(ENG) 16. Finale

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Just kidding, I won't let it end just like that. This is the real finale. Enjoy!😉


Arthit repeatedly sighed heavily. Cold sweat gradually soaked his shirt collar. Repeatedly also opening-closing his eyes. His feet haven't even stepped past the entrance. Kongpob giggled at his senior, so this is the reason why p'Arthit has always refused my invitation here hihihi. His eyes were staring at the spinning ferris wheel, his ears catching the cry of excitement from the roller coaster. Arthit shuddered at the thought of being in one of the chairs there. Kongpob smiled, "p'Arthit come on!"

Arthit turned to Kongpob who tried to hold back laughter. His eyebrows now dived sharply, aware that Kongpob was mocking him. "You don't need to hold back your laugh," then folded his arms across his chest, sulking.

"Oh, come on, P'Arthit. Phi has promised to accompany me~" round eyes behind those glasses are powerful weapons, he knows, and now use them. Keep the pleading stare while playing with Arthit's arm. Arthit murmured in reply, stepping ahead of his juniors.


Again, Kongpob pointed to the object that Arthit most hated in the whole world. This time with the pounding of feet repeatedly, round eyes that looked expectantly at him, also do not forget the two hands clasped tightly under the Arthit shirt.

"Come on p'Arthit~ just once, promise! Na, na, na~ Come on~ I promise that we will go home after that, no more playing!" Maybe a ferris wheel once, hihihi. Kongpob raised his pinky finger and played it in front of Arthit's face who was still staring in horror at the somersault cart in front of him. Repeatedly staring back and forth between the train, his junior's face, then his pinky finger that floated asking to be linked.

"I'll be waiting for you from here." Although he really wanted to always be next to Kongpob, but no thanks for this time. It is better for him to wait a little longer than losing his life and not being able to be with Kongpob again forever.

Kongpob removed his hands from Arthit, then turned and folded his arms in front of his chest. He pouted his lips, and with his eyes in line he glanced at Arthit briefly, "coward!" then yanks toward the roller coaster queue. For the sake of his love and seeing Kongpob's cute face like a sulking baby, Arthit pulled the back of Kongpob's shirt that he gave that the man wears today. To hell with all the phobias and nausea that he will feel later. The most important thing now is to make Kongpob happy and win his heart back according to the advice of his four friends.

"We are lining up together," Arthit involuntarily grabbed Kongpob's hand, linking their fingers like they had always done for a long time. Kongpob's eyes widened and sparkled, it feels like getting a jackpot found today Arthit will ride a roller coaster! Maybe he will try it too for one last vehicle that from the first date they really wanted to ride with someone who was holding his hand tightly at this time. The shrieks of pleasure came out on its own, making Arthit's attention distracted from the terrifying vehicle he had been watching. With free hands Arthit ruffled Kongpob's hair, which he didn't know was arranged in such a way that his owner took half an hour this morning. Even so, after being content to dive into each other's eyes, Arthit returned his hand to Kongpob's head, smoothing back to the original arrangement.

After Arthit's scream, which was certainly very inhumane and completely ruined his own vocal cords and the hearing of others, the ex-lovers finally decided to sit in a small cafe on the edge of the playground. A younger person between the two giggled at times, amused to see his senior who was now lying helpless. He ordered warm tea for both, also had time to buy *yadom and wet tissue. Try as much as possible to treat someone who has ex-status for him after removing almost the entire contents of his stomach.

✔️ (ENG) INNOCENT [KONGPOB x ARTHIT]Where stories live. Discover now