Chapter 13

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^^ Dining place in Penta Province.


"How did it go?" Ayla questioned, looking at me with emerald eyes, squinted due to the sun. I finally turned my attention to her and we both began walking along.

"If you count this as good then it went absolutely marvellous." I joked, jutting the basket I created into Ayla's line of sight. I glared playfully at her when she began laughing loudly, stopping us in our tracks.

"Oh, Hanna- it's um- it's something." She said between laughs, looking at the basket. I glared at her again to which she put her hands up in surrender, making me huff loudly before walking forward at a faster pace.

"It's not that bad." I grumbled to which Ayla let out another chuckle, jogging slightly to catch up to where I had walked.

"Oh, I doubt it'd have any use, Hanna." She mocked and I scoffed before placing the basket on top of Ayla's head where it nested comfortably.

"Really? I have to disagree; I think it makes a great hat." I said in a joking professional manner. Ayla smiled at this, reaching her hands to touch the basket.

"You think so? Well, I trust your judgement, Hanna, so a hat it shall be." She joked before hooking her arm through mine and leading me through the crowds of people.

Some looked at me as though they knew I didn't belong and I shrunk internally into myself almost unconsciously. The looks weren't cold, but they were curious as to who I was. Ayla's hold on me tightened and I would have laughed at her 'hat' look if I wasn't feeling anxious.

"It's okay. They don't know who you are. When introducing yourself, for now, don't give your second name, okay? They don't need to know who you are right now" She whispered, her breath hot against my ear and I nodded to show I heard. Ayla spoke again, but this time in a louder more joyful voice.

"It's nearly time for lunch. Shall we round the others up?" She questioned, but didn't give me ample time to answer before pulling me along.

Weaving through the crowd, we moved to a muddier area, surrounded by jeering and cheering males who stood observing something.

"What are they doing?" I questioned, but Ayla merely just shoved her way to the front, pulling me with her.

"Look for yourself." She said before cheering loudly along the men to which I winced. I followed her line of sight to see a large circle drawn on the sand and, in it, stood Abrax and another man that was just as muscled. The chain-mail he wore was long gone and I blushed at the small linen shorts both males were wearing. They circled each other before throwing themselves into the centre of the ring and trying to push the other down, the struggling grunts were loud enough even over the sound of the crowd.

"Wrestling?" I said, grimacing slightly at the smell of heat and sweat that filled the air around us.

Ayla merely nodded before jumping loudly in place, her hands flailing above her.

"Show him what you can do, Abrax! Show that Hmar!" She shouted and I watched as Abrax's eyes found hers before he gave a small smile and then proceeded to pick his opponent up before slamming him down to the ground with a soft thud.

The crowd erupted into cheers and even I couldn't stop from clapping and cheering at the win. Abrax helped the male up before clapping his back and then made his way over to us.

"Ayla. Hanna. How are you both?" He said with a firm nod before reaching for a small towel hung on a low-set tree branch. His voice was gentle yet firm and I marvelled at the broad muscles of his back as he wiped at his skin.

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