(ENG) 6.

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As much as possible I tried to remember what really happened. It was getting late, but I still didn't move from the original place due to P'toota's words this morning. Still clearly ringing in my head. I tried to break the rules this time. Just once, if he still doesn't respond to me, I'll stop.

Tut ... tut ... tut ...

"ha..llo, kong?"

He picks up!

"P'Arthit! Where are you!? I'm looking for you since this morning, but nobody knows. My body hurts so much, I can't wake up! Wait-aw! Oh .. Phi's dorm lights also don't turn on. Is Phi outside? With who? What are you doing? Why did you just pick up the phone now? Phi? P'Arthit?!"

"Slowly, Kongpob. How can I answer if you are constantly blabbering without stopping."

"But I'm worried about Phi ... What if something happened? Then Phi didn't go home? It's late, Phi!"

"Yes, I've been close to the dorm. You just rest again if still sick. I ... can't come to your room tonight. That's it, see you later!"

Tut ... tut ... tut ...

"See you later" is the last phrase I heard from him. Up to three weeks. Without news, without a message, a single call, and meeting he promised in the phrase. In my efforts looking for him, Never produces good results. It's always rejected, not found, don't know where, busy, or go somewhere. This situation made me mess. Losing appetizing, losing the spirit of entering class, losing the feeling of working on assignments, Basically, live abandoned. Once I saw him at a glance sitting behind the tree where he often took a nap when we still in hazing. When I stepped up to him, a morning telephone from P'Toota rang back in my ear. I was forced to stop, turning the direction to walk, stay away from him. During that time, he never said anything to me. As is clear, without news, telephone, messages and more. I even felt he avoiding me. When I saw his four friends walking, I never found him in the midst of them, which is usually his favourite place to walk. I tried to approach the fourth one by one. All of them closed their mouths, said they didn't know what happened to him. Even though I'm sure, they might not be avoided by P'Arthit. The problem of my whole body suddenly was hurt in the morning, I found the answer. Nothing otherwise is due to very hot night activities and draining energy. I realized it when opening my bitter memory. I remember it to be in that position. When waking up in the morning, it didn't seem to be much different from what I've experienced almost a month ago. Plus the influence of alcohol high the night before. I think we did it endlessly until late morning. How can I be very sure if we make love? Before dating me, P'Arthit I know is someone who loves playing with the heart and body of a woman. The four friends always boast of me who managed to tame a wild lion to put it in the cage. They always tell anything that P'Arthit did before becoming my prisoner. That makes me sure, if P'Arthit does the same thing! Wait a second! WAIT. A. SECOND.

Don't say.....

He only....

Toy me??

He dates me for so long only to get satisfaction?

After that, that's it?

I'm left behind?



Just like cheap women out there who have been his victim before?

That's Not possible, right?

He said he loved me anyway!

He said he loves me so much!

Or is it just a trique alone?

✔️ (ENG) INNOCENT [KONGPOB x ARTHIT]Where stories live. Discover now