Chapter 87

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"Maya, grab another bandage!" I called to the other room, holding a linen towel to the man's leg in front of me. He winced slightly as I applied pressure and I sent him an apologetic look for this before turning as the sound of Maya's boots sounded against the floor. She came into sight, her hair pulled into a clean braid, the blood now cleaned off her face as she handed me the bandages.

"You're looking cleaner." I teased, taking it from her and she rolled her eyes, a small smile on her face.

"You should see Abrax then, he practically leaped into the lake after it was over." She retorted and I giggled, turning my attention to wrapping the bandage around the man's leg. Nevertheless, I was happy that Maya was slowly beginning to sound like herself. I think, the fight that had just happened, offered a good distraction.

The impromptu fight with the Chigaru, in Withania, was well and over and all the villagers were set free. Maya and Abrax had helped the women and children to safety whilst Emut had killed all those in congregation. Demir and I had freed the men and, now, I was healing all those that were inflicted with injuries from the Chigaru. Maya had scoured the crowds, looking for those who were injured and brought them to me to heal. I had set up camp in a small hut by the lake and, although the blood had made me faint, I knew they needed the help.

Some injuries were too much to heal and, so, I had healed as much as I could before using medicine for the rest. I tried not to remember the person from whom I had learnt these medicinal techniques, choosing instead to focus on smiling at the man in front of me.

"That should do it." I said cheerily, clapping my hands and he looked to his leg in awe, something I had gotten used to after the first person I had healed. The sudden cast of shade on us made me turn and I smiled at Abrax who approached us.

"Has he finished being tended to?" He asked, smiling kindly at me and I nodded before helping the man up. He struggled slightly, but it was better than when he had come in and his leg was dragging like dead weight behind him. At my confirmation, Abrax turned to the man, gesturing out of the tent.

"Great then make your way over to the centre for questioning." He instructed, just as he had done with all the others I had healed. The man nodded at this before making his way out and Maya moved in to help him and I watched as they walked out, turning to look to Abrax as they leaved.

"How's the questioning going?" I asked to which Abrax shrugged slightly, eyeing the medicinal paste. Each individual was instructed to be sent to Emut and Demir where they were questioning them about the events with the Chigaru and when it all began. It seemed as though they were looking for clues that could help our cause.

"Apologies, Hanna, I was with Ayla scoping the surroundings. Emut and Demir were doing the questioning." He explained and I nodded at his words before smiling in greeting as Maya brought another injured person in. Ayla had been transporting around the area, looking for if there were any more soldiers around the area.

"I'll be leaving then." Abrax excused himself at this and I gave him a small wave as he exited before turning my attention to the man in front of me, my palms raised and ready to heal.

The day continued like this, with me healing and treating the wounded while the others performed clean-up and getting the villagers back on track. It was nearing sunset when I finally stepped out, feeling slightly dizzy from the amount I had used my power. Abrax had relayed to me that Emut had said to only use it when absolutely necessary, but I couldn't control myself when I saw how much pain they were in.

I stumbled slightly as I made my way to the lake, looking to my bloody hands with a grimace. I had spent hours treating and my hands were evidence of that. The sight of my red hands only made me walk more speedily and I ducked under the foliage of trees before making my way over to the blue strip of water. It glistened and glittered, reflecting the orange sun and I smiled at the beauty before dropping down to my knees with a relieved sigh. After that, sitting down seemed like a blessing and I stretched my aching legs before placing my hands into the water to rinse. I winced slightly when they stung slightly, looking to the grazed cuts on my knuckles that I had attained from the battle. Nevertheless, I carried on washing them despite the pain to rid of the foreign blood.

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