(ENG) 12.

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Arthit looked at his back as he moved away. With sturdy and quick steps, Kongpob moved away from him, again. His eyes stared sadly at the figure he missed. Kongpob is right, he won't last long with all his bullshit.

Since the night he ended his story with the boy two years under him, Arthit lived in a bad mood. He always thought of the figure of the opposite room owner who left that night without a vehicle. He did not know what or how Kongpob got to his room. All he knew, the next day he saw Kongpob picking up his clothes which had fallen on the balcony floor. He arrived safely last night, thank God.

Now, the same thing happen again, Kongpob left him after saying a heartbreaking sentence. He really did not want to hurt Kongpob more than that night. He knows for sure, Kongpob is not ready for such a thing. Look at his cute face, innocent thinking, childish behaviour, how can he hurt someone like Kongpob? Son of a bitch! Arthit slumped his head again, stepping in the opposite direction of the ex's departure. Knott saw him from a distance, his first plan to go to the lecturer had vanished seeing his bestfriend as if he had been hit by a storm.

"Thit!" Knott patted his shoulder. Arthit was not even aware that the shoes he had just passed belonged to his best friend since elementary school. If Knott didn't reprimand him, maybe he would fall for crashing into a tree soon. "Where are you going?" He asked while embracing Arthit. Who was asked to shake his head lethargic, do not know what to answer. Knott led him to sit on the nearest bench, where the five of them used to do group work.

"Arthit. Do you want to tell me now?" Fifteen minutes Knott left Arthit alone in the chair with his bag, he ran to the canteen to buy a drink for both of them. Black ice coffee was placed in front of him, pink milk ice placed in front of Arthit's face. It made Arthit sparkle a bit, but bowed back listlessly remembering the incident not long ago.

"Hahh .. he avoids me. I know I did it wrong, I just don't want to hurt him even further. I'm just a bastard who can't hold his own libido, and he's the most beautiful angel who get down to this cruel earth. He doesn't deserve to be despised like I've done it to him, he's even unconscious, Knott! hahh .. after all ... he already has the prince of his dream right? Tall, big, handsome, even I myself admit that I don't have the tip of his little finger. ready to look after Kong than I am, far more worthy, far more loving Kong, far more- "

"Stop, Arthit. What did you just say? A dream prince? Kongpob has a new one? Are you sure?" Knott was surprised, as he knew, this only male ex of his friend was not someone who would easily choose a partner. Especially seeing the treatment of both of them so far. Is it that easy for Kongpob to release Arthit, who even let him go without a purpose and a strong reason?

"Then what did you just say? You don't want to hurt him any further? You think that appearing like a late hero in front of his face doesn't hurt him? Think again, Arthit. If you really don't want to hurt him, make up with him, or don't appear at all before him again." Knott patted his shoulder, walked through him, leaving him alone to think hard: what will he do next?


Weeks after the last time he talked about his favorite junior with Knott, Arthit decided to follow Knott's words not to appear at all in front of Kongpob. That made him miss the geeky, octagonal glasses. He did succeed in not appearing before Kongpob, but as karma turned to attack him, a scene that ignited emotions actually continued to be presented before his eyes. Whether it goes hand in hand, or dropping off to campus, or goes home shopping together and enters the dormitory building, for weeks Arthit sees Kongpob and the prince of dreams, Joss clings like a stamp and envelope.

Indeed it made him a little relieved at first, made him think that thankfully, Kongpob had found his happiness and perfection. But on the other hand, it really disturbs not only his eyesight, but also the work of his brain and heart. His chest was like being stabbed every time he saw Joss touch his favorite head, his heart was like being squeezed every time he saw their two hands intertwined, his head like being hit with a giant hammer every time they both hugged before his eyes.

Not to mention the closeness of Joss with Em which made him very jealous. Back then, it wasn't as easy as it got the green light from a bodyguard of his boyfriend-, eh his ex-boyfriend. Or maybe Em and Joss knew each other before? He didn't know, but that clearly made the fire in Arthit's heart burn even greater.

Another way that Arthit hasn't tried is to make up with Kongpob. But how would he start a conversation if they were both busy avoiding each other? Arthit smashed his head more brutally, patting his temples as if trying to get rid of the ex's look that kept appearing. He looked up, there was a calendar on it, a date circled. Damn it Kongpob's birthday is coming up soon!

"If we're not together?"


"For example ... hmm .. p'Arthit is out of town!"

"I'll go home in the middle of the night, then buy you a cake, and knock on your door so you are shocked!"

"Ih, p'Arthit! Why were you told the details? Later I will not be surprised, you know!"

"You certainly won't expect it. Just wait!"

Then both of them laughed under the lights of the room, hugging each other.

Arthit raised his head, I have an idea!


A double update but what's the idea??🤔

✔️ (ENG) INNOCENT [KONGPOB x ARTHIT]Where stories live. Discover now