made his friends during his college years suddenly appear like a ghost who woke up late. The problem with Kongpob who invited him to the amusement park today was nobody knew. He kept his plan to himself even though they could see what Kongpob did yesterday in front of their class. But it seemed the news leaked out of nowhere, Arthit didn't care anymore.

"Actually, what are you doing early in the morning, disturbing my precious sleep time, huh?" Although he already knew, Arthit wanted to make sure once again that his suspicions were true that his plans had leaked to three hell leaders and one human before him.

"You said early in the morning?! Arthit! When we arrived the hour hand was already at number nine!" Replied the one who innocently ate the porridge Arthit had bought on the bed.

"Ai'Bright! Get down from there now! I don't want to sleep with porridge tonight!" The hellfire component named Bright instead of going down, brought his head closer to Arthit's face, "are you going to sleep here tonight?" Toota nudged him, while Prem whistled at him.

"Of course I will sleep in--!" Arthit thought again, am I going to sleep here tonight?

"Where? Hm? Are you sure you will waste this opportunity, huh?" Bright teased him, play with his eyes and left eyebrow.

"What chance?! Watch your words, ai'Bright!" Arthit threw crackers in his bowl which was slightly wet with porridge. Bright caught it with his bowl, "Auu! You said you would sleep here, why did you intend to pollute it? Or do you already have no intention of sleeping here tonight~" This time three other Bright friends joined in cheering at Arthit. Whereas the one staring poked his lips and dipped his eyebrows sharply, "Mai talok!" (not funny!) He immediately moved from his seat, grabbed a sheet of clothes prepared by Toota.


Arthit put his cellphone and wallet in the small bag he was to carry. The four friends sat neatly lined up on the edge of the bed, facing the balcony of the opposite room. Arthit turned around, making a squeaky sound from his shoes. The four of them turned their heads, seeing Arthit ready with their makeup. Toota cupped his hands, raised him to his face, "Come on, guys. Let's pray for the smooth return of our legendary couple!" The other three followed Toota, Arthit smiled with a laugh as the four of them in unison said "Shadu! ~" Arthit followed in the end, saying the same word at the end.

"Hope this would have a good ending!"






In contrast to what happened in the room across from the geeky man with octagonal glasses. Two of his best friends since before kindergarten stood leaning folded hands staring straight at him who was only able to bow. The three did not open their voices. One of them out of fear, the other two because couldn't help thinking.

"I-I promise this is the last time, Joss, Em ..." a person who sat on the bed, who had just been silent staring at the floor of his room, finally dared to break the silence that had been created for almost half an hour. "Joss ... Em ..." He called softly feeling ignored.

One of them looked away, "you don't understand. I just don't want you to get hurt anymore. I don't want you to live dormant anymore, Kong. I can't help to see it! Even if it's only from afar, I still know!" His voice went up one octave. Something he never did for his favorite man. Kongpob looked down, Em did not want to risk by saying "enough" to Joss. He let his friend overflow everything. Because some of that was what Em thought too.

"I'm sorry ... I was wrong ... but, please ... I promise this will be the second and last chance for him, na, Joss?" When he raised his head, he did not get a reply from the person he was talking to, Kongpob asked Em for help. As understood, Em patted Joss on the shoulder. Encode to go with him to the balcony of Kongpob's room.

"That's all right. I've told you, all this time, his treatment has been very good for our little brother. I admit that yesterday he was a jerk and deserved a few punches, but never mind, it has happened in past. Who knows, maybe in the future he will be better?" Em tries to convince Joss while helping Kongpob defend Arthit. Joss let out a rough breath.

"Alright, the last." Em smiled at that. He averted his gaze at Kongpob without releasing his smile. Give a sign that Joss agrees with what Kongpob will do. "But what if he repeats it again, Em? What if he thinks it's just ... a regular vacation... like- with friends... What if ... ah, I don't know what to say anymore!" Joss released a frustrating tone as he dropped his body onto the balcony floor slowly.

"Do you still have a--" his words just interrupted with a shake of Joss' head. The prospective pilot looked at him, "not anymore, Em. Not anymore since I saw how he fell when Arthit left him, and how his eyes really shined when he said he would go with your former head hazer." Joss stood up, "I have given up. He is my best friend after all." A bitter smile printed on Joss' face actually made Em pity his friend. But it doesn't feel right if he has to separate Kongpob from Arthit for the sake of his other bestfriend.

Both of them returned to the room. Kongpob bowed his head again, still intimidated by Joss' deadly look. "Last." Only one word that came out of Joss' lips was able to instantly turn Kongpob's face 180 degrees.

"Seriously Joss?! You're not kidding right? Yeeeyy!! Thanks Joss, Em! Don't change your mind, okay? I'm going home late! Bye ~" After hugging and kissing the cheeks of both, Kongpob hurriedly grabbed his bag, and immediately moved away from his room before Joss changed his mind.

When he arrived at the dormitory lobby, Arthit unexpectedly sat on the sofa waiting, smiling at him. Kongpob stopped not too close to where Arthit was sitting. Arthit approached him, stretched out his hand,

"Shall we go?"



Thankyou everyone for patiently waiting for this absurd story! (*p.s: it's my first time end an English story UwU)
also thankyou for reading, voting, and commenting. Means a lotttt love ya!

✔️ (ENG) INNOCENT [KONGPOB x ARTHIT]Where stories live. Discover now