Chapter 30

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S. A. A


"And then, add some of the acacia seeds as I showed you earlier." Arun instructed, sitting cross-legged on the reed mat and I nodded, following his instructions.

"Is this much okay?" I asked, pouring in the seeds before crushing them with a pestle and mortar like Arun had shown earlier.

He smiled at this, nodding his head. I let out a giggle when the flower behind his ear flopped with his enthusiastic movements.

Lifting another jar, he looked to me, his green eyes squinted in focus, making him look all the more feline.

"Lastly, add some honey." He muttered, pouring it into the mortar and I nodded before doing the same, making sure to use the same amount. He mixed it swiftly, his movements quick and efficient and I raised an eyebrow as I watched him.

"You're very good at this." I commented absent-mindedly to which a faint blush tinged his cheeks and he sat up slightly, brushing a hand through his golden locks.

"Many thanks, Hanna." His voice was light and I smiled at his behaviour before mixing my own concoction and turning to Arun when it was done.

"Is that it?" I asked, looking to the golden brown mixture in the pot.

Arun dusted his hands off before placing them onto his laps with a loud clap.

"Yes, that's it! Now, you know how make salve!" He said cheerily and I looked back into the pot, breathing out a 'wow'.

"Well, I can say you're a great teacher." I complimented, surprised to see how much medicinal techniques I had learnt in just under an hour.

He sighed wilfully at my words, before leaning back on his palms. His hair flopped back as he did so and I watched as he gave me a jovial smile.

"Tell that to Ayla; I tried teaching her 2 years back and it only resulted in a bowl of honey over my head." He jested and I laughed at his words, placing the bowl back onto the floor.

"Well, on the plus side, you have beautiful healthy locks now." I said, ruffling his hair to which he let out a soft groan before sorting his hair and straightening the pink flower.

"You're one to talk, Hanna. Just look at your tresses." He praised, a look of awe in his green eyes as he leaned forward and brushed a willowy hand through my long hair that rested at my waist.

I smiled, allowing him to shuffle closer to me as he combed through my hair.

"You should let me do it for you, one of these days." He commented, distractedly behind me and I raised an eyebrow at his words.

"Is that so?" I questioned, finding his awestruck and excited tone to be endearing. I could feel him nod from the way my hair moved in his hands.

"I had read a book once on the cares of hair." He said, leaning in from behind and I breathed in his calming smell- cinnamon and sandalwood.

"If you're so well-versed with this, I'm going to be expecting great things." I teased to which he laughed lightly, his hands leaving my hair.

"Just put your trust in me, Hanna." He joked before getting up and placing all the various items back onto their respective shelves. I turned to help with a smile.

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